Implementation Related Components

Relationship List
Relationship name Definition
AccountingDocument-Insurer A current account is sent or received by an insurer.
AccountingDocument-Intermediar A current account is received or sent by an intermediary.
AIKReceptionDeclaration-AIK An advantage in kind reception declaration can give rise to one or more advantage in kind responses.
AirVehicle-Engine An air vehicle is equipped with an engine.
AirVehicle-LoadCapacity An air vehicle has load capacity.
AirVehicle-SeatingCapacity An air vehicle has seating capacity.
Assessment-AdditionalSubmission An assessment can have one or more additional submissions.
Assessment-DamagedObject An assessment is made on a damaged object.
Assessment-Settlement An assessment gives rise to one or more payments.
BonusReceptionDeclaration-Bonus A bonus reception declaration can give rise to one or more bonus responses.
Bordereau-BordereauLine A bordereau contains one or more bordereau lines.
Building-GeneralFire A building can be covered under general fire cover.
Building-PolicyHolder Building-PolicyHolder relationship data.
Building-SecuritySystem A building can be secured by one or more security devices.
Building-StormHailAndHeavySnow A building can be covered against storm hail and heavy snow.
Building-TakeOverPolicy A building can have been covered under a taken over policy.
CircumstanceColumn-Circumstance In a circumstance column are one or more circumstances.
Claimant-Damage A claimant can suffer from one or more damages.
Claimant-Profession A claimant executes (an) occupation(s)/activity(ies).
Claimant-Settlement A claimant can get one or more payments.
Claim-Claimant A claim is made by one or more claimants.
Claim-Incident A claim is caused by an event.
Claim-Intermediary A claim is notified to the insurer by an intermediary.
Claim-KfkOperation A claim can give rise to one or more Kfk operations.
ClaimLine-PolicyHolder A current account claim line refers to a policyholder.
Claim-ManagementAct A claim can undergo (a) management act(s).
Contents-Burglary/Theft Contents can be covered under burglary and theft cover.
Contents-GeneralFire Contents can be covered under general fire cover.
Contents-SecuritySystem Contents can be secured by one or more security devices.
Contract-Amendment A contract can be subject to amendments.
Contract-AnnualPremiumIndexed A contract can generate an annual indexed premium.
Contract-AnnualPremiumNonIndex A contract can generate an annual non-indexed premium.
Contract-Annulment A contract can be subject to an annulment.
Contract-Cancellation A contract can be subject to cancellation.
Contract-Claim A contract can cover one or more claims.
Contract-Coinsurer A contract can have coinsurers.
Contract-Commission A contract generates commission(s).
Contract-ContractDocument A contract can give rise to one or more contract documents.
Contract-CoPolicyHolder A contract can have co-policyholders.
Contract-Cost/Charge A contract generates cost(s)/charge(s).
Contract-GeneralCondition A contract has general conditions.
Contract-GrossPremium A contract generates a gross premium.
Contract-InsuranceObject A contract applies to one or more insurance objects.
Contract-Insurer A contract is underwritten by an insurer.
Contract-Intermediary A contract is sold by an intermediary.
Contract-NetPremiumIndexed A contract can generate an indexed net premium.
Contract-NetPremiumNonIndexed A contract can generate a non-indexed net premium.
Contract-PolicyChange A contract can be subject to one or more policy changes.
Contract-PolicyHolder A contract is held by a policyholder.
Contract-PremiumNotification A contract gives rise to premium notifications.
Contract-ProportionalPremium A contract can generate a proportional premium.
Contract-RelatedPolicy A contract can have related policies.
Contract-SpecialCondition A contract can have special conditions.
Contract-Suspension A contract can be subject to suspension.
Contract-Transfer A contract can be subject to transfer.
Couple-PartyRole A couple can fulfil one or more party role(s).
CoverLimit-ActualIndex A cover limit can be expressed against an actual index.
CoverLimit-PreviousIndex A cover limit can be expressed against a previous index.
CoverLimit-SubscriptionIndex A cover limit can be expressed against a subscription index.
CurAcc-BordereauTotalLine A current account can contain one or more bordereau total line(s).
CurAcc-ClaimLine A current account can contain one or more claim line(s).
CurAcc-CommissionLine A current account can contain one or more commission line(s).
CurAcc-FinTransLine A current account can contain one or more financial transaction line(s).
