Implementation Related Components

Attribute List
Attribute name Definition Technically (UN/Edifact)
AbbreviatedName Abbreviation of the last name of a party. Name (NME+002)
ABIPolicyIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying the policy, most of the time a co-insurance policy, given by the Association of Belgian Insurers. Identifier (RFF+016)
Above3AdversariesIndicator Indicator (BIN+C237)
Above4CorrespondentsIndicator Indicator (BIN+CH99)
Above5PaymentsIndicator Indicator (BIN+C642)
AbroadAboveGivenMonthsPerYearIndicator Indicator (BIN+5208)
ABSAvailabilityMannerCode A code identifying the manner of availability of ABS (Antiblockiersystem) on the vehicle, eg standard, option, etc. List 5631. Code (ATT+5631)
AccelerationSpeedMeasure The time needed, expressed in seconds, by a vehicle to reach 100km/h if starting from 0km/h. Measure (QTY+023)
AcceptanceDerogationTypeCode Coded indication of the type of acceptance (=the act of accepting with approval; favourable reception) derogation (=variation that deviates from the standard or norm). List A32F. Code (ATT+A32F)
AcceptingBeneficiaryTypeCode Coded representation of the type of accepting beneficiary, i.e. financial institution or physical person. In most cases this is a financial institution with which the insured has a loan. The insurance policy is covering the loan. Changing the policy is excluded without agreement of the accepting beneficiary. List 1A10. Code (ATT+1A10)
AccessoriesReplacementCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for the replacement of accessories in the damaged object. Amount (MOA+120)
AccessoriesTransferCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for the transfer of accessories from the damaged object to another object. Amount (MOA+119)
AccidentalDamagesPreviouslyCoveredIndicator Indicator (BIN+5V0P)
AccidentCauseText Text description of the cause of accident. Text (FTX+038)
AccidentGravityLevelCode A code indicating the degree of seriousness, badness, severity of an accident. List CQI3. Code (ATT+CQ13)
AccidentNotificationJointlySignedIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the accident notification form (Constat Amiable d'Accident - Aanrijdingsformulier) has been signed jointly by the parties involved in the accident. Indicator (BIN+C230)
AccidentOccurredInBelgiumIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the accident occurred on the Belgian territory. Indicator (BIN+C063)
AccidentPersonIdentifier FAO FAT EVA LEA Identifier
AccidentPreventionProceedingText Text description of the action(s) taken to prevent (= keep from happening of arising; shut out) accidents. Text (FTX+039)
AccidentPreventionProceedingTypeCode Coded indication of the type of action(s) taken to prevent (= keep from happening of arising; shut out) accidents. List CQ94. Code (ATT+CQ94)
AccidentRegisterBIdentifier FAO FAT EVA LEA Identifier
AccidentsInsuranceTypeCode Coded indication of the type of Individual Accidents insurance. Not to be used in new developments ! Use PolicyTypeCode instead. List 2122. Code (IPD+2122)
AccidentsSinceAdjustmentCount Number of accidents this party had since the latest adjustment of the policy. Quantity (QTY+019)
AccidentTreatmentPhaseCode Coded indication of the phase of treatment of the accident, eg temporary disability, payment of allowance, etc. List CQI0. Code (ATT+CQI0)
AccidentTypeCode Coded indication of the type of accident eg slipping, falling, pinching, etc. List CQ81. Code (ATT+CQ81)
AccountingDate Date on which this document is booked on the intermediary's account. Date (DTM+005)
AccountingDocumentCurrencyCode Coded indication of the currency (= the metal or paper medium of exchange that is used). List A660. Code (ATT+A660)
AcquisitionCommissionTotalAmount The total amount of acquisition commission. The sum of the Acquisition commission cash amount and the Acquisition commission supplementary amount. Amount (MOA+030)
ActionDateAndTime Date on which an action is/was undertaken expressed by means of year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Date
ActionDescriptionText Free format description (= a statement that represents something in words). Text (FTX+019)
ActivityExecutionLocationText Free text description of the location where the activity is executed. Text (FTX+037)
ActivityTypeText Free text description of an activity. Text (FTX+002)
AdditionalInsuredValueAmount Amount (MOA+050)
AdditionalSeatsCount The number of seats in a vehicle in addition to the driver's seat. Quantity (QTY+013)
AdditionalSubmissionAdresseeIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the addressee of an additional submission. Identifier (GIS+C4CC)
AdditionalSubmissionSendingInstruction Coded indication of the type of addressee of an additional submission, eg insurer, assessor, repairer, etc. List C4CB. Code (GIS+C4CB)
AdditionalSubmissionTotalCount The total number of additional submissions that are to be sent. Quantity (QTY+066)
AdditionsValueTotalAmount Total value of the added amounts. Amount (MOA+142)
AddressLanguageCode Coded representation of the language in which an address is expressed. List A10C. FAO FAT EVA LEA Code
AdministrationCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for the intellectual labour and goods needed to manage, to treat the assessment. Amount (MOA+111)
AdministrativeChangeOnlyInstruction Indication of the fact that the change to the policy is only of an administrative nature and has no consequences on the premium calculation. List A1ZY. Code (GIS+A1ZY)
AdministrativeRefusalIndicator Coded indication of the fact that the claim has been refused for administrative reasons. Indicator (BIN+CQI1)
ADRNumber A unique reference identifying a hazardous product in the ADR list. The ADR is the common abbreviation for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road. Its provisions set out how producers/consignors and carriers should classify, package, label and transport dangerous goods. Replaced by DangerousGoodsTypeCode. Identifier (RFF+019)
AdvanceAmount The amount of premium paid in advance. Amount (MOA+078)
AdvancedContractIndicator Indicator (BIN+A063)
AdvancedGuaranteeCIRIndicator Indicator (BIN+A064)
AdvantageInKindTypeCode Coded representation of a benefit other than cash, provided to a person through their employment, eg car, private medical insurance, cafeteria, etc. List CQ4Z. Code (RDT+CQ4Z)
AffinityGroupIdentifier A unique reference identifying the affinity group to which this party belongs. Identifier (RFF+067)
AffinityGroupTypeCode Coded indication of the type of affinity group to which this party belongs to, eg youth movement, trade union, sports club, etc. List A135. Code (ATT+A135)
AgeLimitExcessIndicator Indication of the fact that this party has reached the age of 65. Indicator (BIN+A210)
AgencyActivityRegisteredTypeCode Code (ATT+A46G)
AgencyActivityTypeCode Code (ATT+A46E)
AgencySpecialtyTypeCode Code (ATT+A46F)
AgeOfVehicleBasedDiscountPercentage The percentage of discount given because the vehicle is over the reference age fixed by the insurer. Percent (PCD+028)
AggravatedTheftRiskVehicleIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle has a higher degree of probability than normal that it would be stolen. Indicator (BIN+500H)
AgreedSubrogationIndicator A coded indication of whether or not subrogation is permitted under this cover. Subrogation = A clause giving an insurer the right to pursue any course of action, in its own name or the name of a policy owner, against a third party who is liable for a loss which has been paid by the insurer. One of its purposes is to make sure that an insured does not make any profit from his insurance. This clause prevents him from collecting from both his insurer and a third party. Indicator (BIN+21V9)
AlarmAcknowledgementTypeCode A code identifying the type of acknowledgement of the alarm system. List 3462. Code (ATT+3462)
AllDriversOverReferenceAgeIndicator A coded indication of whether or not the vehicle will only be driven by drivers older than the reference age. Indicator (BIN+5V60)
AmendmentEffectiveDate Date on which the amendment becomes effective. Date (DTM+034)
AmendmentIdentifier Unique reference of the amendment as given by the insurer. Identifier (RFF+002)
AmendmentReasonCode Coded indication of the reason for the policy amendment. List A306. Code (ATT+A306)
AmendmentReasonText Free text description of the reason for amendment. Text (FTX+004)
AmendmentSubIdentifier Unique subreference of the amendment as given by the insurer. Identifier (RFF+013)
AmendmentTypeCode Coded indication of the type of amendment, eg risk change, cover change, cover suspension, etc. List EW06. Code (ATT+EW06)
AmendmentTypeInstruction Coded instruction of the type of amendment that is requested, eg change guarantees, change risk object, annulment, etc. List EW00. Code (GIS+EW00)
AmountArithmeticSignCode Coded representation of the arithmetic sign of the amount, i.e. + or -. List C60X. Not to be used in new developments ! Code (ATT+C60X)
AmountLevelCode Coded representation of the level of amount linked to the RSR registration. List Z605. Code (ATT+Z605)
AmountPaidAdditionAmount The sum of money to be added to the main amount, in order to reach the amount to be insured or the total indemnification amount. Amount (MOA+068)
AmountPaidDeductionAmount The sum of money to be subtracted from the main amount, in order to reach the amount to be insured or the total indemnification amount. Amount (MOA+069)
AmountPaidTypeCode Coded representation of the type of amount paid, eg advance, balance. List C60K. Code (ATT+C60K)
AnalysisIncludesComparisonIndicator Indicator (BIN+A006)
AnimalAcquisitionDate The date on which the animal was acquired by the owner.
AnimalGenderCode Coded representation of the gender of the animal.
AnimallRegistrationIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the animal.
AnimalNameText The name of the animal in free text.
AnimalsCount The number of animals. Quantity (QTY+035)
AnimalTypeCode Code (ATT+4132)
AnimalTypeCode Coded representation of the type of animal, eg cat, dog, cow, etc.
