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List 519B
Code pays : X008 is the coded list as integrated within our Edifact syntax. 519B is our syntax independent coded list. 3009 / 5109 / A109 / A189 / A469 are all older lists that are not really necessary.
20130827 : idéalement X008, 519B et A121 sont cohérents mais ce n'est pas le cas. La bonne base devrait être le ISO 3166-1 apha-2 - mais ce n'est pas le cas.

/(Ländercode :
X008 is the coded list as integrated within our Edifact syntax. 519B is our syntax independent coded list. 3009 / 5109 / A109 / A189 / A469 are all older lists that are not really necessary.)
Landcode : X008 is the coded list as integrated within our Edifact syntax. 519B is our syntax independent coded list. 3009 / 5109 / A109 / A189 / A469 are all older lists that are not really necessary.
20130827: idealiter zijn X008, 519B en A121 coherent, maar dit is niet het geval. De goede basis zou de ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 moeten zijn - maar dit is niet het geval.

/(Country code :
X008 is the coded list as integrated within our Edifact syntax. 519B is our syntax independent coded list. 3009 / 5109 / A109 / A189 / A469 are all older lists that are not really necessary.
20130827: ideally X008, 519B and A121 are coherent but this is not the case. The right basis should be the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 - but this is not so.
List(-name) created : 29-10-04
Listname modified : 29-10-04

an ..2
Meaning, in French /(and in German) Meaning, Dutch /(and in English) Created / Modified / Obsolete
A Autriche /(Österreich) Oostenrijk /(Austria ) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
AE Emirats Arabes Unis /(Vereinigte Arabische Emirate) Verenigde Arabische Emiraten /(United Arab Emirates) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
AF Afghanistan /(Afghanistan) Afghanistan /(Afghanistan) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
AG Antigua-et-Barbuda /(Antigua und Barbuda) Antigua en Barbuda /(Antigua and Barbuda) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
AI Anguilla /(Anguilla) Anguilla /(Anguilla) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
AL Albanie /(Albanien) Albanië /(Albania) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
AM Arménie /(Armenien) Armenië /(Armenia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
AN Antilles néerlandaises /(Niederländische Antillen) Nederlandse Antillen /(Netherlands Antilles) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
AND Andorre /(Andorra) Andorra /(Andorra) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Andora is AD - AND is the correct Alpha-3 - which we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Andora is AD - AND is the correct Alpha-3 - which we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Andora is AD - AND is the correct Alpha-3 - which we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Andora is AD - AND is the correct Alpha-3 - which we choose not to use.
AO Angola /(Angola) Angola /(Angola) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
AQ Antarctique /(Antarktis) Antarctica /(Antarctica) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
AR Argentine /(Argentinien) Argentinië /(Argentina) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
AS Samoa Américaines /(Libellé du qualifiant (All.) en 60 pos. Amerikanisch-Samoa) Amerikaans Samoa /(American Samoa) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
AUS Australie /(Australien) Australië /(Australia) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Australia is AU - AUS is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Australia is AU - AUS is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Australia is AU - AUS is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Australia is AU - AUS is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
AW Aruba /(Aruba) Aruba /(Aruba) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
AX Aland, Îles /(Aland Inseln) Aland Eilanden /(Aland Isles) 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011 /
AZ Azerbaïdjan /(Aserbaidschan) Azerbaidjan /(Azerbaidjan) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
B Belgique /(Belgien) België /(Belgium) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
BB Barbade /(Barbados) Barbados /(Barbados) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BD Bangladesh /(Bangladesch) Bangladesh /(Bangladesh) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BF Burkina Faso /(Burkina Faso) Burkina Faso /(Burkina Faso) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
BG Bulgarie /(Bulgarien) Bulgarije /(Bulgaria) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
BH Bahreïn /(Bahrain) Bahrein /(Bahrain) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BI Burundi /(Burundi) Burundi /(Burundi) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BIH Bosnie-Herzégovine /(Bosnien und Herzegowina) Bosnië-Herzegovina /(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Bosnia and Herzegovina is BA - BIH is the correct Alpha-3 - which we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Bosnia and Herzegovina is BA - BIH is the correct Alpha-3 - which we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Bosnia and Herzegovina is BA - BIH is the correct Alpha-3 - which we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Bosnia and Herzegovina is BA - BIH is the correct Alpha-3 - which we choose not to use.
