Attributes of Party
- Abbreviated name ? (AbbreviatedName )
- Account number ? (FinancialAccountIdentifier )
- BCSS entry date ? (BcssKszEntryDate )
- Change name ? (PartyNameChangeIndicator : ChangeNameIndicator )
- Client file number ? (ClientFileIdentifier )
- Communal tax rate ? (CityTaxRate )
- Complementary fiscal status ? (ComplementaryFiscalStatusCode : FiscalStatusComplementaryType )
- Crossroads businessnumber ? (CrossRoadsBusinessIdentifier )
- Crossroads establishmentnumber ? (CrossRoadsEstablishmentIdentifier )
- FAT - social security old identifer ? (SocialSecurityOldIdentifier )
- Financial profiling ? (FinancialProfileTypeCode : FinancialProfileType )
- Fiscal status ? (FiscalStatusCode : FiscalStatusType )
- Language ? (LanguageCode : LanguageType )
- Location unit ? (CrossRoadsLocationIndicator : CrossRoadsEstablishmentIndicator )
- Management text ? (ManagementText )
- National Social Security Office number ? (SocialSecurityIdentifier )
- Nationality ? (NationalityText )
- Nationality, coded ? (NationalityCode : NationalityType )
- Natural or legal person ? (PartyTypeCode : PersonType )
- Not subject to VAT ? (VATSubjectNotIndicator : VATSubjectedNotIndicator )
- Party identification (as given by the insurer) ? (InsurerPartyIdentifier )
- Registration number fund ? (FundRegistrationNumber )
- Seat subsidiary identification code ? (SeatSubsidiaryIdentificationCode : SeatSubsidiaryIdentificationType )
- Self-employed ? (PartyProfessionSelfemployedIndicator : PersonProfessionIndependentLiberalIndicator )
- Social security identifier change date ? (SocialSecurityIdentifierChangeDate )
- Subject to VAT ? (VATSubjectIndicator : VATSubjectedIndicator )
- Web site address ? (WebPageAddress )

Party associates to :
- Address (Address ) -jump
- Communication channel (CommunicationChannel ) -jump
- Message (Message ) -jump
- Party identification (PartyMultipleIdentifier ) -jump
- Party role (PartyRole ) -jump
- Profession (Profession ) -jump
- Related party (RelatedParty ) -jump
- Related party (RelatedParty ) -jump