AnnulmentDate The date on which the annulment got in force. Date (DTM+002)
AnnulmentReasonCode Coded indication of the reason for annulment of the policy, eg disappearance of risk, cancelled after premium increase, etc. List EW01. Code (ATT+EW01)
AntennaPresenceIndicator Coded indication of whether or not an antenna is present. Indicator (BIN+3478)
AnticipatedBonusAppliedIndicator Indicator (BIN+3190)
AnticipationBonusPercentage The percentage of anticipation ( = expected with confidence of fulfilment) bonus ( = an additional payment ). Percent (PCD+037)
AnticipationBonusTypeCode Coded indication of the type of anticipation ( = expected with confidence of fulfilment) bonus ( = an additional payment ), i.e. without convention, with convention. List 3191. Code (ATT+3191)
ApartmentsAboveGroundlevelIndicator Indicator (BIN+3V6A)
ApartmentsCount The number of flats in an apartment house. Quantity (QTY+039)
ApartmentsIndicator Coded indication of whether or not there are flats in the building. Indicator (BIN+3V63)
AreaFloodedByNatureIndicator Indicator (BIN+34C1)
AreaFloodedRecentlyIndicator Indicator (BIN+34C2)
AreaRestrictedExemptionIndicator Indicator (BIN+P11Y)
AssessmentCategoryCode Coded indication of the type of assessment, eg normal assessment, control assessment, etc. List C41Z. Code (ATT+C41Z), (ATT+C41Z)
AssessmentClosingDate The date on which an assessment is closed. Date (DTM+081)
AssessmentDate The date on which the cost for repair of damage was determined, evaluated, appraised. Date (DTM+079)
AssessmentFeeQuotationTypeCode Coded representation of the type of quotation, setting, calculation of the assessment fee, i.e. explicit or implicit. List C460. Code (ATT+C460)
AssessmentFeeTransferIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the assessment fee is to be transferred. Indicator (BIN+C467)
AssessmentFinalizedIndicator Indication of whether or not an assessment is finalized. Indicator (BIN+C443)
AssessmentFirstValueAmount The amount brought forward by the assessor being the total value of the damage, the price to be paid for repair. This amount is paid in case the damage is repaired by the repairer involved in the assessment. Amount (MOA+071)
AssessmentIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying the assessment. Identifier (RFF+034)
AssessmentLocationCode A coded representation of the place where the assessment takes or took place. List C33A. Code (ATT+C33A)
AssessmentLocationText Text description of the location where the inspection takes, has taken place. Text (FTX+027)
AssessmentLocationTypeCode Code (ATT+C33A)
AssessmentModeTypeCode Code (ATT+C41C)
AssessmentRelatedDocumentSenderTypeCode Coded indication of the type of sender of an assessment related document, eg insurer, assessor, repairer, etc. List C4CA. Code (ATT+C4CA)
AssessmentRelatedDocumentsToBeDeliveredInstruction Coded indication of the type of a document that is to be returned in response to a request. List C4C0. Code (GIS+C4C0)
AssessmentReportContentsInstruction Coded indication of the type of content of the assessment report, eg estimate, assessment, etc. List C417. Code (GIS+C417)
AssessmentReportCurrencyCode Coded indication of the currency of the assessment. List C446. Code (ATT+C446)
AssessmentReportReceptionDate The date on which the assessment report (= written document describing the findings of the assessor) was received. Date (DTM+052)
AssessmentRequestLastUpdateDate The date on which the assessment request was last updated. Date (DTM+110)
AssessmentRequestOriginCode Coded indication of the party originating the assessment request, eg insurer, intermediary, repairer, etc. List C418. Code (ATT+C418)
AssessmentRequestSentDate The date on which the assessment request was sent. Date (DTM+051)
AssessmentResultTypeCode Coded indication of the result of an assessment, eg first or second evaluation, total loss, fixed amount, etc. List CP31. Code (ATT+CP31)
AssessmentRisedByCode Coded indication of the type of party originating the assessment, eg policyholder, opponent party, etc. List C41Y. Code (ATT+C41Y)
AssessmentSecondValueAmount The amount fixed by the assessor as compensation for the damage. This amount will be paid in case the damage would not be repaired or repaired by another repairer than the one involved in the assessment. Amount (MOA+072)
AssessmentTypeCode Coded representation of the type of assessment, eg accidental damage, theft, fire, etc. List C411. Code (ATT+C411)
AssessorAcknowledgementIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the acknowledgement act of the assessor. Identifier (RFF+041)
AssessorAppointedIndicator Indication of the fact that an assessor was appointed (by the intermediary). Indicator (BIN+C403)
AssessorAppointmentTypeCode Coded indication of the type of appointment of an assessor, eg implicit or explicit. List C413. Code (ATT+C413)
AssessorFirstInterventionDate Date on which the assessor made the first intervention in the assessment process. Date (DTM+080)
AssessorRegionCode Coded indication of the region in which the assessment is due. List C42D. Code (ATT+C42D)
AssessorTypeCode Coded indication of the type of assessor, eg normal, Informex, tied, etc. List C416. Code (ATT+C416)
AssignedAssessmentTypeCode Coded representation of the type of the assigned assessment. List C42F. Code (ATT+C42F)
AssociatedRepairerIndicator Indicator (BIN+C4E7)
AudatexAssemblySchemeIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying the list of component parts of a vehicle as published by Audatex. Identifier (RFF+051)
AudatexBlocText Structured representation of the needed component parts and labour for repair as defined by Audatex. Text (FTX+035)
AudatexCalculationIndicator Indication of the fact that the calculation of the repair costs is done via AUDATEX. Indicator (BIN+CP77)
AudatexCalculationsCount The number of Audatex calculations. Quantity (QTY+064)
AutomaticForfeitizationInstruction Indication of the fact that the forfeit amount is to be fixed automatically. List CP3B. Code (GIS+CP3B)
AVCValueInclusiveCatalogueValueIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the catalogue, list value includes the value for built-in audio, video and communication equipment. Indicator (BIN+5033)
AverageConsumptionQuantity The quantity, in litre, of consumption of fuel that is regarded as standard or as usual. Quantity (QTY+071)
AverageMileagePerYearCount The average over different years of the distance in kilometres that the vehicle will drive during one year. Quantity (QTY+041)
BackLeftTyreProfileMeasure The depth of the cuttings in the back left tyre, expressed in mm. Measure (QTY+060)
BackRightTyreProfileMeasure The depth of the cuttings in the back right tyre, expressed in mm. Measure (QTY+061)
BackRunningGearDimensions Quantity (QTY+103)
BadShapeIndicator Indication of the fact that the object is in bad shape. Indicator (BIN+3V1E)
BalanceOverdueAmount Capital amount paid by the insurer in case of decease of the insured representing the not paid part of a loan or a percentage of a loan (depending on the chosen formula. Amount (MOA+022)
BankruptcyDate FAO FAT EVA LEA The date on which the party went bankrupt, i.e. became unable to discharge all debts as they came due. Date
BedroomsCount The number of rooms used primarily for sleeping. Quantity (QTY+086)
BeneficiaryIsPolicyholderIndicator Code (GIS+A20Y)
BeneficiaryTypeCode Coded indication of the type of beneficiary, eg insured, employer, third party, etc. List C60A. Code (ATT+C60A)
Bid/OfferCommunicationText Free text describing something that the sender wants to communicate to the recipient. Text (FTX+018)
BidAmount Price offered. Amount (MOA+107)
BidDisqualifiedIndicator Indication of whether or not the bid is disqualified. Indicator (BIN+C4BC)
BidPeriodStartDate Date on which something starts, becomes effective. Date (DTM+041)
BidRequestExpiredIndicator Indication of the fact that a request for bid was ended, i.e. the end date passed. Indicator (BIN+C4A3)
BidRequestIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a request for bid. Identifier (RFF+046)
BidRequestNotificationDate The date on which a bid was notified to the potential bidders. Date (DTM+082)
BidRequestValidityEndDate The date on which a request for bid ends. Date (DTM+083)
BidRequestWithdrawnIndicator Indication of the fact that a request for bid was withdrawn, i.e. taken back. Indicator (BIN+C4BB)
BirthDate Date on which a person was born. Date (DTM+001)
BirthPlaceCode FAO FAT EVA LEA Code
BirthPlaceText Name of the city where a person was born. Text (FTX+022)
BodilyInjuryValueAmount The total value of the bodily injury. Amount (MOA+056)
BonusTypeCode A coded representation of the type of an incentive or an additional payment to employees. List CQA4. Code (RDT+CQA4)
BonusWagesPaymentFrequencyCode A coded representation of the frequency with which the wages (= salary, remuneration, a payment made at regular times) are paid. List CQ41. Code (ATT+CQ41)
BordereauLinePremiumInvoiceIdentifier A reference given by the insurer and uniquely identifying the premium invoice subject to this bordereau line. Identifier (RFF+027)
BordereauLineRenewalMainDate Date on which the policy subject to this bordereau line, renews automatically. Date (DTM+004)
BoxNumberIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a post box in a building. Identifier
BRBOperationCode Coded indication of the BRB operation applicable to this premium invoice, eg company to collect present and next premium notification, change needed, etc. List BBRB. Code (ATT+BBRB)
BreedText Text description of an animal breed.