BJ Bénin /(Benin) Benin /(Benin) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BL Saint Barthélemy /(Saint Barthélemy) Saint Barthélemy /(Saint Barth) 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011 /
BM Bermudes /(die Bermudas) Bermuda /(Bermuda) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BN Brunéi Darussalam /(Brunei Darussalam) Brunei /(Brunei Darussalam) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BO Bolivie /(Bolivien) Bolivia /(Bolivia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BQ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius et Saba /(Bonaire, Sint Eustatius und Saba) Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba /(Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba) 02/03/2012 / 02/03/2012 /
  Fr. Def.: Depuis 2010, avant partie des AN - Nederlandse Antillen.
Nl. Def.: Sinds 2010, voordien een deel van de AN - Nederlandse Antillen.
BR Brésil /(Brasilien) Brazilië /(Brazil) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
BS Bahamas /(Bahamas) Bahamas /(Bahamas) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BT Bhoutan /(Bhutan) Bhutan /(Bhutan) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BV Bouvet, Île /(Bouvet-Insel) Bouvet eiland /(Bouvet Island) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BW Botswana /(Botsuana) Botswana /(Botswana) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BY Bélarus /(Belarus) Belarus /(Belarus) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
BZ Belize /(Belize) Belize (Brits Honduras) /(Belize) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CAM Cameroun /(Kamerun) Kameroen /(Cameroon) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Cameroon is CM - CMR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. CAM is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Cameroon is CM - CMR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. CAM is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Cameroon is CM - CMR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. CAM is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Cameroon is CM - CMR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. CAM is no official code at all.
CC Cocos (Keeling), Îles /(Kokosinseln) Cocoseiland /(Cocos (Keeling) Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CDN Canada /(Kanada) Canada /(Canada) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Canada is CA - CAN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. CDN is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Canada is CA - CAN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. CDN is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Canada is CA - CAN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. CDN is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Canada is CA - CAN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. CDN is no official code at all.
CF Centrafricaine, République /(Zentralafrikanische Republik) Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek /(Central African Republic) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CH Suisse /(Schweiz) Zwitserland /(Switzerland) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
CI Côte-d'Ivoire /(Côte d'Ivoire) Ivoorkust /(Ivory Coast) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CK Cook, Îles /(Cookinseln) Cook Eilanden /(Cook Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CN Chine /(China) China /(China) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CO Colombie /(Kolumbien) Colombia /(Colombia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
COD Congo, La République Démocratique du /(Demokratische Republik Kongo) Congo, Democratische Republiek van de /(Democratic Republic of Congo) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is CD - COD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is CD - COD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is CD - COD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is CD - COD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
CR Costa Rica /(Costa Rica) Costa Rica /(Costa Rica) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CS Serbie-et-Monténégro /(Serbien und Montenegro) Servië en Montenegro /(Serbia and Montenegro) 02/09/2005 / 07/10/2005 /
CU Cuba /(Kuba) Cuba /(Cuba) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CV Cap-Vert /(Kap Verde) Kaapverdië /(Cap Verde) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CW Curaçao /(Curaçao) Curaçao /(Curaçao) 02/03/2012 / 02/03/2012 /
  Fr. Def.: Depuis 2010, avant partie des AN - Nederlandse Antillen.
Nl. Def.: Sinds 2010, voordien een deel van de AN - Nederlandse Antillen.
