Attributes of Claim
- Administrative refusal ? (AdministrativeRefusalIndicator : AdministrativeRefusalIndicator )
- Assessor is appointed ? (AssessorAppointedIndicator : AssessorAppointedIndicator )
- Claim amount ? (ClaimAmount )
- Claim number ? (ClaimIdentifier )
- Claim report mentions injured ? (InjuredPresentIndicator : EventAccidentReportInjuredIndicator )
- Closure reason ? (ClaimClosureReasonTypeCode : ClosureReasonType )
- Communication text ? (ClaimCommunicationText )
- Concomitant claim number ? (RelatedClaimIdentifier )
- Date (claim) notification was drawn up ? (ClaimNotificationDraftedDate )
- Destination of correspondence ? (MailDestinationCode : CorrespondenceDestinationType )
- Disbursement agreement ? (PaymentToThirdPartyAgreedIndicator : AgreementSettlementThirdPartyIndicator )
- Doubtful case ? (DubiousCaseIndicator : CaseDoubtfulIndicator )
- File (re) opening date ? (FileOpeningDate )
- File closure date ? (FileClosingDate )
- Legal action against opponent ? (OpponentPartyProsecutedIndicator : EventAccidentAdversaryLegalActionIndicator )
- Liability established ? (LiabilityEstablishedIndicator : LiabilityEstablishedIndicator )
- Liability or probable liability ? (ResponsibilityTypeCode : LiabilityProbableType )
- Opinion of the policy holder about the responsibility ? (PolicyHolderResponsibilityOpinionText )
- Payd by policy holder ? (ClaimPaidByPolicyHolderIndicator : VictimPolicyHolderPaidIndicator )
- Payment request received from third party ? (ThirdPartyRequestForPaymentReceivedIndicator : ThirdsPaymentRequestReceptionIndicator )
- sectoral Agreement applicable ? (SectorAgreementApplicableTypeCode : AgreementSectorAppliedType )
- Sectoral agreement applied ? (SectorAgreementAppliedIndicator : SectoralAgreementAppliedIndicator )
- State of file ? (ClaimFileStatusCode : ClaimFileStatusType )
- Total benefits for insured ? (InsuredAllowancesTotalAmount )
- Total benefits to third party ? (ThirdPartyAllowancesTotalAmount )
- Type of management ? (HandlingResponsibilityCode : ClaimManagementType )
- Type of regulation (for claim) ? (ClaimSettlementTypeCode : ClaimSettlementType )

Claim associates to :
- Action (Action ) -jump
- Assessment (Assessment ) -jump
- Claim broker details (ClaimAsIntermediated ) -jump
- Claim details (ClaimAsClaimed ) -jump
- Claim insurer details (ClaimAsIncurred ) -jump
- Contract (Contract ) -jump
- Document (Document ) -jump
- Holder, details (ClaimAsHeld ) -jump
- Incident (Incident ) -jump
- Message (Message ) -jump
- Settlement (Settlement ) -jump