BrokerAccountIdentifier Reference of the current account in the intermediary's back office system. Identifier
BrokerAdministrationCostAmount The amount of administration costs as calculated by the broker. Amount (MOA+103)
BrokerAdministrationCostPercentage The percentage the broker uses to calculate its administration costs. Percent (PCD+033)
BrokerClaimIdentifier A unique reference identifying the claim in the intermediary's back office system. Identifier (RFF+042)
BrokerIsActiveIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the broker is active, i.e. is placing risks. Indicator (BIN+A417)
BrokerIsPartnerIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the broker is a recognised partner. Indicator (BIN+A40A)
BrokerPolicyIdentifier A unique reference identifying the policy in the intermediary's back office system. Identifier (RFF+003)
BrokerProcurationApplicationIndicator Indication of whether or not the broker's procurations (= proxi, a legal instrument authorizing someone to act as the grantor's agent) are being applied. Indicator (BIN+P00D)
BuildingAdoptedCapitalAmount The capital for the building, from a taken over contract, adopted in the new contract. Capital = The in the policy mentioned maximum amount due by the insurer in case of loss to a covered peril diminished by deductions as specified in the contract. Amount (MOA+047)
BuildingConstructionMaterialTypeCode Coded indication of the type of material used for the construction, eg hard material, light material, wood, etc. List 3V12. Code (ATT+3V12)
BuildingUnderConstructionIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the building is under construction. Indicator (BIN+3V20)
BureauxCount The number of rooms used to execute administrative activities, where professional or clerical duties are performed. Quantity (QTY+088)
BurglaryMannerCode Coded indication of how a building has been entered with intent to commit a felony or to steal valuable property. List CM61. Code (ATT+CM61)
BurglaryProtectionSystemIndicator Indicator (BIN+346C)
CancellationEffectiveDate Date on which the policy has been or is to be cancelled. Date (DTM+019)
CancellationNoticeDeliveryInstruction Indication of the fact that a cancellation notice is to be delivered. List A560. Code (GIS+A560)
CancellationNotifiedToPreviousInsurerIndicator Indication of the fact that the cancellation has been notified to the previous insurer. Indicator (BIN+D248)
CancellationOriginCode Coded indication of the origin of the cancellation of the policy, eg insurer, policyholder, etc. List A314. Code (ATT+A314)
CancellationReasonCode Coded indication of the reason for cancellation of the policy, eg disappearance of risk, cancelled after premium increase, etc. List EW01. Code (ATT+EW01)
CancellationReasonTypeCode Code (ATT+Z271)
CancellationStatusCode Coded indication of the cancellation status of the policy, eg cancelled, not cancelled. List A330. Code (ATT+A330)
CapitalInsuredTypeCode Code (ATT+M100)
CapitalTypeCode Coded indication of what the capital represents, eg value of the building, value of the content, value of goods, etc. List M100. Not to be used any longer in new developments ! Code (ATT+M100)
CapitalUnitCode Coded indication of the unit in which the capital is expressed, eg BEF, square meter, 1000 BEF, etc. List 331N. Code (ATT+331N)
CaravanTypeCode Coded indication of the type of caravan, eg residential, mobile. List 3175. Code (ATT+3175)
CarriagesCount Number of carriages, i.e. wheeled vehicles drawn by horses and usually having a container for transporting things or people. Quantity (QTY+051)
CASCORiskClassificationCode Synonym of AggravatedTheftRiskVehicleIndicator. List 5491. Code (ATT+5491)
CatalyticMotorIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is equipped with a catalytic motor. Catalysis = acceleration of a chemical reaction induced the presence of material that is chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction. Indicator (BIN+501F)
CellarIndicator Coded indication of the fact that a cellar (= the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage) is present. Indicator (BIN+3V70)
CellarOutbuildingGarageIndicator Indicator (BIN+3V74)
CEOCategoryText Free format description of the category of a chief executive officer covered by a group life type product. Text (FTX+023)
CertifiedCommuterIndicator Indicator (BIN+A144)
ChargeAmount The amount of a financial liability; such as a tax. Amount (MOA+016)
ChargeAndCostAmount Amount of charges and costs to be applied. Amount (MOA+018)
ChargeAndCostPercentage Percentage of charges and costs to be applied.(Basis = net premium) Percent (PCD+010)
ChargePercentage An amount of a financial liability; such as a tax, expressed as a percentage. Percent (PCD+006)
ChassisNumber The unique part of the chassis identifier. Identifier (RFF+011)
ChassisNumberCheckDigit The calculated part of the chassis identifier that checks the correctness of the chassis number. Identifier (RFF+066)
ChildrenCount The number of children of this party. Quantity (QTY+050)
CircumstanceColumnIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a circumstance column on a European Accident Notification Form. Identifier (RFF+043)
CircumstanceIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a circumstance. Identifier (RFF+044)
CityCode A reference uniquely identifying a built up area with defined boundaries and a local government. FAO FAT EVA LEA Code
CityName The name identifying a built up area with defined boundaries and a local government. Name
CityTaxRate The percentage of tax on the insurance premium for the benefit of the municipalities (= town or city with its own local government) in order to enable them to finance the municipal expenses. Rate (PCD+023)
CityTrafficFuelConsumptionQuantity The quantity, in litre, of fuel that the vehicle uses to cover 100 kilometres in city traffic. Quantity (QTY+069)
ClaimAmount The amount paid or to be paid for a loss or losses covered. Amount (MOA+006)
ClaimCommunicationText Free text describing something that the sender wants to communicate to the recipient. Text (FTX+018)
ClaimCorrespondentCapacityTypeCode Code (ATT+C834)
ClaimFileStatusCode Coded indication of the status of a claim file, eg closed, under treatment, etc. List C051. Code (ATT+C051)
ClaimIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying the claim in the insurer's back office system. Identifier (RFF+029)
ClaimLineBrokerClaimIdentifier A unique reference identifying the claim, subject to this claim line in the intermediary's back office system. Identifier (RFF+042)
ClaimLineBrokerPolicyIdentifier A unique reference identifying the policy, subject to this claim line in the intermediary's back office system. Identifier (RFF+003)
ClaimLineClaimIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying the claim, subject to this claim line in the insurer's back office system. Identifier (RFF+029)
ClaimLineIncidentDateAndTime The particular point in time on which the incident subject to this claim line happened, expressed by means of year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Time (DTM+048)
ClaimMessageCode Coded indication of the content of a claims message (Code MSB code). List CMSB. Code (ATT+CMSB)
ClaimMessageFromBrokerCode Code (ATT+CMSA)
ClaimMessageFromInsurerCode Code (ATT+CMSB)
ClaimNotificationDraftedDate Date on which the claim notification is drafted. Date (DTM+049)
ClaimPaidByPolicyHolderIndicator Indication of the fact that the claim is paid by the policyholder. Indicator (BIN+CL93)
ClaimPolicyholderCapacityTypeCode Code (ATT+C384)
ClaimRelatedDocumentTypeSentInstruction Coded representation of the type of document relating to the claim that is to be send to the insurer. List C390. Code (GIS+C390)
ClaimsAffectingPersonalizationCounter Quantity (QTY+126)
ClaimsAtFaultCount The number of claims at fault this party had in the past. Quantity (QTY+055)
ClaimsClausesPresentIndicator Indicator (BIN+A370)
ClaimsCount The number of claims this party had in the past. Quantity (QTY+001)
ClaimSettlementTypeCode Coded indication of the way a claim is settled, eg friendly, knock-for-knock, by court intervention, etc. List C255. Code (ATT+C255)
ClaimsHistoryCertifiedIndicator Indicator (BIN+5323)
ClaimsLiabilityDividedCounter Quantity (QTY+124)
ClaimsLiabilityNoneCounter Quantity (QTY+123)
ClaimsLiabilityToBeDefinedCounter Quantity (QTY+125)
ClaimsPendingIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a claim is pending for this contract. Indicator (BIN+A371)
ClauseIdentifier A unique reference identifying a clause. Identifier (RFF+031)
CohabitationStartDate The date on which this party starts or started to cohabit, i.e. usually said of two people who are living together without being married. Date (DTM+132)
CoInsuranceContractIndicator Indicator (BIN+A027)
CoinsuranceExpiryDate The date on which co-insurance expires. Date (DTM+063)
CoinsuranceSettlementTypeCode Coded indication of the type of settlement for a co-insurance policy, eg by individual account, by common account. List A026. Code (ATT+A026)
CoinsuredVehicleClassCode Coded indication of the class of vehicles that are coinsured with the building, eg vehicles belonging to the content, vehicles belonging to the equipment, etc. List 3V1D. Code (ATT+3V1D)
CoinsurerCoinsuranceParticipationPercentage Coinsurer's percentage of participation in co-insurance. Percent (PCD+002)
CoinsurerRoleInCoinsuranceCode A code identifying the role in coinsurance, eg leader, follower, etc. List A020. Code (ATT+A020)
CombustibleFoundationsIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the foundations (= a structure that serves to support something) of the building are made up of combustible (= capable of catching fire) material. Indicator (BIN+3V17)
CombustibleMaterialsIndicator Coded indication of whether or not combustible (= capable of catching fire) materials are used in the construction of the building. Indicator (BIN+3V11)
CombustibleMaterialsPercentage The quantity of combustible (= capable of catching fire) materials used in the construction of the building, expressed as a percentage. Percent (PCD+013)
CombustibleMaterialsPortionCode Coded indication of the rate of combustible materials used in the construction of the building. List 3V13. Code (ATT+3V13)
CombustiblePlatformIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a platform on the building is made up of combustible (= capable of catching fire) material. Indicator (BIN+3V10)
CommercialBuildingNACEBELCode Coded indication of the type of commercial activity executed in the commercial building. List 3104. Code (ATT+3104)
CommercialDamagePaymentTypeCode A coded representation of the type of indemnity for commercial damage, eg daily allowance, capital, etc. List 34B6. Code (ATT+34B6)
CommissionAmount The amount of the commission. Amount (MOA+015)
CommissionExpectedAmount The expected amount of commission. Amount (MOA+032)
CommissionIncreasePercentage Percentage with which the commission increases. Percent (PCD+032)
CommissionOnSplitcostsIndicator Indicator (BIN+A691)
CommissionPercentage Percentage of commission (Basis = net premium). Percent (PCD+005)