CX Christmas, Île /(Weihnachtsinsel) Christmaseilanden /(Christmas Island) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
CY Chypre /(Zypern) Cyprus /(Cyprus) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
CZ République Tchèque /(Tschechische Republik) Tsjechische Republiek /(Czech Republic) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
D Allemagne /(Deutschland) Duitsland /(Germany) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
DJ Djibouti /(Dschibuti) Djibouti /(Djibouti) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
DK Danemark /(Dänemark) Denemarken /(Denmark) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
DM Dominique /(Dominica) Dominica /(Dominica) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
DO Dominicaine, République /(Dominikanische Republik) Dominicaanse Republiek /(Dominican Republic) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
DZ Algérie /(Algerien) Algerije /(Algeria) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
E Espagne /(Spanien) Spanje /(Spain) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
EAT Tanzanie, République-Unie de /(Tansania) Tanzanië /(Tanzania, United Republic of) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Tanzania is TZ - TZA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. EAT is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Tanzania is TZ - TZA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. EAT is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Tanzania is TZ - TZA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. EAT is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Tanzania is TZ - TZA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. EAT is no official code at all.
EAU Ouganda /(Uganda) Oeganda /(Uganda) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Uganda is UG - UGA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. EAU is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Uganda is UG - UGA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. EAU is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Uganda is UG - UGA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. EAU is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Uganda is UG - UGA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. EAU is no official code at all.
EC Equateur /(Ecuador) Ecuador /(Ecuador) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
EG Egypte /(Ägypten) Egypte /(Egypt) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
EH Sahara Occidental /(Westsahara) West Sahara /(West Sahara) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
ER Erythrée /(Eritrea) Eritrea /(Eritrea) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
ETH Ethiopie /(Äthiopien) Ethiopië /(Ethiopia) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Uganda is ET - ETH is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Uganda is ET - ETH is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Uganda is ET - ETH is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Uganda is ET - ETH is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
EW Estonie /(Estland) Estland /(Estonia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
F France /(Frankreich) Frankrijk /(France) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
FJ Fidji /(Fidschi) Fiji /(Fiji) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
FK Falkland, Îles (Malvinas) /(Falklandinseln) Falklandeilanden (Malvinas) /(Falkland Islands (Malvinas)) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
FL Liechtenstein /(Liechtenstein) Liechtenstein /(Liechtenstein) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
FM Micronésie, Etats Fédérés de /(Mikronesien) Micronesië /(Micronesia, Federated State of) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
FO Féroé, Îles /(Färöer) Faeroër eilanden /(Faroe Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GAB Gabon /(Gabun) Gabon /(Gabon) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gabon is GA - GAB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gabon is GA - GAB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gabon is GA - GAB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gabon is GA - GAB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
GB Royaume-Uni /(Vereinigtes Königreich) Verenigd Koninkrijk /(United Kingdom) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GBZ Gibraltar /(Gibraltar) Gibraltar /(Gibraltar) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gibraltar is GI - GIB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. GBZ is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gibraltar is GI - GIB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. GBZ is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gibraltar is GI - GIB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. GBZ is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gibraltar is GI - GIB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. GBZ is no official code at all.
