Attributes of Contract
- Alimented policy ? (PolicyPaymentSettlementsIndicator : PolicyPaymentSettlementsIndicator )
- Amount to be reinsured ? (ToBeReinsuredAmount )
- Amounts to be indexed ? (IndexingIndicator : AmountsIndexedIndicator )
- Branch ? (InsuranceTypeCode : BranchType )
- Cancelation date ? (CancellationDate )
- Cancelation status ? (CancellationStatusCode : CancellationStatusType )
- Cancellation date ? (AnnulmentDate )
- Claim pending ? (ClaimsPendingIndicator : ClaimPendingIndicator )
- Clauses fully detailed ? (ClausesAllDetailedIndicator : ClausesDetailedIndicator )
- Coinsurance collection percentage ? (CoinsuranceCollectionPercentage )
- Co-insurance expiry date ? (CoinsuranceExpiryDate )
- Co-insurance settlement ? (CoinsuranceSettlementTypeCode : SettlementCoinsuranceType )
- Co-insuringpolicy ? (CoinsuranceIndicator : ContractCoinsuranceIndicator )
- Commercially grouped ? (CommerciallyGroupedIndicator : CommerciallyGroupedIndicator )
- Communication currency ? (CommunicationCurrencyCode : CommunicationCurrencyType )
- Communication text ? (ContractCommunicationText )
- Comparative offering based ? (ResearchComparativeOfferIndicator : ResearchComparativeOfferIncludedIndicator )
- Continuation duration of the contract ? (ContractDuration )
- Contract results from distant sales ? (DistantSalesResultIndicator : ContractDistantSaleResultIndicator )
- Contract status ? (ContractStatusTypeCode : ContractStatusType )
- Criteria demanding company validation ? (SubjectToCompanyValidationCriterionIndicator : CriterionAcceptanceFirstIndicator )
- Data entry date ? (ContractDataEntryDateAndTime )
- Date inserted into package ? (PackageInsertionDate )
- Date of last update ? (ContractLastUpdateDate )
- Degree of tax exemption ? (TaxExemptionLevelCode : TaxExemptionDegreeType )
- Discharge notification collection mode ? (FirstPremiumCollectionCode : PremiumNotificationCollectionType )
- Dispensation number ? (TariffDeviationCertificateIdentifier )
- Effective date of endorsement ? (AmendmentDate )
- Effective date of policy ? (ContractEffectiveDate )
- Exchange rate base ? (CurrencyConversionBase )
- Final exchange rate ? (CurrencyConversionTarget )
- Inception date ? (ContractInceptionDateAndTime )
- Intervening renewals notification collection mode ? (InstalmentPremiumCollectionCode : PremiumNotificationCollectionDueDateType )
- Language ? (ContractLanguageCode : LanguageType )
- Mailed printing range ? (PrintBlocDeliveryIndicator : PrintRecordSendIndicator )
- Main renewal date ? (RenewalMainDate )
- Management text ? (ContractManagementText )
- Marginal tax rate ? (InsuranceTaxRate )
- Monetary unit ? (ContractCurrencyCode : CurrencyType )
- New policy number ? (ContractFutureIdentifier )
- Number of risk objects ? (RiskObjectsCount )
- Payment frequency ? (PaymentFrequencyCode : PaymentFrequencyType )
- Period End date ? (ContractEndDate )
- Policy number ? (ContractIdentifier )
- Preferential rate applied ? (PreferentialRateIndicator : PreferentialRateAppliedIndicator )
- Pre-signed policy ? (PresignedPolicyIndicator : ContractPresignedIndicator )
- Product name ? (InsuranceProductTypeCode )
- Professional Union of Insurance Companies policy number ? (ABIPolicyIdentifier )
- Reference date tariff ? (TariffReferenceDate )
- Reinstatement date ? (ReinstatementDate )
- Renewal date ? (RenewalDate )
- Renewalpremium collection process code, broker ? (RenewalPremiumCollectionProcessCode : PremiumNotificationCollectionClientType )
- Renewals notification collection mode ? (RenewalPremiumCollectionCode : CollectionModeType )
- Replacement policy number ? (ReplacementContractIdentifier )
- Reported as of date ? (ReportedAsOfDate )
- Response to commercial action ? (ResponseToCommercialActionIndicator : CommercialActionResponseIndicator )
- Segmentation criterion ? (SegmentationCriterionCode )
- State of acceptance ? (ContractStatusWithoutCoverCode : ProjectWithoutCoverAcceptanceStatusType )
- State of acceptance ? (ContractAcceptanceStatusCode : ContractAcceptanceStatusType )
- Sub-branch ? (InsuranceSubTypeCode )
- Subscribed policy ? (PolicyPaymentSubscriptionIndicator : PolicyPaymentSubscriptionIndicator )
- Suspension date ? (SuspensionDate )
- Type of acceptance derogation ? (AcceptanceDerogationTypeCode )
- Type of addressing in case of domiciled payment ? (DomicileAddressingTypeCode : PaymentDomiciledAddresseeType )
- Type of clientele ? (CustomerCategoryCode : IntermediaryClienteleType )
- Type of commission scale ? (CommissionScaleTypeCode )
- Type of policy ? (PolicyTypeCode : ContractPolicyType )
- Type of quotation ? (QuotationTypeCode : QuotationType )
- Type of reinsurance ? (ReinsuranceTypeCode : ContractReinsuranceType )

Contract associates to :
- Action (Action ) -jump
- Claim (Claim ) -jump
- Commission (Commission ) -jump
- Contract broker details (ContractAsIntermediated ) -jump
- Contract coinsurance details (ContractAsCoInsured ) -jump
- Contract co-policyholder details (ContractAsCoHeld ) -jump
- Contract insurer details (ContractAsInsured ) -jump
- Contract policyholder details (ContractAsHeld ) -jump
- Contractual document (ContractDocument ) -jump
- Cost and, or charge (CostOrCharge ) -jump
- Document (Document ) -jump
- Message (Message ) -jump
- Object role (InsuranceObjectRole ) -jump
- Package (Package ) -jump
- Premium (Premium ) -jump
- Premium notification (PremiumNotification ) -jump
- Terms (of contract) (Condition ) -jump