CommissionReductionPercentage Percentage with which the commission decreases. Percent (PCD+015)
CommissionScaleTypeCode Coded indication of the type of commission calculation scale applicable to this policy. List A413. Code (ATT+A413)
CommissionSplitAmount The amount of the commission if it is split. Amount (MOA+152)
CommissionSupplementaryAmount The amount supplementing the commission. Amount (MOA+090)
CommonRightExpencesAmount Amount (MOA+148)
CommunicationCurrencyCode Coded indication of the currency used in communication about this policy, i.e. BEF or EUR. List A665. Code (ATT+A665)
CompanyQuotationIdentifier Unique reference to the quotation that preceded the writing of the policy given by the insurer. Identifier (RFF+004)
CompanyTaxRate The percentage of tax levied on the worldwide income of Belgian private companies. Rate (PCD+024)
CompensationBaseAppliedCellarContentsCounter Quantity (QTY+119)
CompensationBaseAppliedMerchandiseCounter Quantity (QTY+120)
CompensationBaseAppliedPerObjectCounter Quantity (QTY+121)
ComplementaryFiscalStatusCode Coded indication of a complementary fiscal status of the party. List A176. Onder het complementair fiscaal statuut worden de bijberoepen weerhouden. Code (ATT+A176)
ComponentTreatmentInstruction Coded instruction of the way this component is to be treated, eg to be covered, to be suspended, to be cancelled, etc. List P000. Code (GIS+P000)
CompressorIndicator Indicator (BIN+563I)
ConditionIdentifier Unique reference of the conditions. Identifier (RFF+023)
ConsequenceOfEqualisationInstruction List 1025. Code (GIS+1025)
ConsignedExemptionIndicator Indicator (BIN+P11Z)
ConstructionAdjacentIndicator Indicator (BIN+3V6B)
ConstructionDeterioratedIndicator Indicator (BIN+315A)
ConstructionNatureTypeCode Code (ATT+3173)
ConstructionPurposeTypeCode Code (ATT+3172)
ConstructionSmallerThanReferenceIndicator Indicator (BIN+3V50)
Consumption120KmHECE15Quantity Quantity (QTY+083)
Consumption90KmHECE15Quantity Quantity (QTY+082)
ConsumptionRightExclusionIndicator Indicator (BIN+411A)
ContentsAdoptedCapitalAmount The capital for the contents, from a taken over contract, adopted in the new contract. Capital = The in the policy mentioned maximum amount due by the insurer in case of loss to a covered peril diminished by deductions as specified in the contract. Amount (MOA+048)
ContiguityTypeCode Coded representation of the type of contiguousness, adjacency (= the attribute of being so near as to be touching) of the building in respect of another building, eg one side, both sides, isolated more than 20 m, etc. List 3V62. Code (ATT+3V62)
ContractBenefitsAcceptedIndicator Indicator (BIN+1911)
ContractCommunicationText Free text describing something that the sender wants to communicate to the recipient. Text (FTX+018)
ContractCurrencyCode Coded indication of the currency (= the metal or paper medium of exchange that is used) in which this contract is expressed. List A660. Code (ATT+A660)
ContractDataChangeInstruction Indication of the fact that contract data are to be changed according to the content of this message. List A09B. Code (GIS+A09B)
ContractDataEntryDateAndTime Date and time on which the contract data are entered in the system expressed by means of year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Date (DTM+073)
ContractDuration Duration of the contract. ? (DTM+007)
ContractedByAllowancesIndicator Indicator (BIN+A323)
ContractedBySubscriptionIndicator Indicator (BIN+A324)
ContractEffectiveDate Date and time on which the conditions of the contract become effective. Date (DTM+033)
ContractEndDate The date on which the contract comes to an end, is no longer effective or in force. Date (DTM+022)
ContractExpiryDate The date on which the contract comes to an end, is no longer effective or in force. Date (DTM+138)
ContractFutureIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the contract. This is different from the ContractIdentifier in that sense that this identifier is only used in case the contract identifier changes. It then contains the future contract identifier. As soon as the future contract identifier becomes the actual contract identifier, this new contract identifier disappears. Identifier (RFF+014)
ContractIdentifier Unique reference of the contract as given by the insurer. Identifier (RFF+001)
ContractInceptionDateAndTime Date and time on which the contract becomes effective, gets in force expressed by means of year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Date (DTM+008)
ContractInitiallyEffectiveDate Date and time on which the conditions of the contract become effective. Date (DTM+137)
ContractLanguageCode Coded indication of the language this policy is written in. List A10C. Code (ATT+A10C)
ContractLastUpdateDate The date on which the contract was updated for the last time. Date (DTM+014)
ContractManagementText Free text information in order to keep something in order, under control. Text (FTX+020)
ContractStatusCode Coded indication of the status of the contract, eg running, cancelled, etc. List A055. Code (ATT+A055)
ContractStatusTypeCode Code (ATT+A003)
ContractStatusWithoutCoverCode Code (ATT+A056)
ContractualExemptionIndicator Indicator (BIN+P11R)
ConventionIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a convention under which a repairer is acknowledged. Identifier (RFF+047)
ConvertibleIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle has a top that can be folded or removed. Indicator (BIN+5601)
ConvictionTypeText Free text description of the type of conviction. Text (FTX+014)
CopiesToBeSendCount The number of copies of the policy related documents that are to be send. Quantity (QTY+065)
CostAmount An amount paid for goods and services. Amount (MOA+017)
CostPercentage An amount paid for goods and services, expressed as a percentage. Percent (PCD+007)
CountryCode Code (ATT+519B)
CountryCode A code identifying a nation with its own government. ISO 3166. Code
CountryName The name identifying a nation with its own government. ISO 3166 Name
CountryOfRegistrationCode Coded representation of the country in which an organisation is registered. Code
CoupTTypeIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is a two-door car with a sloping (= surface that is at an angle of less than 90¦ to the earth's surface or a flat surface) back. Indicator (BIN+5611)
CoverChangeInstruction Indication of the fact that cover data are to be changed according to the content of this message. List A09A. Code (GIS+A09A)
CoverLimitAmount The actual monetary limit or sum insured for this cover. Ex. LifeBenefitAmount, DeceaseBenefitIncreaseAmount, PermanentTotalDisabilityExpensesAmount Amount (MOA+004), (MOA+023), (MOA+026), (MOA+037), (MOA+155)
CoverLimitChangeInstruction Indication of the fact that the cover limit is to be changed. List A099. Code (GIS+A099)
CoverLimitDeletionReasonCode Coded indication of the reason why the cover limit was or is deleted, eg transfer, tenant becomes owner, death of policyholder, etc. List 3V30. Code (ATT+3V30)
CoverLimitExtensionIndicator Indication of the fact that the cover limit is subject to extension. Indicator (BIN+3421)
CoverLimitFluctuationIndicator Indication of the fact that the cover limit alters. Indicator (BIN+3415)
CoverLimitIncreaseAmount The amount of the cover limit increase. Ex. LifeBenefitIncreaseAmount, DeceaseBenefitIncreaseAmount Amount (MOA+091), (MOA+093), (MOA+094)
CoverLimitOrGuaranteeExtension Indication of the fact that the cover limit or guarantees are subject to extension. Indicator (BIN+3411)
CoverLimitSuspensionReasonText Free format description of the reason why the cover limit is suspended. Text (FTX+011)
CreditAmount The amount of an accounting entry acknowledging income or a capital item. Amount (MOA+088)
CreditBalanceAmount Difference between two columns of an account, i.e. money received or owing and money spent or owed, in favour of the creditor. Amount (MOA+082)
CreditBalanceOpeningAmount Difference between two columns of an account, i.e. money received or owing and money spent or owed, in favour of the creditor and brought forward from the previous current account. Amount (MOA+084)
CreditLineOpeningDate Date on which a credit line was opened. Date (DTM+078)
CreditorTypeCode Coded indication of the type of creditor, eg mortgagee, lienor, etc. List 3130. Code (ATT+3130)
CreditTotalAmount The total amount of all accounting entries acknowledging income or a capital item of a bordereau. Amount (MOA+088)
CurrencyConversionBase Contains the code and the unit of the currency that is used as the basis in a currency conversion. ? (MOA+159)
CurrencyConversionInstruction A coded representation of the instruction whether or not to convert the currency. List B305. Code (GIS+B305)
CurrencyConversionTarget Contains the code and the unit of the currency that is used as the target in a currency conversion. ? (MOA+160)
CurrentAccountClosingDate Date on which the current account was closed, the balance was made. Date (DTM+069)
CurrentAccountIssueDate The date on which the document is issued. Date (DTM+010)
CurrentAccountLineDescriptionText Free format description (= a statement that represents something in words). Text (FTX+019)
CurrentAccountPaymentReference A reference given by the payer and uniquely identifying a payment related to a current account. Identifier (RFF+068)
CurrentAccountStructuredPaymentReferenceText The structured reference to be mentioned with a payment, enabling to book it correctly. Text (FTX+034)
CustomerCategoryCode Coded indication of the customer category to which this policy belongs, i.e. personal, commercial. List A506. Code (ATT+A506)
CustomerSinceDate The date on which this party became a customer of the insurer. Date (DTM+050)
CylindersCount The number of cylinders (= a cylindrical container for oxygen or compressed air within which a piston moves). Quantity (QTY+012)
CylindersPlacementTypeCode Coded representation of the way the cylinders are placed, eg in line, in V, etc. List 501I. Code (ATT+501I)
DamageAmountDeterminedIndicator Code identifying whether or not the amount of the damage is set, fixed after a calculation or investigation. Indicator (BIN+C381)
DamagedVehicleDataOriginCode Code (GIS+C41F)
DamagedVehicleTowingTypeCode Code (ATT+CP17)
DamageIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the event caused damage. Indicator (BIN+C236)
DamageText Text description of the damage. Text (FTX+026)
DangerousGoodsTypeCode Coded indication of the type of dangerous goods. List ADR number. List 5212. The ADR is the common abbreviation for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road. Its provisions set out how producers/consignors and carriers should classify, package, label and transport dangerous goods. Code (ATT+5212)
DataConfirmedIndicator Indicator (BIN+A09Z)
DataEntryDateAndTime Date and time on which the data are entered in the system expressed by means of year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Date (DTM+073)
DataEntryOperatorTypeCode Coded indication of the type of data entry operator, repairer, assessor, intermediary, etc. List C4A7. Code (ATT+C4A7)
DeadsOrInjuredsIndicator Coded indication of whether or not people died or got injured as a result of the event. Indicator (BIN+C233)
