Attributes of Victim
- Accident Person Identifier ? (AccidentPersonIdentifier )
- Base salary for permanent incapacity ? (PermanentDisabilityBaseSalaryAmount )
- Base salary for temporary incapacity ? (TemporaryDisabilityBaseSalaryAmount )
- Business code (NACE-BEL 2008) ? (VictimNACEBEL2008Code )
- Business code (NACEBEL) ? (VictimNACEBELCode )
- Class within General Rules on Labour Protection ? (EmployeeCategoryCode : OccupationRgptType )
- Date from which the guaranteed salary is paid ? (GuaranteedSalaryPaymentStartDate )
- Date on which the person started working for the employer ? (EmploymentStartDate )
- Domiciled in Belgium ? (ResidentInBelgiumIndicator : VictimBelgiumDomicileIndicator )
- End date of the labour contract with restricted duration ? (LabourContractWithRestrictedDurationEndDate )
- Frequency of payment of wages ? (WagesPaymentFrequencyCode : WagesPaymentFrequencyType )
- Gross salary ? (GrossSalaryAmount )
- Joined in with small risks insurance ? (MinorRiskInsuranceIndicator : VictimAffiliatedSmallRisksIndicator )
- Last day compensated ? (LastCompensatedDate )
- Number of hours not worked ? (NotWorkedHoursCount )
- Number of working days per week ? (WorkingDaysPerWeekCount )
- Number of working hours per week (in minutes) ? (WorkingMinutesPerWeekCount )
- Percentage helping person ? (PersonalHelpPercentage )
- Prosthesis adjudicated ? (ProsthesisGrantedIndicator : VictimProsthesisIndicator )
- Quality, code ? (QualityCode )
- Reason for non-submission to social security ? (SocialSecurityNonsubmissionReasonCode : SocialSecuritySubmissionNoneReasonType )
- Registration number in the company's employees file ? (EnterprisePersonalRegistrationIdentifier )
- Staff subjected to social security laws ? (StaffSubjectToSocialSecurityIndicator : StaffSocialSecuritySubjectIndicator )
- Status for social security ? (SocialSecurityStatusCode : PersonSocialSecurityType )
- The party became person of private means ? (RentierIndicator : VictimLivesOffOwnMeansIndicator )
- Type of mutual insurance coverage ? (MutualInsuranceCoverTypeCode : PersonMutualInsuranceCoverageType )
- Victim covered by another contract (civil law) ? (OtherCoverIndicator : VictimOtherContractIndicator )
- Working full time ? (FullTimeEmploymentIndicator : VictimEmployedFulltimeIndicator )

Victim associates to :
- Actual insurer (ActualInsurerOf ) -jump
- Mutual healthinsurance company (MutualHealthInsurer ) -jump
- Party concerned enjoys bonuses (BonusReceptionDeclaration ) -jump
- Person receives advantages in kind (AdvantageInKindDeclaration ) -jump
- Seniority in the branch (BranchSeniority ) -jump
- Seniority in the company (CompanySeniority ) -jump
- Seniority in the job category (JobCategorySeniority ) -jump
- Seniority in the profession (ProfessionSeniority ) -jump