Attributes of Guarantee
- Action code ? (ComponentTreatmentCode : ActionOnGuaranteeType )
- Communication text ? (GuaranteeCommunicationText )
- Description ? (GuaranteeDescriptionText )
- Guarantee - instance name ? (GuaranteeInstanceLabelText )
- Inception date ? (InceptionDateAndTime )
- Indicated period only ? (GivenPeriodOnlyIndicator : PeriodGivenOnlyIndicator )
- Main renewal date ? (GuaranteeRenewalMainDate )
- Management text ? (GuaranteeManagementText )
- Number of lease contracts ? (LeaseContractCount )
- Number of points +/- ? (PointsCount )
- Percentage of growth of the rate of interest ? (InterestGrowingRate )
- Percentage of insured value ? (InsuredValueRate )
- Percentage of the net investment ? (TotalPremiumPartInvested )
- Percentage of the re-investment ? (ReinvestmentPartInvested )
- Period End date ? (GuaranteeEndDate )
- Per-unit premium ? (PerUnitPremiumAmount )
- PremiumFollowsRiskIndicator ? (PremiumAdaptableToRiskEvolutionIndicator : RiskPremiumFollowsRiskEvolutionIndicator )
- Recourse dropped effect ? (RecourseRenunciationEffectTypeCode : RecourseDroppedEffectType )
- Similar guarantee in other contract with same company ? (OtherContractCoveringSimilarGuaranteeIndicator : GuaranteeSimilarSameInsurerIndicator )
- Specification ? (SpecificationText )
- Suspension date ? (GuaranteeSuspensionDate )
- Type of insured value ? (ContentInsuredValueTypeCode : ContentTheftValueType )
- Type of insured value ? (VehicleInsuredValueTypeCode : VehicleValueInsuredType )
- Type of insured value ? (BuildingInsuredValueTypeCode : BuildingValueInsuredType )
- URL Product Description ? (ProductCardURLText )
- Waiting delay ? (WaitingDelay )

Guarantee associates to :
- Commission (Commission ) -jump
- Cost and, or charge (CostOrCharge ) -jump
- Cover (Cover ) -jump
- Coverlimit (CoverLimit ) -jump
- Deductible (Deductible ) -jump
- Extension (Extension ) -jump
- Formula (Formula ) -jump
- Guarantee identification (GuaranteeMultipleIdentifier ) -jump
- Object role (InsuranceObjectRole ) -jump
- Premium (Premium ) -jump
- Premium period (PremiumPeriod ) -jump
- Subguarantee (SubGuarantee ) -jump
- Subguarantee (SubGuarantee ) -jump