DebitAmount The amount of an accounting entry acknowledging a sum owed. Amount (MOA+087)
DebitBalanceAmount Difference between two columns of an account, i.e. money received or owing and money spent or owed, in favour of the debtor. Amount (MOA+081)
DebitBalanceOpeningAmount Difference between two columns of an account, i.e. money received or owing and money spent or owed, in favour of the debtor and brought forward from the previous current account. Amount (MOA+083)
DebitBalanceOverdueAmount Difference between two columns of an account, i.e. money received or owing and money spent or owed, in favour of the debtor and already overdue (= not paid in time, by the expected time). Amount (MOA+128)
DebitTotalAmount The total amount of all accounting entries acknowledging a sum owed, of a bordereau. Amount (MOA+087)
DebtBalanceDecreaseEndDate Schuldsaldo Overlijden. Date (DTM+128)
DebtBalanceDecreaseStartDate Schuldsaldo Overlijden Date (DTM+127)
DebtBalanceInterestRate Schuldsaldo Overlijden Rate (PCD+008)
DebtBalanceTypeCode Code (ATT+1222)
DeceaseBenefitPremiumPercentage Percent (PCD+020)
DeceaseBenefitVersusLifeBenefitRate Quantity (QTY+045)
DeceaseByAccidentMultiplier Quantity (QTY+129)
DeceasedDate Date on which a person died. Date (DTM+015)
DeceaseProfitSharingGuaranteed DeceaseProfitSharingGuaranteedBonusRate Rate (PCD+042)
DeductibleAmount The deductible expressed as an amount. Amount (MOA+033)
DeductibleApplicabilityIndicator Indication of the fact whether or not the deductible must be subtracted. (Positive) Indicator (BIN+3419)
DeductibleDeductionIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the deductible amount is to be deducted from the amount to be paid in case of direct payment. Indicator (BIN+C4D1)
DeductibleMaximalValueAmount The maximum amount of the deductible. Amount (MOA+116)
DeductibleMinimalValueAmount The minimum amount of the deductible. Amount (MOA+115)
DeductibleNonApplicabilityIndicator Indication whether or not the deductible must be subtracted. (Negative) Indicator (BIN+P11S)
DeductiblePercentage The deductible expressed as a percentage. Percent (PCD+014), (PCD+025)
DeductibleRedemptionIndicator Indication of the fact that the deductible is bought off. Indicator (BIN+3423)
DeductibleTypeCode Coded representation of the type of deductible, eg percentage, amount. List P11T. List CP01. Code (ATT+CP01)
DeductionAmount Amount (MOA+106)
DepositPeriodicity Date (DTM+145)
DeprivationCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for the disadvantage resulting from not being able to use something. Amount (MOA+076)
DeprivationDuration The period of time during which someone suffers from the disadvantage of losing or not being able to use something. ? (DTM+054)
DeprivationGrantDate The date on which deprivation ( = suffering from the disadvantage of losing or not being able to use something) was acknowledged, recognized. Date (DTM+077)
DepthMeasure The distance over which something extends downward or backward or inward: "the depth of the water"; "depth of a shelf"; "depth of a closet". Measure (QTY+049)
DetectingPartyCapacityCode Code (ATT+C1A9)
DirectPaymentAmountRequestedDateAndTime The date and time on which the direct payment amount has been requested expressed by means of year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Date (DTM+075)
DirectPaymentIndicator Indicator (BIN+C321)
DirectPaymentStatusCode Coded indication of the status of the direct payment ( = payment made directly from the insurer to the provider for services rendered to the insured). List C4E5. Code (ATT+C4E5)
DirectPaymentUpperLimitAmount The maximum amount that the insurer accepts to pay directly to the repairer for cost of repair. Amount (MOA+114)
DirectPaymentUpperLimitLatestChangeOriginCode Coded indication of the origin of the latest change to the upper limit amount for direct payment, e.g. insurer, assessor, etc. List CP24. Code (ATT+CP24)
DirectPaymentUpperLimitTypeCod Coded indication of the type of upper limit amount for direct payment, i.e. implicit or explicit. List CP21. Code (ATT+CP21)
DisabilityDuration ? (DTM+119), (DTM+120)
DisabilityExpenseAmount Amount (MOA+141), (MOA+140), (MOA+139)
DisabledTaxSchemeApplicableIndicator Indication of the fact that the disabled tax scheme is applicable to the claimant. Indicator (BIN+C383)
DiscountConstructionPurchaseIndicator Indicator (BIN+3159)
DiscountDeedExecutedIndicator Indicator (BIN+3158)
DISCOVERMovementTypeCode Code (GIS+Z270)
DiscussionSubjectTypeCode Coded indication of a subject of discussion in Employer's Liability Insurance, eg refusal, percentage of disability, base salary, etc. List CQIG. Code (ATT+CQIG)
DissolutionDate Date on which a company is dissolved, stops to exist. Date (DTM+133)
DistantSalesResultIndicator Indicator (BIN+A005)
DistrictText Free text description of the district to which the intervening authority belongs. Text (FTX+028)
DLRSystemTypeCode Code (ATT+563F)
DocumentDescriptionText Free format description (= a statement that represents something in words). Text (FTX+019)
DocumentDestinationInstruction Code indication of the party to whom the policy related documents are to be send to. List A090, 5702, B400. Code (GIS+A090), (GIS+5702), (GIS+B400)
DocumentHolderCode Coded indication of the holder of the document, eg policyholder, driver, etc. List 507X. Code (ATT+507X)
DocumentIdentifier The reference identifying the document. Identifier (RFF+009)
DocumentIssueDate The date on which the document is issued. Date (DTM+010)
DocumentIssueServiceText Free format description of the service issuing the document. Text (FTX+012)
DocumentLanguageCode Coded indication of the language this document is written in. List A10C. Code (ATT+A10C)
DocumentPrintMannerCode Coded indication of the manner by which the policy related documents are to be printed, eg automatically by insurer, manually by broker, etc. List EW11. Code (ATT+EW11), (GIS+A60A), (GIS+A545), (GIS+A541)
DocumentReceptionDate The date on which the document was received. Date (DTM+044)
DocumentRequestedDate Date on which policy related documents have been requested. Date (DTM+059)
DocumentsSentCount The number of documents sent. Quantity (QTY+076)
DocumentStatusCode Coded indication of the status of a document, eg final, draft, old, etc. Code
DomesticLegalStatusCode Coded indication of the domestic legal (= established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules) status of a party. List A130. Het juridisch statuut staat voor "aanspreekbaar in rechte". Hieronder worden aldus begrepen : de natuurlijke personen en alle rechtspersonen zoals bij Wet erkend. Code (ATT+A130)
DomesticLegalStatusShortenedCode Code (ATT+A134)
DomicileAddressingTypeCode Code (ATT+A18Z)
DomiciliationFinancialAccountIdentifier Identifier (RFF+028)
DomiciliationName Name (NME+004)
DomiciliationTypeCode List A601. Code (ATT+A601)
DoorsCount The number of doors. Quantity (QTY+014)
DressingRoomsCount Number of dressing rooms, i.e. rooms in which people keep their clothes, get dressed. Quantity (QTY+087)
DriverBelowAgeReferencedIndicator Indicator (BIN+5209)
DriverBreathTestIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a breath test was taken on the driver. Indicator (BIN+C234)
DriverEqualsPolicyHolderInstruction Indication of the fact that the driver is the policyholder. List 510Z. Code (GIS+510Z)
DriverTypeCode Code indication of the type of driver, eg main, occasional, etc. List 5125. Code (ATT+5125)
DrivingLicenceCategoryCode Coded indication of the category of the driving licence, motorcycle, private car, taxi, etc. List A192. Code (ATT+A192)
DrivingLicenceExpiryDate The date on which the document expires. Date (DTM+038)
DrivingLicenceLatestWithdrawal The date on which the driving licence has been withdrawn for the last time. Date (DTM+011)
DrivingLicenceObtainingMannerCode Coded indication of the manner how the driving licence is obtained. List 519A. Code (ATT+519A)
DrivingLicencePossessionPeriod Indication of the fact that the party possesses its driving licence shorter than the period requested by the insurer. Indicator (BIN+5V5Z)
DrivingLicenceRestrictionTypeCode Coded indication of the type of restriction on the driving licence. List A1D5. Code (ATT+A1D5)
DrivingLicenceValidityStartDate The date on which the licence starts to be valid, becomes effective. Date (DTM+032)
DrivingLicenceWithdrawalCount The number of times the driving licence has been withdrawn. Quantity (QTY+036)
DrivingLicenceWithdrawalDuration The duration of withdrawal of the driving licence. ?
DrivingLicenceWithdrawalReasonText Free format description of the reason why the driving licence has been withdrawn. Text (FTX+013)
DrivingProficiencyMedicallyCertifiedIndicator Indicator (BIN+5V1U)
DrivingRegionCode Coded representation of the region in which the vehicle will be mainly driven. List A10L. Code (ATT+A10L)
DrivingSchoolAttendanceIndicator Indicator (BIN+5V1S)
DrivingStartDate The date on which this party started to drive a vehicle. Date (DTM+009)
DubiousAddressIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the given address is dubious (= fraught with uncertainty or doubt, lacking confidence or assurance). Indicator (BIN+Z613)
DubiousCaseIndicator Indication of the fact that the claim is dubious. Indicator (BIN+CQI2)
Duration Length in time the guarantee is valid. ? (DTM+006)
DwellingIndetailTypeCode Code (ATT+3171)
DwellingTypeCode Coded indication of the type of dwelling (= house where people are living in), eg house, apartment, lodge, castle, etc. List 3170. Code (ATT+3170)
ElectricityRiskCoverLimitCode Coded representation of the cover limit amount for electricity risk. List 3433. Code (ATT+3433)
ElectricityRiskLimitCode Code (ATT+3433)
ElevatorsCount The number of elevators, lifts, i.e. platforms or cages that are raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building. Quantity (QTY+015)
eMailAddress Address of a party in an electronic mailbox system. Text (COM+003)
EmployeeCategoryCode Coded representation of the category to which an employee belongs, eg worker, employee. List CL42. Code (ATT+CL42)
EmployeesCount The number of employees (= workers hired to perform a job). Quantity (QTY+042)
EmployerIs1967BusinessIndicator Indicator (BIN+640A)
EmployersCertificateDeliveryInstruction Coded indication of whether or not an employers certificate is or is to be delivered. List A561. Code (GIS+A561)
EmploymentStartDate The date on which the state of being employed by this employer started. Date (DTM+099)
EngineCapacityMeasure The quantity of the ability to perform or produce of a mechanical or electrical device that performs or assists in the performance of human tasks. Measure (QTY+003)
EnterprisePersonalRegistration A unique reference identifying the party in the employer's personnel register. Identifier (RFF+061)
EntranceLockedIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the entrance to the building was locked at the time of the event. Indicator (BIN+CM63)
EqualizationIndicator Indicator (BIN+1020)
EquivalentToNewIndicator Indicator (BIN+3154)
ErrorCode Coded representation of an error. List D011. Code (GIS+D011)
