Attributes of Incident
- Assuralia-CATNAT reference ? (IncidentCatnatIdentifier )
- Capacity of the policy holder in the claim ? (PolicyHolderRoleInAccidentCode : CapacityPolicyholderInClaimType )
- Claim circumstances ? (IncidentCircumstanceCode : ClaimCircumstanceType )
- Dead or wounded ? (DeadsOrInjuredsIndicator : DeadWoundedIndicator )
- Description ? (IncidentDescriptionText )
- Description of circumstances ? (IncidentCircumstanceText )
- Event identifier (claims) ? (IncidentIdentifier )
- Material damage ? (DamageIndicator : MaterialDamagesOwnIndicator )
- Moment of the event ? (IncidentDateAndTime )
- Place of the event ? (IncidentLocationText )
- Relationship policy holder and party causing the accident ? (IncidentCausingPartyToPolicyHolderRelationshipTypeCode : PolicyHolderRelationAccidentCauserType )
- Type of party causing the accident ? (IncidentCausingPartyTypeCode : EventAccidentPartyCausingType )
- Witnesses ? (WitnessIndicator : WitnessesIndicator )
- Written report ? (PoliceReportDraftedIndicator : WrittenReportIndicator )

Incident associates to :
- Address (Address ) -jump
- Address (Address ) -jump
- Claim (Claim ) -jump
- Guarantee (Guarantee ) -jump
- Party role (PartyRole ) -jump
- Party role (PartyRole ) -jump
- Party role (PartyRole ) -jump
- Party role (PartyRole ) -jump