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List A12E
Personne exposée politiquement
/ (Politisch exponierte Person) /( PoliticallyExposedPerson_A12E )
Politiek prominente persoon
/ (Politically exposed person)
an ..1
Meaning, French /(German) Meaning, Dutch /(English) Def. Created Obsolete (Technical label for XML / JSON usage)
Oui /(Ja) Ja /(Yes) ? 14/05/2018    Yes
Non /(Nein) Neen /(No) ? 14/05/2018    No

Définition: Personne exposée aux influences de par son importance politique - élément important dans le contrôle anti-blanchiment.

/ Definition: (Person who is of political importance or who is within such environment - this is an element wihtin the money laundering controls.)
Definitie: Persoon die omwille van zijn politiek gewicht of omgeving zou kunnen onder druk staan of gezet worden - dit is een element van belang in het kader van de anti-witwas controles.

/ Defined as: (Person who is of political importance or who is within such environment - this is an element wihtin the money laundering controls.)