CurAcc-MiscellTransLine A current account can contain one or more miscellaneous transaction line(s).
CurAcc-PremiumCancellationLine A current account can contain one or more premium cancellation line(s).
CurAcc-PremiumInvoiceLine A current account can contain one or more premium invoice line(s).
CurAcc-PremiumReimbursementLine A current account can contain one or more premium reimbursement line(s).
CurAcc-PremiumReturnLine A current account can contain one or more premium return line(s).
DamagedObject-Valuation The value of the damage to a damaged object can be valuated by a valuation.
Damage-Guarantee Damage is covered under a guarantee.
Declaration-Response A declaration can give rise to one or more responses.
Document-DocumentExchangeDetails A document can have document exchange details.
Driver-AccidentsSinceAdjustment A driver can have had accidents since a previous adjustment of the contract.
Driver-DrivingLicence A driver possesses a driving licence.
Driver-DrivingLicenceWithdrawa A driver can declare one or more driving licence withdrawals.
Driver-NCBLevel A driver has a NCB level.
Driver-PreviousClaim A driver can declare (a) previous claim(s).
EANForm-CircumstanceColumn A European Accident Notification form has two circumstance columns.
FactualGroup-PartyRole A factual group can fulfil one or more party role(s).
Fleet-Vehicle A fleet consists of vehicles.
GeneralCondition-Clause General conditions consist of clauses.
GeneralLife-Beneficiary A general life cover can be in favour of a beneficiary.
Guarantee-AnnualIndemnification A guaranteed intervention can be limited to an annual indemnification.
Guarantee-AnnualPremiumIndexed A guarantee can generate an indexed annual premium.
Guarantee-AnnualPremiumNonInde A guarantee can generate a non-indexed annual premium.
Guarantee-BasePremium A guarantee generates a base premium.
Guarantee-Capital A guaranteed intervention can be limited to a capital.
Guarantee-Commission An underwritten guarantee generates commission(s).
Guarantee-Cost/Charge An underwritten guarantee generates cost(s)/charge(s).
Guarantee-Cover A guarantee can consist of covers.
Guarantee-DailyAllowance A guaranteed intervention can be limited to a daily allowance.
Guarantee-DamAmBasedDeductible A guarantee can have a deductible based upon a damage amount.
Guarantee-Extension A guarantee can have extensions.
Guarantee-Formula A guarantee can have formulas.
Guarantee-GeneralCondition A guarantee has general conditions.
Guarantee-GrossPremium A guarantee generates a gross premium.
Guarantee-InsValBasedDeductible A guarantee can have a deductible based upon the insured value.
Guarantee-NetPremiumIndexed A guarantee can generate an indexed net premium.
Guarantee-NetPremiumNonIndexed A guarantee can generate a non-indexed net premium.
Guarantee-OldPremium A guarantee can have an old premium.
Guarantee-ProportionalPremium A guarantee can have a proportional premium.
Guarantee-SpecialCondition A guarantee can have special conditions.
Guarantee-Subguarantee A guarantee can consist of subguarantees.
Hunting-HuntingLicence Hunting is authorised by a hunting licence.
Incident-EventAddress An event has an event address.
Incident-InsuranceObject An event can involve one or more risk objects.
Incident-InterveningAuthority In an event an intervention can be made by an intervening authority.
Incident-OpponentThirdParty In an event opponent an opponent party can be involved.
Incident-ReportWrittenAddress An incident can have an address on which a report is written.
Incident-Witness Circumstances of an event can be witnessed by a witness.
InsuranceObject-ObjectRole An insurance object can fulfil one or more roles.
InsuranceProvider-FileAdminist An insurance provider employs file administrators.
Insured-CircumstanceColumn The insured completes one circumstance columns (on the European AccidentNotification form).
InsuredPerson-AdditionalActivities An insured person can execute additional activities.
InsuredPerson-AdditionalOccupation An insured person can have an additional occupation.
InsuredPerson-GeneralLife A person can be covered under general life cover.
InsuredPerson-PermanentDisabil A person can be covered under permanent disability cover.
InsuredPerson-PrimaryOccupation An insured person can have a primary occupation.
KfkOperation-ReceivingCompany A knock-for-knock operation is sent to a receiving company.
KfkOperation-SendingCompany A knock-for-knock operation is sent by a sending company.
LegalPerson-BranchOfficeAddres A legal person can have a branch office address.
