simpleType AgreedSubrogationIndicatortype
type booleantype
used by
element VehiclePassengersGuaranteetype/AgreedSubrogationIndicator
A coded indication of whether or not subrogation is permitted under this cover. Subrogation = A clause giving an insurer the right to pursue any course of action, in its own name or the name of a policy owner, against a third party who is liable for a loss which has been paid by the insurer. One of its purposes is to make sure that an insured does not make any profit from his insurance. This clause prevents him from collecting from both his insurer and a third party.
Indicator (BIN+21V9)
Subrogation conventionnelle
Overeengekomen indeplaatsstelling
Agreed subrogation
Contient un indicateur Booléen ( valeur de vérité "vrai" ou "faux" )
Bevat een Booleaanse aanduiding ( waarheidsaanduiding "ja" of "neen" )
Boolean indicator
source <xsd:simpleType name="AgreedSubrogationIndicatortype">
<xsd:appinfo source="tb2Semantics">A coded indication of whether or not subrogation is permitted under this cover. Subrogation = A clause giving an insurer the right to pursue any course of action, in its own name or the name of a policy owner, against a third party who is liable for a loss which has been paid by the insurer. One of its purposes is to make sure that an insured does not make any profit from his insurance. This clause prevents him from collecting from both his insurer and a third party. </xsd:appinfo>
<xsd:appinfo source="tb2Edifact">Indicator (BIN+21V9)</xsd:appinfo>
<xsd:documentation source="BusinessTerm" xml:lang="fr">Subrogation conventionnelle</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:documentation source="BusinessTerm" xml:lang="nl">Overeengekomen indeplaatsstelling</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:documentation source="BusinessTerm" xml:lang="en">Agreed subrogation</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:documentation source="BusinessDefinition" xml:lang="fr">Contient un indicateur Booléen ( valeur de vérité "vrai" ou "faux" )</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:documentation source="BusinessDefinition" xml:lang="nl">Bevat een Booleaanse aanduiding ( waarheidsaanduiding "ja" of "neen" )</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:documentation source="BusinessDefinition" xml:lang="en">Boolean indicator</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:restriction base="booleantype"/>

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XMLSpy Schema Editor