Attributes of Deductible
- Corporal damages exemption ? (DeductibleInCorporalDamagesIndicator : DeductibleDamagesCorporalIndicator )
- Entrusted objects exemption ? (DeductibleInEntrustedObjectsIndicator : DeductibleObjectsEntrustedIndicator )
- Exemption - amount ? (DeductibleAmount )
- Exemption applied ? (DeductibleApplicabilityIndicator : DeductibleIndicator )
- Exemption area specific ? (DeductibleAreaSpecificIndicator : DeductibleAreaRestricted )
- Exemption as by contract ? (DeductibleAsByContractIndicator : DeductibleAsByContractIndicator )
- Exemption as of driver's age ? (DeductibleDriverAgeAsofDate )
- Exemption consigned ? (DeductibleConsignedIndicator : DeductibleConsignedIndicator )
- Exemption for non-agreed repairer ? (DeductibleRepairerNonAgreedIndicator : DeductibleRepairerNonAgreedIndicator )
- Exemption period ? (DeductiblePeriod )
- Exemption surrender ? (DeductibleRedemptionIndicator : DeductibleSurrenderIndicator )
- Exemption up to driver's age ? (DeductibleDriverAgeUntilDate )
- Immaterial damages exemption ? (DeductibleInImmaterialDamagesIndicator : DeductibleDamagesImmaterialIndicator )
- Material damages exemption ? (DeductibleInMaterialDamagesIndicator : DeductibleDamagesMaterialIndicator )
- Maximal value of the franchise - deductable ? (DeductibleMaximalValueAmount )
- Minimal value of franchise - deductable ? (DeductibleMinimalValueAmount )
- Mixed damages exemption ? (DeductibleInMixedDamagesIndicator : DeductibleDamagesMixedIndicator )
- Older drivers exemption ? (DeductibleOlderDriverIndicator : DeductibleOlderDriver )
- Percentage of franchise - deductable (on insured value) ? (DeductiblePercentageOnValueInsured )
- Percentage of franchise - deductable (on specified value) ? (DeductiblePercentageOnValueSpecified )
- The exemption is not applicable ? (DeductibleNonApplicabilityIndicator : DeductibleNotApplicableIndicator )
- Threshold exemption ? (DeductibleThresholdIndicator : DeductibleThresholdIndicator )
- Type of excess ? (DeductibleTypeCode : DeductibleType )
- Type of excess ( Informex ) ? (DeductibleInformexTypeCode : AssessmentDeductibleInformexType )
- Type of excess expression ? (DeductibleExpressionTypeCode : DeductibleExpressionType )
- Type of excess expression ? (DeductibleCalculusBaseTypeCode : DeductibleCalculusBasisType )
- Young drivers exemption ? (DeductibleYoungDriverIndicator : DeductibleYoungDriver )

Deductible associates to :
- Address (Address ) -jump
- Guarantee (Guarantee ) -jump