LegalPerson-HeadOfficeAddress A legal person can have a head office address.
LifeInsContract-DeceaseProfitSharing A life insurance contract can give rise to profit sharing in case of decease.
LifeInsContract-FirstPremium A life insurance contract can generate a first premium.
LifeInsContract-LastPremium A life insurance contract can generate a last premium.
LifeInsContract-LifeProfitSharing A life insurance contract can give rise to profit sharing in case of life.
LifeInsContract-ReferencePremium A life insurance contract can have a reference premium.
MaterialDamage-Assessor Material damage is assessed by an assessor.
MaterialDamage-DamagedObject Material damage occurs on a damaged object.
MaterialDamage-Repairer Material damage is repaired by a repairer.
MaterialObject-ActualValue A material object can have an actual value.
MaterialObject-FinanceCompany A material object can be financed by a financing company.
MaterialObject-InvoicedValue A material object can have an invoiced value.
MaterialObject-ListValue A material object can have a list value.
MaterialObject-Owner A material object is owned by an owner.
MaterialObject-ToBeInsValue A material object can have a to be insured value.
MotorInsuranceContract-VERIDAS A motor insurance contract gives rise to a VERIDASS registration.
MotorisedRoadVehicle-Caravan A motorised road vehicle can pull a caravan.
MotorisedRoadVehicle-Engine A motorised road vehicle is equipped with an engine.
MotorisedRoadVehicle-HaulageTrailer A motorised road vehicle can pull a haulage trailer.
MotorisedRoadVehicle-LoadCapacity A motorised road vehicle has load capacity.
MotorisedRoadVehicle-SeatingCapacity A motorised road vehicle has seating capacity.
MotorisedRoadVehicle-TechnicarData A motorised road vehicle can have Technicar data.
MotorisedRoadVehicle-VehiclePassenger A motorised road vehicle can have vehicle passengers guarantee.
NonRegLegPerson-PartyRole A non-registered legal person can fulfil one or more party role(s).
OpponentThirdParty-CircumstanceColumn The opponent third party completes one circumstance columns (on the European AccidentNotification form).
Package-Contract A package consists of multiple contracts.
Party-eMail A party can have an e-mail connection.
Party-Fax A party can have a fax connection.
Party-HomeTelephone A party can have a home telephone connection.
Party-MailPrimaryAddress A party can have a postal address
Party-MobileTelephone A party can have a mobile telephone connection.
Party-OfficeTelephone A party can have an office telephone connection.
Party-OfficialAddress A party has an official address.
Party-PreviousAddress A party can have a previous address.
PhysicalInjury-CertifyingMedic Physical injury can be certified by a certifying medical doctor.
PhysicalInjury-Disability Physical injury can give rise to disability.
PhysicalInjury-FirstAidSupplie For physical injury first aid can be given by a first aid supplier.
PhysicalInjury-Hospital Physical injury can be treated at a hospital.
PhysicalInjury-TreatingMedical Physical injury can be treated by a treating medical doctor.
PhysicalPerson-PartyRole A physical person can fulfil one or more party role(s).
PolicyHolder-AccidentsSinceAdjustment A policyholder can have had accidents since a previous adjustment of the contract.
PolicyHolder-BillingAddress A policyholder is billed at a billing address.
PolicyHolder-Conviction A policyholder can declare one or more convictions.
PolicyHolder-NCBLevel A policyholder has a NCB level.
PolicyHolder-OffencePending A policyholder can declare one or more pending offences.
PolicyHolder-PreventionMeasure A legal person policyholder can declare (a) prevention measure(s).
PolicyHolder-PrevInsRefusal A policyholder can declare one or more previous insurance refusals.
PolicyHolder-PreviousClaim A policyholder can declare one or more previous claims.
PolicyHolder-PreviousPolicy A policyholder was insured under a previous policy.
PolicyHolder-Profession A physical person policyholder executes (an) occupation(s)/activity(ies).
PolicyHolder-RSRRegistration A policyholder can be registered in the RSR system.
Premium-ActualIndex A premium can be expressed against an actual index.
Premium-CommercialDiscount A premium can be subject to a commercial discount.
Premium-FidelityBonus A premium can be subject to a fidelity bonus.
PremiumLine-PolicyHolder A current account premium line refers to a policyholder.