GD Grenade /(Grenada) Grenada /(Grenada) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GE Géorgie /(Georgien) Georgië /(Georgia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
GF Guyane Française /(Französisch-Guayana) Frans Guyana /(French Guiana) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GG Guernsey /(Guernsey) Guernsey /(Guernsey) 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011 /
GH Ghana /(Ghana) Ghana /(Ghana) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
GL Groenland /(Grönland) Groenland /(Greenland) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GP Guadeloupe /(Guadeloupe) Guadaloupe /(Guadeloupe) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GQ Guinée Equatoriale /(Äquatorialguinea) Equatoriaal Guinea /(Equatorial Guinea) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GR Grèce /(Griechenland) Griekenland /(Greece) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
GS Géorgie du Sud et les Îles Sandwich du Sud /(Südgeorgien und Südliche Sandwichinseln) Zuid-Georgië en de Zuid-Sandwicheilanden /(South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GT Guatemala /(Guatemala) Guatemala /(Guatemala) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GU Guam /(Guam) Guam /(Guam) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
GW Guinée-Bissau /(Guinea-Bissau) Guinea-Bissau /(Guinea-Bissau) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
GY Guyana /(Guyana) Guyana /(Guyana) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
H Hongrie /(Ungarn) Hongarije /(Hungary) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
HK Hong Kong /(Hongkong) Hong Kong /(Hong Kong) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
HM Heard, Île et McDonald, Îles /(Heard und McDonaldinseln) Heardeiland en McDonaldeilanden /(Heard Island and McDonald Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
HN Honduras /(Honduras) Honduras /(Honduras) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
HR Croatie /(Kroatien) Kroatië /(Croatia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
HT Haïti /(Haiti) Haïti /(Haiti) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
I Italie /(Italien) Italië /(Italy) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
IL Israël /(Israel) Israël /(Israel) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
IM Isle of Man /(Isle of Man) Isle of Man /(Isle of Man) 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011 /
IND Inde /(Indien) India /(India) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for India is IN - IND is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for India is IN - IND is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for India is IN - IND is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for India is IN - IND is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
IO Océan Indien, Territoire Britannique de l' /(Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean) British Indian Ocean Territory /(British Indian Ocean Territory) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
IQ Iraq /(Irak) Irak /(Iraq) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
IR Iran, République Islamique d' /(Iran) Iran /(Iran, Islamic Republic of) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
IRL Irlande /(Irland) Ierland /(Ireland) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Ireland is IE - IRL is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Ireland is IE - IRL is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Ireland is IE - IRL is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Ireland is IE - IRL is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
IS Islande /(Island) IJsland /(Iceland) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
J Japon /(Japan) Japan /(Japan) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
JE Jersey /(Jersey) Jersey /(Jersey) 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011 /
JM Jamaïque /(Jamaika) Jamaica /(Jamaica) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
JO Jordanie /(Jordanien) Jordanië /(Jordan) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
KE Kenya /(Kenia) Kenia /(Kenya) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
KG Kirghizistan /(Kirgisistan) Kyrgystan (Kirgizië) /(Kyrgyzstan) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
KH Cambodge /(Kambodscha) Cambodja /(Cambodia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
KI Kiribati /(Kiribati) Kiribati /(Kiribati) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
KM Comores /(Komoren) Comoren /(Comoros) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
KN Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis /(Sankt Kitts und Nevis) Saint Kitts en Nevis Anguilla /(Saint Kitts and Nevis) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
KP Corée, République Populaire Démocratique de /(Republik Korea) Korea-Noord /(Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
KW Koweït /(Kuwait) Koeweit /(Kuwait) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
KY Caïmanes, Îles /(Kaimaninseln) Kaaiman Eilanden /(Cayman Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
KZ Kazakstan /(Kasachstan) Kazachstan /(Kazakstan) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
L Luxembourg /(Luxemburg) Luxemburg /(Luxembourg ) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
LA Lao, République Démocratique Populaire /(Laos) Laos /(Lao People's Democratic Republic) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
LAR Libye /(Libyen) Libië /(Libya) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Libya is LY - LBY is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. LAR is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Libya is LY - LBY is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. LAR is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Libya is LY - LBY is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. LAR is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Libya is LY - LBY is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. LAR is no official code at all.