EUCitizenIndicator Indication of the fact that this party is a citizen of a European Union country. Indicator (BIN+A12B)
EuropeanConformityCertificateIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the document that certifies the conformity of the vehicle's characteristics with the European rules. Identifier (RFF+052)
EVALEAInsurerIdentifier FAO FAT EVA LEA Identifier
ExcludedDriverIndicator An indication of the fact that this party is excluded from driving (under the cover of this policy). Indicator (BIN+5V0T)
ExclusiveDriverIndicator Indication of the fact that the policyholder is the only driver of the vehicle. Indicator (BIN+5V00)
ExemptionCalculusBaseTypeCode Code (ATT+P11U)
ExemptionExpressionTypeCode Code (ATT+P11T)
ExemptionTypeCode Code (ATT+P11V)
FactsEstablishmentDate Date on which the facts reason for registration in the RSR system, were established, ascertained. Date (DTM+122)
FamilyMembersCounter Quantity (QTY+133)
FamilyName The name under which a person is registered in the register of population. Aka Surname, Last name. Name (NME+001)
FamilyName The name under which a person is registered in the register of population. Aka Surname, Last name. Name (NME+001)
FamilyTypeCode Code (ATT+4160)
FaxNumber Self explaining. Identifier (COM+002)
FeeAmount The fixed price charged for professional services. Amount (MOA+109)
FileClosingDate Date on which the claim file is closed in the insurer's back office system. Date (DTM+047)
FileClosingReason Reason why the claim file is closed in the insurer's back office. Code (ATT+C256)
FileIdentifier Identifier of a file given by this party. Identifier (RFF+017)
FileOpeningDate Date on which the claim file is opened or re-opened in the insurer's back office system. Date (DTM+046)
FinancialAccountIdentifier Number of a financial account, held on the name of the party. Identifier (RFF+020)
FinancialInstitutionTypeCode Coded indication of the type of financial institution, eg bank, insurer, etc. List 3133. Code (ATT+3133)
FinancingCertificateDeliveryInstruction Indication of the fact that a document certifying financing of the risk object is to be delivered. List 5720. Code (GIS+5720)
FinancingIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the purchase of the vehicle is financed by a financing institution. Indicator (BIN+5606)
FinishDegreeCode Coded indication of the degree of finalisation of the building, eg under construction, younger then 10 years, older then 50 years, etc. List 3153. Code (ATT+3153)
FinishPercentage Finalisation (= reach the end of a task or an activity), completion of the building, expressed as a percentage. Percent (PCD+031)
FireplacesCount The number of fireplaces (= an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built). Quantity (QTY+096)
FireprotectionSystemPresenceIndicator Indicator (BIN+3418)
FirstAidGivenDate The date on which first aid was given to the victim. Date (DTM+109)
FirstAidGivenIndicator Coded indication of whether or not first aid was given to the victim. Indicator (BIN+CQ51)
FirstChildBirthDate The date on which this party's first child was born. Date (DTM+017)
FirstChildBornIndicator Indication of the fact that this party's first child was born in the reference period or not. Indicator (BIN+4122)
FirstCompleteCommissionDate Date on which the first complete commission amount is due. Date (DTM+023)
FirstDayUnfitForWorkCompleteIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the first day the victim was unfit for work, was complete. Indicator (BIN+CQ68)
FirstPremiumCollectionCode Coded indication of the party responsible for the collection of the first premium. List A602. Code (ATT+A602)
FirstPremiumInstalmentDate Date on which the first premium is due. Date (DTM+025)
FirstRiskAmount Amount (MOA+035)
FirstTPLPremiumPaymentDate The date of payment of the first premium for third party liability. Date (DTM+058)
FirstUseDate Date on which the object was used for the first time. Date (DTM+013)
FirstUseDateKnownIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the date of first use of the object is known. Indicator (BIN+CP11)
FirstValuationTypeCode List CP42. Code (ATT+CP42)
FiscalPowerQuantity The power of the engine expressed in horsepower and taken as basis in order to calculate taxes. Quantity (QTY+011)
FiscalStatusCode Coded indication of the main fiscal status of the party. List A175. Onder het fiscaal statuut wordt enkel het statuut van het hoofdinkomen weerhouden. Code (ATT+A175)
FleetIdentifier A unique reference identifying a fleet. Identifier (RFF+005)
FleetTypeCode A code identifying the type of a fleet eg fleet of specified vehicles, fleet of not specified vehicles, etc. List 5232. Code (ATT+5232)
FleetVehicleIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle belongs to a fleet. Indicator (BIN+5230)
FloodAtLeast1In5YearsIndicator Indicator (BIN+34C5)
FloodCellarGarageOnlyIndicator Indicator (BIN+34C4)
FloodCoverCancelledForScrutinyIndicator Indicator (BIN+34C0)
FloorsCount The number of floors (= a room or set of rooms comprising a single level of a multi-level building), levels. Quantity (QTY+056)
ForeignLegalStatusCode Coded indication of the foreign legal (= established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules) status of a party. List A133. Code (ATT+A133)
ForfeitAmount Amount (MOA+122)
FormerVehiclePossessionDuration The time this party possessed his former vehicle. ? (DTM+068)
FoundationDate Date on which a company, business, concern ... was founded Date (DTM+086)
FreeFormatMessageText Text (FTX+041)
FreelyChosenBeneficiaryText Text (FTX+040)
FrontBrakesTypeCode Code identifying the type of braking system fitted on the front wheels. List 5628. Code (ATT+5628)
FrontLeftTyreProfileMeasure The depth of the cuttings in the front left tyre, expressed in mm. Measure (QTY+058)
FrontRightTyreProfileMeasure The depth of the cuttings in the front right tyre, expressed in mm. Measure (QTY+059)
FrontRunningGearDimensions Quantity (QTY+102)
FuelSubTypeCode Coded representation of the subtype of petrol, eg regular, super, etc. List 5016. Code (ATT+5016)
FuelSubtypeCode Code (ATT+5016)
FuelTypeCode Code (ATT+5015)
FuelTypeCode Coded representation of the type of fuel (= material burned to produce heat or power), eg petrol, diesel oil, etc. List 5015. Code (ATT+5015)
FullTimeEmploymentIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the party is employed full time. Indicator (BIN+CQ40)
FundNameText Text (FTX+042)
FundRegistrationNumber The identification number under which a party is registered in a fund, eg family allowance fund, holiday pay fund, etc. Identifier (RFF+060)
FundUnitsCounter Quantity (QTY+132)
FuneralCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for the ceremony of burying or burning dead people. Amount (MOA+156)
FutureContractVersionIndicator Indicator (BIN+A065)
GarageToHouseLocationCode Coded indication of the location of the garage in respect to the building, eg inside the building, outside the building. List 3V73. See also IntegratedGarageIndicator. Code (ATT+3V73)
GaragingCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for leaving the damaged object in a garage. Amount (MOA+077)
GaragingTypeCode Coded indication of where the vehicle is kept or stored over night, eg in the street, in a locked garage, etc. List 5420. Code (ATT+5420)
GarretIndicator Coded indication of the fact that a garret (= an open space at the top of a house just below the roof; often used for storage) is present in the building. Indicator (BIN+3V71)
GearboxTypeCode Coded representation of the type of gearbox with which the vehicle is equipped, eg three gears, four gears, 3X2, etc. List 5616. Code (ATT+5616)
GenderCode Coded representation of the sex of a party. List A124. Code (ATT+A124)
GivenName Name given to a person by its parents at birth. Aka : Forename, First name, Christian name. Name (NME+001)
GivenName Name given to a person by its parents at birth. Aka : Forename, First name, Christian name. Name (NME+001)
GivenPeriodOnlyIndicator Indication of the fact that the cover is only valid during the given period and cannot be extended in time. Indicator (BIN+P10U)
GlassRoofSurfaceMeasure The surface of glass roof, expressed in square meters. Measure (QTY+034)
GoodDriverIndicator Indicator (BIN+5V0L)
GoodHealthIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the party is in good health. Indicator (BIN+21V6)
GoodShapeOfMaintenanceIndicator Coded indication of whether or not something is maintained well. Indicator (BIN+3V1G)
GoodsRentedCounter Quantity (QTY+131)
GreenCardDeliveryInstruction Code indication of the party to whom the provisional green card is to be send to. List 5700. Green Card - A document issued to policyholders as evidence that they have the minimum insurance cover required. Code (GIS+5700)
GreenCardPrintingCode Code (GIS+5701)
GrossAnnualEarningsAmount The total annual wages, pay, salary including loads, taxes and contributions. Amount (MOA+057)
GrossSalaryAmount The money individuals earn as a result of working at some job or occupation for which they are paid a salary. Synonym = earned income. Amount (MOA+133)
GrossSalaryLostAmount The total amount of lost gross salary. Amount (MOA+135)
GrossWeightQuantity The total or whole weight (= the vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity), exclusive of deductions. Quantity (QTY+006)
GroupMembersInsuredCounter Quantity (QTY+130)
GroupName Official name of the group. The language unit by which the group is known, under which the group is officially registered. Name (NME+001)
GuaranteeCommunicationText Free text describing something that the sender wants to communicate to the recipient. Text (FTX+018)
GuaranteeDescriptionText Free format description (= a statement that represents something in words). Text (FTX+019)
GuaranteedProfitSharingDecease GuaranteedProfitSharingDeceaseAdditionalAmount Amount (MOA+150)
GuaranteedSalaryPaymentStartDate The date on which payment of a guaranteed salary starts. Date (DTM+117)
GuaranteeEndDate The date on which a guarantee comes to an end, is no longer effective or in force. Date (DTM+022), (DTM+029)
GuaranteeExtensionIndicator Indication of the fact that the guarantee is subject to extension. Indicator (BIN+3412)
GuaranteeExtensionTypeCode Code (ATT+4112)
GuaranteeManagementText Free text information in order to keep something in order, under control. Text (FTX+020)
GuaranteeRenewalMainDate Date on which the guarantee renews automatically. Date (DTM+004)
HandlingResponsibilityCode Coded indication of the party that has the responsibility for the handling of the claim, i.e. insurer or intermediary. List C050. Code (ATT+C050)
HeightMeasure Vertical extension; distance from the base of something to the top. Measure (QTY+025)
HobbyRoomsCount The number of rooms in which people execute spare-time activities, activities for leisure. Quantity (QTY+098)
HoistsCount The number of apparatuses for lifting (= raise from a lower to a higher position) heavy or cumbersome objects. Quantity (QTY+016)
HorsePowerQuantity The capacity of a physical system to do work, expressed in hp (horsepower). Quantity (QTY+004)
HouseNumberIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a house in a street. Identifier
HouseStaffCount The number of people carrying out assigned housework tasks such as cleaning and cooking. Quantity (QTY+052)
HunterMarksmanIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the person is someone skilled in shooting (especially with a rifle) and participates to the hunt in the capacity of shooter. Indicator (BIN+4431)
HuntersMaximumCount Quantity (QTY+031)
HuntingDaysPerYearMaximumCount The maximum number of hunting days per year covered under this policy. Quantity (QTY+030)
HuntingGroundKeeperIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the person is registered as having charge over the ground on which the hunt is held. Indicator (BIN+4432)
HuntingLicenceExpiryDate The date on which the document expires. Date (DTM+038)
HuntingLicenceTerritorialLimitCode Coded indication of the territorial limit of the hunting licence. List 4441. Code (ATT+4441)
HuntingLicenceValidityStartDate The date on which the licence starts to be valid, becomes effective. Date (DTM+032)
HuntOrganizerIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the person is organizer of the hunt. Indicator (BIN+4430)
ICBIdentifier A reference given by the national Insurance Control Board and uniquely identifying the party within the national insurance sector. Identifier (RFF+039)
ICBRegistration The reference given by the national Insurance Control Board is given for specific activities Code (ATT+A46G)
InceptionDateAndTime Date and time on which something becomes effective, gets in force expressed by means of year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Date (DTM+008)
IncidentCausingPartyToPolicyHolderRelationshipTypeCode IncidentCausingPartyToPolicyHolderRelationshipTypeCode. List CNA5. Code (ATT+CNA5)
IncidentCausingPartyTypeCode Coded representation of whom or what has been the cause on an incident, eg policyholder, insured, animal, object, etc. List CNA2. Code (ATT+CNA2)
IncidentCircumstanceCode Code representation of a circumstance under which an incident happened, eg fog, rain, snow, etc. List C221. Code (ATT+C221)
IncidentCircumstanceText Text description of a circumstance under which an incident happened. Text (FTX+025)
IncidentDateAndTime The particular point in time on which the incident happened expressed by means of year, month, day, hour, minute and second. DateAndTime (DTM+048)
IncidentDescriptionText Free format description (= a statement that represents something in words) of the incident. Text (FTX+019)
IncidentLocationText Free text description of the place where an event took place. Text (FTX+024)
IncidentNaturalDisasterRegistrationIdentifier Code representation of a circumstance under which an incident happened, eg fog, rain, snow, etc. List C221. Identifier (RFF+083)
IndemnificationDuration Duration of the payment of the indemnification. ? (DTM+031)
IndemnificationTotalAmount Total amount paid. Amount (MOA+157)
IndemnityIncreasePercentage The percentage of increase of the indemnity (= Restoration to the victim of a loss by payment, repair, or replacement.). Percent (PCD+034)
IndependentProfessionUsageRoomCount The number of rooms used for the execution of an independent profession such as medical doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc. Quantity (QTY+094)
IndexBaseYear The base (= starting-point) year for the index. Date (DTM+064)
IndexedCapitalsTypeCode Code (ATT+5W3B)
IndexingEndDate The date on which indexing ends or ended. Date (DTM+067)
IndexingIndicator Indication of the fact that the policy amounts are due for indexation. Indicator (BIN+A534)
IndexingStartDate The date on which indexing starts or started. Date (DTM+066)
IndexRate The index value. Rate
IndexTypeCode Coded representation of the index that is to be applied, eg consumer prices, health index, ABEX, etc. List X024. Code
IndirectLossesPercentage Percent (PCD+048)
IndividualInsuranceTypeCode Coded indication of the type of Individual insurance. List 21V2. Not to be used in new developments ! Use PolicyTypeCode instead. Code (IPD+21V2)
InformexMessageIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying the message, given by Informex. Identifier (RFF+050)
InformexMissionIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying the mission for assessment, given by Informex. Identifier (RFF+049)
InformexReleaseCode Coded indication of the release of Informex application used to produce the report. List C40Q. Code (GIS+C40Q)
InitialLoanBuoyancyDuration Date (DTM+144)
InjectionMotorIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is equipped with an injection motor. Indicator (BIN+5615)
InjuryConsequenceTypeCode Coded representation of the consequence of a bodily injury, eg unfit for work, decease, etc. List CQ60. Code (ATT+CQ60)
InjuryLocationCode Coded representation of the location of a bodily injury, eg back, head, knee, legs, etc. List CQ57. Code (ATT+CQ57)
InjuryTypeCode Coded representation of the type of bodily injury, eg fracture, dislocation, spraining, poisoning, suffocation, etc. List CQ54. Code (ATT+CQ54)
InMakeSequenceIdentifier Identifier (RFF+055)
InModelSequenceIdentifier Identifier (RFF+056)
InsolventThirdPartyAbroadTypeCode Code (ATT+5W22)
InstalmentPremiumCollectionCode Coded indication of the party responsible for the collection of an instalment premium. List A603. Code (ATT+A603)
InsuranceObjectChangeInstruction Coded indication of whether or not the data of the insurance object are to be changed. List A098. Synonym = InsuranceObjectTreatmentInstruction. Code (GIS+A098)
InsuranceObjectText Textual description of the risk object. Should mainly contain the description of elements that are not yet provided in structured manner. Text (FTX+007)
InsuranceObjectTreatmentInstruction Coded indication of what has to be done with the insurance object, eg add, remove, change, etc. List 500C. Synonym = InsuranceObjectChangeInstruction Code (GIS+500C)
InsuranceProductTypeCode Coded indication of the insurance product type this policy belongs to. This is an insurer specific type code. Code (IPD+A532)
InsuranceSubTypeCode Coded indication of the subtype of insurance this policy belongs to. List A501. Code (IPD+A501)
InsuranceTaxRate The percentage of tax on insurance contracts as fixed by the fiscal administration. Rate (PCD+022)
InsuranceTypeCode Coded indication of the type of insurance this policy belongs to, eg fire, motor, third party liability, etc. List A500. Code (IPD+A500)
InsuredAllowancesTotalAmount Total amount of all allowances paid to the insured. Amount (MOA+067)
InsuredEqualsPolicyHolderInstruction Coded indication of whether or not the policyholder and the insured are the same person. List A20Z. Code (GIS+A20Z)
InsuredOtherActivitiesPractiseText Text description of the other activities performed, executed, practised by the insured. Text (FTX+006)
InsuredValueRate Percentage of the insured value to the total value. Rate (PCD+011)
InsuredValueTypeCode Coded indication of the type of insured value, eg replacement value, new-for-old value, market value, etc. List 3157. List 3464. List 5400. Code (ATT+3157), (ATT+5400)
InsurerCoinsuranceParticipationPercentage Insurer's percentage of participation in co-insurance. Percent (PCD+002)
InsurerPartyIdentifier A character string used to uniquely identify and distinguish a party within the insurer's administration. Identifier (RFF+070)
InsurerRoleInCoinsuranceCode A code identifying the role in coinsurance, eg leader, follower, etc. List A020. Code (ATT+A020)
InsurerVehicleIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a vehicle, given by the insurer. Identifier (RFF+035)
IntegratedGarageIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a garage is integrated in the building. See also GarageToHouseLocationCode. Indicator (BIN+3V72)
InterBuildingsDistanceQuantity The distance between the building and another building (the most adjacent one). Quantity (QTY+018)
InterdictionToChangePercentage Indication of the fact that the percentage of VAT recuperation may not be changed. Indicator (BIN+C41E)
InterestGrowingRate The rate with which the interest (= money charged for borrowing money, or paid to somebody who invests money) grows, rises. Rate (PCD+044)
InternalCorrespondenceDeleteInstruction List A1ZW. Code (GIS+A1ZW)
InterveningAuthorityTypeCode Coded indication of the type of authority, eg police, fire brigade, etc. List C240. Code (ATT+C240)
InterventionPercentage Percentage of intervention by the insurer in the disability to work. Percent (PCD+012)
IntraContractRiskIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the risk object within the contract. Identifier (RFF+036)
InvoicedStatusCode A coded identification of the status of the billing of the vehicle, eg accepted, copied, refused, etc. List 5730. Code (ATT+5730)
InvoiceIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a bill, i.e. a statement of money owed for goods or services, as given by the supplier. Identifier (RFF+048)
IroningOrSewingRoomsCount The number of rooms mainly used for ironing (= the smoothing of washed clothes or linen) or sewing (= joining or attaching by stitches with a needle and thread). Quantity (QTY+090)
IssuedPremiumInvoiceCancellationIndicator Indication of the fact that issued premium invoices are to be cancelled or not. Indicator (BIN+B056)
JeepTypeIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is a jeep. Indicator (BIN+5613)
JewelleryExclusionIndicator Coded indication of whether or not cover of jewellery is excluded. Indicator (BIN+346A)
JointCommitteeCode Code (ATT+A139)
JourneyTypeCode Code identifying a type of journey (= a travel from one place to another), eg leisure, business, etc. List 9301. Code (ATT+9301)
JunkDealerPaymentGuaranteeTypeCode Coded indication of whether or not the buyer has to guarantee payment and if yes, to whom. List C4BD. Code (ATT+C4BD)
KfkAdvanceRefundAmount Amount (MOA+146)
KfkAllocatedAverageCostAmount The actual allocated average (= result of adding several amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts) cost amount, fixed under the Knock-for-Knock Convention. Amount (MOA+145)
KfkAllocationTypeCode Coded representation of the type of assignment of the compensation under the Knock-for-Knock convention, eg final, provisional, etc. List CP7B. Code (ATT+CP7B)
KfkConventionApplicableIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the Knock-for-Knock convention is applicable to this traffic accident. Indicator (BIN+C060)
KfkConventionCriteriaMetIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the criteria of the Knock-for-Knock convention are met for this traffic accident. Indicator (BIN+C065)
KfkConventionPrimaryAmountDefinitionMannerCode KfkConventionPrimaryAmountDefinitionMannerCode.List CP89. Code (ATT+CP89)
KfkRequestDate Date on which application of the Knock-for-Knock convention was requested. Date (DTM+124)
KfkRequestIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a request for treatment of a claim under the Knock-for-Knock convention. Identifier (RFF+063)
KfkRequestSequenceIdentifier A reference identifying the sequence of a request for treatment of a claim under the Knock-for-Knock convention. Identifier (RFF+064)
