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List 5109
Code pays du conducteur : X008 is the coded list as integrated within our Edifact syntax. 519B is our syntax independent coded list. 3009 / 5109 / A109 / A189 / A469 are all older lists that are not really necessary.
/(Ländercode des Treibers :
X008 is the coded list as integrated within our Edifact syntax. 519B is our syntax independent coded list. 3009 / 5109 / A109 / A189 / A469 are all older lists that are not really necessary.)
Landcode van de bestuurder : X008 is the coded list as integrated within our Edifact syntax. 519B is our syntax independent coded list. 3009 / 5109 / A109 / A189 / A469 are all older lists that are not really necessary.
/(Driver - Country code :
X008 is the coded list as integrated within our Edifact syntax. 519B is our syntax independent coded list. 3009 / 5109 / A109 / A189 / A469 are all older lists that are not really necessary.)
List(-name) created : 03-09-92
Listname modified : 08-05-06

an ..3
Meaning, in French /(and in German) Meaning, Dutch /(and in English) Created / Modified / Obsolete
A Autriche /(Österreich) Oostenrijk /(Austria) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
B Belgique /(Belgien) Belgie /(Belgium) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
BG Bulgarie /(Bulgarien) Bulgarije /(Bulgaria) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
CH Suisse /(Schweiz) Zwitserland /(Switzerland) 21/09/1992 / 03/04/1995 /
CS Tchécoslovaquie /(Tschechoslowakei) Tsjechoslowakije /(Czechoslovakia) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
D Allemagne /(Deutschland) Duitsland /(Germany) 21/09/1992 / 04/04/1995 /
DK Danemark /(Dänemark) Denemarken /(Denmark) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
E Espagne /(Spanien) Spanje /(Spain) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
F France /(Frankreich) Frankrijk /(France) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
GB Grande-Bretagne /(Großbritannien) Groot-Brittannie /(Great Britain) 21/09/1992 / 04/04/1995 /
GR Grèce /(Griechenland) Griekenland /(Greece) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
H Hongrie /(Ungarn) Hongarije /(Hungary) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
I Italie /(Italien) Italie /(Italy) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
IRL Irlande /(Irland) Ierland /(Ireland) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
IS Islande /(Island) Ijsland /(Iceland) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
L Luxembourg /(Luxemburg) Luxemburg /(Luxembourg) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
MA Maroc /(Marokko) Marokko /(Morocco) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
MC Monaco /(Monaco) Monaco /(Monaco) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
N Norvège /(Norwegen) Noorwegen /(Norway) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
NL Pays-bas /(Niederlande) Nederland /(Netherlands) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
P Portugal /(Portugal) Portugal /(Portugal) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
PL Pologne /(Polen) Polen /(Poland) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
S Suède /(Schweden) Zweden /(Sweden) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
SF Finlande /(Finnland) Finland /(Finland) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
SU Union sovietique /(Sowjetunion) Sowjet-unie /(Soviet Union) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
TR Turquie /(Türkei) Turkije /(Turkey) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /
USA Etats-Unis d'Amérique /(Vereinigte Staaten) Verenigde Staten van Amerika /(United States) 21/09/1992 / 04/04/1995 /
YU Yougoslavie /(Jugoslawien) Joegoslavie /(Yugoslavia) 21/09/1992 / 05/07/1993 /