LB Liban /(Libanon) Libanon /(Lebanon) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
LC Sainte-Lucie /(Sankt Lucia) Sint Lucië /(Saint Lucia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
LK Sri Lanka /(Sri Lanka) Sri Lanka /(Sri Lanka) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
LR Libéria /(Liberia) Liberië /(Liberia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
LS Lesotho /(Lesotho) Lesotho /(Lesotho) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
LT Lituanie /(Litauen) Litouwen /(Lithuania) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
LV Lettonie /(Lettland) Letland /(Latvia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
M Malte /(Malta) Malta /(Malta) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
MA Maroc /(Marokko) Marokko /(Morocco) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
MC Monaco /(Monaco) Monaco /(Monaco) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
MD Moldova, République de /(Republik Moldau) Moldavië /(Moldova, Republic of) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
ME Montenegro /(Montenegro) Montenegro /(Montenegro) 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011 /
MEX Mexique /(Mexiko) Mexico /(Mexico) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mexico is MX - MEX is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mexico is MX - MEX is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mexico is MX - MEX is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mexico is MX - MEX is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
MF Saint Martin /(Saint Martin) Saint Martin /(Saint Martin) 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011 /
MH Marshall, Îles /(Marshallinseln) Marshall Eilanden /(Marshall Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
MK Macédoine /(Mazedonien) Macedonië /(Macedonia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
MM Myanmar /(Myanmar) Myanmar /(Myanmar) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
MN Mongolie /(Mongolei) Mongolië /(Mongolia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
MO Macao /(Macau) Macau /(Macau) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
MOC Mozambique /(Mosambik) Mozambique /(Mozambique) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mozambique is MZ - MOZ is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. MOC is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mozambique is MZ - MOZ is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. MOC is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mozambique is MZ - MOZ is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. MOC is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mozambique is MZ - MOZ is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. MOC is no official code at all.
MP Mariannes du Nord, Îles /(Nördliche Marianen) Noordelijke Mariana Eilanden /(Northern Mariana Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
MQ Martinique /(Martinique) Martinique /(Martinique) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
MS Montserrat /(Montserrat) Montserrat /(Montserrat) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
MU Maurice /(Mauritius) Mauritius /(Mauritius) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
MV Maldives /(Malediven) Maldiven /(Maldives) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
MW Malawi /(Malawi) Malawi /(Malawi) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
MY Malaisie /(Malaysia) Maleisië /(Malaysia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
N Norvège /(Norwegen) Noorwegen /(Norway) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
NC Nouvelle-Calédonie /(Neukaledonien) Nieuw-Caledonië /(New Caledonia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
NF Norfolk, Île /(Norfolkinsel) Norfolk Eiland /(Norfolk Island) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
NI Nicaragua /(Nicaragua) Nicaragua /(Nicaragua) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
NL Pays-Bas /(Niederlande) Nederland /(Netherlands) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
NP Népal /(Nepal) Nepal /(Nepal) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
NR Nauru /(Nauru) Nauru /(Nauru) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
NU Nioué /(Niue) Niue /(Niue) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
NZ Nouvelle-Zélande /(Neuseeland) Nieuw-Zeeland /(New Zealand) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
OM Oman /(Oman) Oman /(Oman) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
P Portugal /(Portugal) Portugal /(Portugal) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
PA Panama /(Panama) Panama /(Panama) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PE Pérou /(Peru) Peru /(Peru) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PF Polynésie Française /(Französisch-Polynesien) Frans Polynesië /(French Polynesia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PG Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée /(Papua-Neuguinea) Papua Nieuw Guinea /(Papua New Guinea) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PH Philippines /(Philippinen) Filipijnen /(Philippines) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PK Pakistan /(Pakistan) Pakistan /(Pakistan) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PL Pologne /(Polen) Polen /(Poland) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
PM Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon /(Sankt Pierre und Miquelon) Sint Pierre en Miquelon /(Saint Pierre and Miquelon) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PN Pitcairn /(Pitcairninseln) Pitcairn Eiland /(Pitcairn) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PR Porto Rico /(Puerto Rico) Puerto Rico /(Puerto Rico) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PS Palestinien Occupé, Territoire /(Besetzte palästinensische Gebiete) Palestijnse Bezette Gebieden /(Palestinian Territory, Occupied) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PW Palaos /(Palau) Palau /(Palau) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
PY Paraguay /(Paraguay) Paraguay /(Paraguay) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
QA Qatar /(Katar) Qatar /(Qatar) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
RC Taïwan, Province de Chine /(Taiwan) Taiwan /(Taiwan, Province of China) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
RCA République Centrafricaine /(Zentralafrikanische Republik) Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek /(Central African Republic) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Central African Republic is CF - CAF is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RCA is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Central African Republic is CF - CAF is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RCA is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Central African Republic is CF - CAF is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RCA is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Central African Republic is CF - CAF is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RCA is no official code at all.