PremiumNotification-PIRelatedA A premium notification can undergo (a) premium invoice related action(s).
Premium-OtherInsuranceReductio A premium can be subject to other insurance reduction.
PremiumPeriod-InsuranceObject A cover period is applicable to a risk object.
Premium-PreviousIndex A premium can be expressed against a previous index.
Premium-SplitPaymentLoading A premium can be subject to split premium payment loading.
Premium-SubscriptionIndex A premium can be expressed against a subscription index.
Premium-Tax A premium can be subject to tax.
PreNot-ProrationPremiumPeriod A premium notification can have a proration premium period.
PreNot-RenewalPremiumPeriod A premium notification can have a renewal premium period.
PrivateVehicle/Truck-Driver A private vehicle/truck is driven by a driver.
Profession-ActivityExectutionAddress An occupation/activity has an activity execution address.
Property-RiskAddress Property is located at a risk address.
RegLegPers-FamilyAllowanceBureau A registered legal person can be registered with a family allowance bureau.
RegLegPers-HolidayPayBureau A registered legal person can be registered with a holiday pay bureau.
RegLegPerson-PartyRole A registered legal person can fulfil one or more party role(s).
RegLegPers-ParityCommittee A registered legal person can be registered with a parity committee.
RegLegPers-SocialSecurityBurea A registered legal person can be registered with a social security bureau.
RelatedParty-eMail A related party can have an e-mail connection.
RelatedParty-ExternalRole A related party can play one or more external role(s).
RelatedParty-Fax A related party can have a fax connection.
RelatedParty-HomeTelephone A related party can have a home telephone connection.
RelatedParty-MobileTelephone A related party can have a mobile telephone connection.
RelatedParty-OfficeTelephone A related party can have an office telephone connection.
RelatedParty-OfficialAddress A related party can have an official address.
RelatedParty-Rate A related party can have one or more rates.
RequestForBid-Bid/Offer A request for bid generates (a) bid(s)/offer(s).
RiskObject-PreviousInsurer A risk object can have a previous insurer.
Settlement-Cover A settlement is covered under a cover.
Settlement-Guarantee A settlement is covered under a guarantee.
Settlement-Party A settlement is made by a party.
SpecialCondition-Clause Special conditions consist of clauses.
Subguarantee-Cover A subguarantee can consist of covers.
Subguarantee-Formula A subguarantee can have formulas.
SubsidiaryInsuranceObject An object which is connected to or part of an insurance object.
TotalLoss-RequestForBid A total loss gives rise to (a) request for bid(s).
Vehicle-LeasingCompany A vehicle can be let for lease by a leasing company.
Vehicle-MotorFire A vehicle can be covered under a motor fire cover.
Vehicle-MotorFullComprehensive A vehicle can be covered under a motor full comprehensive cover.
Vehicle-MotorPartialComprehensive A vehicle can be covered under a motor partial comprehensive cover.
Vehicle-MotorTheft A vehicle can be covered under a motor theft cover.
Vehicle-MotorTPL A vehicle can be covered under a compulsory motor third party liability cover.
Vehicle-RegistrationPlateHolder A vehicle is registered by a plate holder.
Vehicle-SecuritySystem A vehicle can be secured by one or more security devices.
Vehicle-TransportedGoods A vehicle can transport goods.
VERIDASSRegistration-Requester VERIDASS registration is requested by a requester.
Victim-ActivityExecutionAddres A victim has an activity execution address.
Victim-ActualInsurer A victim is at present insured by an actual insurer.
Victim-AIKReceptionDeclaration A victim declares advantage in kind reception.
Victim-BonusReceptionDeclarati A victim declares bonus reception.
Victim-BranchSeniority A victim can have seniority in a company branch.
Victim-CompanySeniority A victim can have seniority in a company.
Victim-JobCategorySeniority A victim can have seniority in a job category.
Victim-MutualHealthInsurer A victim is member of a mutual insurer.
Victim-ProfessionSeniority A victim can have seniority in a profession.
WaterVehicle-Engine A water vehicle is equipped with an engine.
WaterVehicle-LoadCapacity A water vehicle has load capacity.
WaterVehicle-SeatingCapacity A water vehicle has seating capacity.
WorkersCompensationClaim-Notifier A worker's compensation claim is notified by a notifier.
WorkersCompensationClaim-PolicyHolder Worker's compensation claim policyholder relationship data.