Attributes of Fund
- Amount to be deposited as planned ? (DepositAsPlannedAmount )
- Amount to be withdrawn as planned ? (WithdrawalAsPlannedAmount )
- Financial profiling ? (ProductProfileTypeCode : FinancialProfileType )
- Gross amount deposited ? (DepositGrossAmount )
- Initial deposit entry fee percentage ? (EntryFeeInitialPercentage )
- Inventory valuation date ? (InventoryValuationDate )
- Inventory valuation value ? (InventoryValuationValue )
- ISIN-code ? (IsinCode )
- Last deposit date ? (LatestDepositDate )
- Last withdrawal date ? (LatestWithdrawalDate )
- Name of the fund ? (FundName )
- Net amount deposited ? (DepositNetAmount )
- Number of units as per latest deposit ? (LatestDepositUnits )
- Percentage of the net investment ? (TotalPremiumPartInvested )
- Percentage of the re-investment ? (ReinvestmentPartInvested )
- Periodicity of the deposits ? (DepositsPeriodicity )
- Periodicity of the withdrawals ? (WithdrawalsPeriodicity )
- Risk label ? (ProductRiskTypeCode : FinancialRiskType )
- Secondary deposit entry fee percentage ? (EntryFeeSecondaryPercentage )
- Unit value at deposit ? (LatestDepositUnitValue )
- URL General Clauses ? (ConditionURLText )
- URL Product Description ? (ProductCardURLText )

Fund associates to :
- Guarantee (Guarantee ) -jump