RCB Congo /(Kongo) Kongo /(Congo) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: Congo does not exist.
The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is CD - COD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Republic of the Congo is CG - COG is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
RCB is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: Congo does not exist.
The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is CD - COD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Republic of the Congo is CG - COG is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
RCB is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: Congo does not exist.
The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is CD - COD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Republic of the Congo is CG - COG is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
RCB is no official code at all.
En. Def.: Congo does not exist.
The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is CD - COD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the Republic of the Congo is CG - COG is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
RCB is no official code at all.
RCH Chili /(Chile) Chili /(Chile) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Chile is CL - CHL is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RCH is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Chile is CL - CHL is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RCH is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Chile is CL - CHL is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RCH is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Chile is CL - CHL is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RCH is no official code at all.
RE Réunion /(Réunion) Reunion /(Réunion) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
RG Guinée /(Guinea) Guinea /(Guinea) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
RI Indonésie /(Indonesien) Indonesië /(Indonesia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
RIM Mauritanie /(Mauretanien) Mauritanië /(Mauretania) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mauritania is MR - MRT is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RIM is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mauritania is MR - MRT is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RIM is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mauritania is MR - MRT is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RIM is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mauritania is MR - MRT is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RIM is no official code at all.
RM Madagascar /(Madagaskar) Madagascar /(Madagascar) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
RMM Mali /(Mali) Mali /(Mali) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mali is ML - MLI is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RMM is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mali is ML - MLI is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RMM is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mali is ML - MLI is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RMM is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Mali is ML - MLI is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RMM is no official code at all.
RN Niger /(Niger) Niger /(Niger) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
RO Roumanie /(Rumänien) Roemenië /(Romania) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
ROK Corée du Sud /(Südkorea) Zuid-Korea /(South Korea) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for South Korea is KR - KOR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. ROK is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for South Korea is KR - KOR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. ROK is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for South Korea is KR - KOR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. ROK is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for South Korea is KR - KOR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. ROK is no official code at all.
RS République Serbe /(Republic Serbien) Republiek Servië /(Republic of Serbia) 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011 /
RSM Saint-Marin /(San Marino) San Marino /(San Marino) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for San Marino is SM - SMR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RSM is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for San Marino is SM - SMR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RSM is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for San Marino is SM - SMR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RSM is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for San Marino is SM - SMR is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. RSM is no official code at all.
RU Russie /(Russische Föderation) Rusland /(Russia) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
RWA Rwanda /(Ruanda) Ruanda /(Rwanda) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Rwanda is RW - RWA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Rwanda is RW - RWA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Rwanda is RW - RWA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Rwanda is RW - RWA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
S Suède /(Schweden) Zweden /(Sweden) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
SA Arabie Saoudite /(Saudi-Arabien) Saoedi-Arabië /(Saudi Arabia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
SB Salomon, Îles /(Salomonen) Solomon Eilanden /(Solomon Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
SC Seychelles /(Seychellen) Seychellen /(Seychelles) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
SD Soudan /(Sudan) Soedan /(Sudan) 26/08/2013 / 26/08/2013 /
SF Finlande /(Finnland) Finland /(Finland) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
SGP Singapour /(Singapur) Singapore /(Singapore ) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Singapore is SG - SGP is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Singapore is SG - SGP is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Singapore is SG - SGP is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Singapore is SG - SGP is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
SH Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha /(Sankt Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha) Sint Helena, Ascension en Tristan da Cunha /(Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha) 26/11/2004 / 26/08/2013 /
  Fr. Def.: Avant: Sainte-Hélène et Ascension / 2013.08.26 : Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha.
Nl. Def.: Voordien: Sint-Helena en Ascension / 2013.08.26 : Sint-Helena, Ascension en Tristan da Cunha.
SJ Svalbard et Île Jan Mayen /(Svalbard und Jan Mayen) Svalbard en Jan Mayen /(Svalbard and Jan Mayen) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
SK Slovaquie /(Slowakei) Slowakije /(Slovakia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
SLO Slovénie /(Slowenien) Slovenië /(Slovenia) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Slovenia is SI - SVN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SLO is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Slovenia is SI - SVN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SLO is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Slovenia is SI - SVN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SLO is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Slovenia is SI - SVN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SLO is no official code at all.
SN Sénégal /(Senegal) Senegal /(Senegal) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
SO Somalie /(Somalia) Somalië /(Somalia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
SR Suriname /(Suriname) Suriname /(Suriname) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
SS Soudan du Sud /(Süd Sudan) Zuid Soedan /(South Sudan) 26/08/2013 / 26/08/2013 /
ST Sao Tomé-et-Principe /(São Tomé und Príncipe) Sao Tome & Principe /(Sao Tome & Principe) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
SUD Soudan /(Sudan) Soedan /(Sudan) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Sudan is SD - SDN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SUD is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Sudan is SD - SDN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SUD is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Sudan is SD - SDN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SUD is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Sudan is SD - SDN is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SUD is no official code at all.
SV El Salvador /(El Salvador) El Salvador /(El Salvador) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
SWA Namibie /(Namibia) Namibië /(Namibia) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Namibia is NA - NAM is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SWA is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Namibia is NA - NAM is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SWA is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Namibia is NA - NAM is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SWA is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Namibia is NA - NAM is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. SWA is no official code at all.
SX Sint-Maarten /(Sint-Maarten) Sint-Maarten /(Sint-Maarten) 02/03/2012 / 02/03/2012 /
  Fr. Def.: Depuis 2010, avant partie des AN - Nederlandse Antillen.
Nl. Def.: Sinds 2010, voordien een deel van de AN - Nederlandse Antillen.
SY Syrienne, République Arabe /(Syrien) Syrië /(Syrian Arab Republic) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
SZ Swaziland /(Swaziland) Swaziland /(Swaziland) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
TC Turks et Caïques, Îles /(Turks- und Caicosinseln) Turkse en Caicos Eilanden /(Turks and Caicos Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
TCH Tchad /(Tschad) Tsjaad /(Chad) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Chad is TD - TCD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. TCH is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Chad is TD - TCD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. TCH is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Chad is TD - TCD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. TCH is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Chad is TD - TCD is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. TCH is no official code at all.
TF Terres Australes Françaises /(Französische Gebiete im südlichen Indischen Ozean) Franse Zuidelijke Gebieden /(French Southern Territories) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
TG Togo /(Togo) Togo /(Togo) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
TH Thaïlande /(Thailand) Thailand /(Thailand) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
TJ Tadjikistan /(Tadschikistan) Tadjikistan /(Tajikistan) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
TK Tokelau /(Tokelau) Tokelau /(Tokelau) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
TL Timor Oriental /(Timor-Leste) Oost Timor /(East Timor) 02/03/2012 / 02/03/2012 /
  Fr. Def.: Avant sous le TP, lequel reste présent pour des raisons historiques.
Nl. Def.: Voordien onder de code TP, die nog aanwezig blijft.
TM Turkménistan /(Turkmenistan) Turkmenistan /(Turkmenistan) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
TN Tunisie /(Tunesien) Tunesië /(Tunisia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
TO Tonga /(Tonga) Tonga /(Tonga) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
TP Timor Oriental /(Timor-Leste) Oost Timor /(East Timor) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for East Timor is TL and not TP. Maintenant sous le code TL. Ce TP reste encore présent pour des raisons historiques.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for East Timor is TL and not TP.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for East Timor is TL and not TP. Nu onder de code TL. Deze TP blijft nog aanwezig voor de historiek.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for East Timor is TL and not TP.
TR Turquie /(Türkei) Turkije /(Turkey) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
TT Trinité-et-Tobago /(Trinidad und Tobago) Trinidad en Tobago /(Trinidad and Tobago) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
TV Tuvalu /(Tuvalu) Tuvalu /(Tuvalu) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
UA Ukraine /(Ukraine) Oekraïne /(Ukraine) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
UM Îles Mineures éloignées des Etats-Unis /(Kleinere amerikanische Überseeinseln) Verenigde Staten ver uit de kust gelegen kleinere eilanden /(United States Minor Outlying Islands) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
USA Etats-Unis /(Vereinigte Staaten) Verenigde Staten /(United States) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the United States is US - USA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the United States is US - USA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the United States is US - USA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for the United States is US - USA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use.
UY Uruguay /(Uruguay) Uruguay /(Uruguay) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
UZ Ouzbékistan /(Usbekistan) Oezbekistan /(Uzbekistan) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
V Saint-Siège (Etat de la Cité du Vatican) /(Vatikanstadt) Vatikaanstad /(Holy See (Vatican City State)) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
VC Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines /(Sankt Vincent und die Grenadinen) Sint Vincent en de Grenadines Eilanden /(Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
VE Venezuela /(Venezuela) Venezuela /(Venezuela) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
VG Îles Vierges Britanniques /(Britische Jungferninseln) Maagdeneilanden (Britse) /(Virgin Islands, British) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
VI Îles Vierges des Etats-Unis /(Amerikanische Jungferninseln) Maagdeneilanden (V.S.) /(Virgin Islands (U.S.)) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
VN Viet Nam /(Vietnam) Vietnam /(Viet Nam) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
VU Vanuatu /(Vanuatu) Vanuatu /(Vanuatu) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
WAG Gambie /(Gambia) Gambia /(Gambia) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gambia is GM - GMB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAG is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gambia is GM - GMB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAG is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gambia is GM - GMB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAG is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Gambia is GM - GMB is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAG is no official code at all.
WAL Sierra Leone /(Sierra Leone) Sierra Leone /(Sierra Leone) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Sierra Leone is SL - SLE is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAL is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Sierra Leone is SL - SLE is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAL is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Sierra Leone is SL - SLE is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAL is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Sierra Leone is SL - SLE is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAL is no official code at all.
WAN Nigeria /(Nigeria) Nigeria /(Nigeria) 26/11/2004 / 27/03/2024 /
  Fr. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Nigeria is NG - NGA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAN is no official code at all.
Ge. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Nigeria is NG - NGA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAN is no official code at all.
Nl. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Nigeria is NG - NGA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAN is no official code at all.
En. Def.: The correct ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 for Nigeria is NG - NGA is the correct Alpha-3 - That one we choose not to use. WAN is no official code at all.
WF Wallis et Futuna /(Wallis und Futuna) Wallis en Futuna Eilanden /(Wallis and Fatuna) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
WS Samoa /(Samoa) Samoa /(Samoa) 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011 /
XK Kosovo /(Kosovo) Kosovo /(Kosovo) 26/08/2013 / 26/08/2013 /
XX Autre /(Sonstige) Andere /(Other) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
YE Yémen /(Jemen) Jemen /(Yemen) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /
YT Mayotte /(Mayotte) Mayotte /(Mayotte) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
YU Yougoslavie /(Jugoslawien) Joegoslavië /(Yugoslavia) 26/11/2004 / 04/01/2011 / 04/01/2011
Z Zambie /(Sambia) Zambia /(Zambia) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
ZA Afrique du Sud /(Südafrika) Zuid-Afrika /(South Africa) 26/11/2004 / 26/11/2004 /
ZW Zimbabwe /(Simbabwe) Zimbabwe /(Zimbabwe) 26/11/2004 / 07/10/2005 /