KfkRequestTypeCode Coded representation of the type of request of application of the Knock-for-Knock convention, eg request for settlement, request for additional settlement, etc. List CP80. Code (GIS+CP80)
KfkTariffCode A coded representation of the Knock-for-Knock tariff, eg 10, 12, 13, 20, etc. List CP86. Code (ATT+CP86)
KfkTreatmentCode Coded representation of the type of compensation under the Knock-for-Knock convention, i.e. active or passive. List CP79. Code (ATT+CP79)
KfkUpperLimitAmount The maximum amount of a claim in order to be eligible for compensation under the Knock-for-Knock convention. Amount (MOA+117)
LabourContractWithRestrictedDurationEndDate The date on which a labour contract with restricted duration end. Date (DTM+104)
LabourTotalValueAmount Amount (MOA+124)
LanguageCode Coded indication of the language (= a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols) to be used for communication with the party. List A10C. Code (ATT+A10C)
LastClaimDate The date on which the latest claim was made. Date (DTM+043)
LastCommissionDueDate Date on which the last commission is due. Date (DTM+024)
LastCompensatedDate The last day for which is paid. Date (DTM+121)
LastPremiumDueDate The date when the last premium is due, requires immediate payment. Date (DTM+028)
LastPremiumPaidTypeCode Coded indication of the type of the last premium paid, eg partial annual premium, total annual premium. List 1402. Code (ATT+1402)
LastPremiumPaymentDate Date on which the last premium has been paid. Date (DTM+020)
LastPremiumPaymentStatusCode Coded indication of the payment status of the last premium, eg paid, not paid. List A650. Code (ATT+A650)
LastUpdateDate The date on which the document was updated for the last time. Date (DTM+014)
LastYearsEndContractRedemptionValueAmount Amount (MOA+089)
LatestDepositDate Date (DTM+143)
LatestEqualizationDate Date (DTM+140)
LatestWithdrawalDate Date (DTM+142)
LaundryRoomsCount The number of rooms mainly used to wash clothes or garments. Quantity (QTY+097)
LawExpencesAmount Amount (MOA+147)
LeaseContractCount Number of lease contracts. Quantity (QTY+085)
LeasingCertificateDeliveryInstruction Indication of the fact that a document certifying leasing of the risk object is to be delivered. List 5721. Code (GIS+5721)
LegalDeductibleApplicationCount The number of times that the legal deductible is to be applied. Quantity (QTY+037)
LegalDeductibleApplicationIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the legal deductible is to be applied. Indicator (BIN+3V40)
LegalExpensesInsuranceTypeCode Coded indication of the type of legal expenses insurance. List 9060. Code (IPD+9060)
LegalPersonName The language unit by which the legal person is known and under which it has officially been registered. Name (NME+001)
LegalUpperLimitAmount Maximum salary in application for employers liability insurance. Amount (MOA+101)
LengthMeasure The distance over which something extends from beginning to end. Measure (QTY+024)
LetterEndCourtesyFormulaCode Coded representation of the courtesy formula used to address the person at the end of a letter. List A10Z. Code (ATT+A10Z)
LetterStartCourtesyFormulaCode Coded representation of the courtesy formula used to address the person at the beginning of a letter. List A10Y. Code (ATT+A10Y)
LiabilityEstablishedIndicator Indication of the fact that the liability for the accident is clearly established. Indicator (BIN+C251)
LiabilityIncidentTypeCode Code (ATT+CNA1)
LibrariesCount The number of libraries, i.e. rooms used mainly to store books. Quantity (QTY+089)
LifeBenefitPaymentDate Date (DTM+027)
LifePremiumDeductibleAmount Amount (MOA+029)
List42AmountAllocatedDate The date on which the amount from list 42 has been allocated. Date (DTM+088)
List42AmountRequestedDate The date on which the amount from list 4 has been requested. Date (DTM+087)
LiveinHouseKeeperIndicator Coded indication of whether or not there is a housekeeper living in the building. Indicator (BIN+3V64)
LivingTogetherIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the person lives together, cohabits with another person or other persons, but without having the same address as the other person or persons. Extension to MaritalStatusCode. Indicator (BIN+A128)
LivingTogetherWithOpponentPartyIndicator Indicator (BIN+CL95)
LoanRefundTypeCode Code (ATT+0300)
LoanReviewTypeCode Code (ATT+0210)
LoanTypeCode Code (ATT+0200)
LoanTypeDescriptionText Text (FTX+043)
LocalizationDate Date (DTM+131)
LocationDescriptionText Text (FTX+044)
LongTermDisabilityPaymentTypeCode Coded representation of the type of payment for long-term disability, i.e. progressive, not progressive. List 2200. Bij bepaling van de uit te keren rente wordt het werkelijk toegekend invaliditeitspercentage verhoogd tot een bij onderschrijving vastgesteld percentage. Code (ATT+2200)
LossReserveAmount Amount (MOA+138)
LPGIndicator Indicator (BIN+501P)
LuggageValueAmount The total value of luggage (belongings carried in a portable container when travelling). Amount (MOA+051)
MailDestinationCode Coded indication of the party to whom mail related to the claim is to be send to, eg policyholder, intermediary, etc. List C090. Code (ATT+C090)
MainDriverBasedQuotationInstruction Indication of the fact that the quotation for insurance is to be or has been based upon the data for the main driver. List A072. Code (GIS+A072)
MainMeansOfTransportTypeCode Code (ATT+A146)
MakeModelTypeName Free format language unit by which the vehicle is known consisting of the brand name, the model or variety name and the type or sort name. Name (NME+005)
ManagementText Free text information in order to keep something in order, under control. Text (FTX+020)
ManufacturingYear The year the vehicle was manufactured or fabricated (= put together out of components or parts) in. ? (DTM+012)
MaritalStatusCode Coded indication of the marital status of a party, i.e. whether one is married, single, divorced or other. List A123. Code (ATT+A123)
MaterialDamageValueAmount The total value of the material damage. Amount (MOA+055)
MaximumAnnualDeductiblePremiumAmount Amount (MOA+058)
MaximumAuthorisedWeightQuantity Quantity (QTY+005)
MaximumSpeedQuantity The maximum distance travelled per time, usually expressed in km/h. Quantity (QTY+022)
MaximumTorqueQuantity The maximum twisting force causing rotation in machinery. Quantity (QTY+028)
MedicalCertificateSentDate The date on which the medical certificate was sent. Date (DTM+115)
MedicalCheckUpDate The date the medical check-up took place. Date (DTM+114)
MedicalExaminationRequestedByEmployerIndicator Indication of the fact that a medical examination is requested by the employer. Indicator (BIN+CQ05)
MessageAddressingInstruction Coded indication of the parties to whom the assessment report is to be send, e.g. insurer, opponent insurer, repairer, intermediary, etc. List C4C1. Code (GIS+C4C1)
MessageCode Code (GIS+Z000)
MinorRiskInsuranceIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the victim is covered against minor risks. Indicator (BIN+CQ32)
MiscellaneousCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for other things than those mentioned specifically. Amount (MOA+112)
ModelTypeCode Coded representation of the type of model of a vehicle, eg break, sedan, etc. List 5612. Code (ATT+5612)
MonthlyCommissionTotalAmount Total amount of the commission earned during the month subject to the current account. Amount (MOA+085)
MortgageClauseIndicator Indicator (BIN+A061)
MotorbikesCount Number of motorbikes covered under this policy. Quantity (QTY+078)
MultipleRiskIndicator Indication of the fact that this policy covers more than one single risk in fire (or household) insurance. Indicator (BIN+3010)
MultipleVehiclesIndicator Indication of the fact that this policy covers more than one single vehicle in motor insurance. Indicator (BIN+A32A)
MutualInsuranceCoverTypeCode Coded representation of the type of mutual insurance applicable to this party, eg minor risks, major risks. List CL90. Code (ATT+CL90)
NameChangeInstruction Indication of the fact that the name is to be changed. List A1ZV. Code (GIS+A1ZV)
NamedVictimIndicator Indicator (BIN+CQ2H)
NationalConformityCertificateIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the document that certifies the conformity of the vehicle's characteristics with the national rules. Identifier (RFF+012)
NationalityCode Coded indication of the nation (= a politically organized body of people under a single government) a person belongs to. List A121. Code (ATT+A121)
NationalityText Free text indication of the nation (= a politically organized body of people under a single government) a person belongs to.
NationalRegistrationConditionCode FAO FAT EVA LEA Code
NationalRegistrationIdentifier A number providing a legal identification for a company as provided by a national governing body. Identifier (RFF+022)
NationalRegistrationNumber see SocialSecurityNumber. Identifier (RFF+025)
NATOOrSHAPEEmploymentIndicator Indication of the fact that this party is employed by the NATO or the SHAPE. Indicator (BIN+A12C)
NCBActualLevelAccidentalDamagesCode Code (ATT+5315)
NCBActualLevelCode Coded representation of the present level of No Claim Bonus, i.e. at the main renewal date. List 5300. Code (ATT+5300)
NCBAdjustmentIndicator Indication of the fact that the NCB level must be adjusted at the next renewal date. Indicator (BIN+5320)
NCBAtPreviousInsurerLevelCode Coded representation of the No Claim Bonus level at the previous insurer, i.e. at the time the insurance contract with the previous insurer was ended. List 5300. Code (ATT+5321)
NCBAtUnderwritingLevelCode Coded representation of the No Claim Bonus level at the time of underwriting, i.e. signing of the policy. List 5300. Code (ATT+5314)
NCBCertificatePossessionIndicator Indication of the fact that this party possesses a bonus/malus certificate. Indicator (BIN+5V0N)
NCBClassActualCode Code (ATT+5301)
NCBClassPreviousCode Code (ATT+5302)
NCBClassReferencedCode Code (ATT+5303)
NCBPreviousLevelCode Coded representation of the previous No Claim Bonus level. List 5300. Code (ATT+5310)
NCBReferenceLevelAccidentalDamagesCode Code (ATT+5341)
NCBReferenceLevelCode Coded representation of the No Claim Bonus level for reference, i.e. on which calculations are based. List 5300. Code (ATT+5340)
NCBYearMinus2LevelCode Coded representation of the No Claim Bonus level at the main renewal date year minus 2. List 5300. Code (ATT+5311)
NCBYearMinus3LevelCode Coded representation of the No Claim Bonus level at the main renewal date year minus 2. List 5300. Code (ATT+5312)
NetPremiumOtherSupplementaryCostAmount Cost amount to be added to the net premium, other than costs for split payment, invoice costs and legal costs. Amount (MOA+105)
NewlyWedIndicator Indication of the fact that this party got married in the reference period. Indicator (BIN+3V21)
NewVehicleIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is new. Indicator (BIN+5V65)
NextActionDate Date on which the next action is going to be taken. Date (DTM+021)
NonAttendanceNightsMaximum Quantity (QTY+127)
NonAttendanceSuccessivelyNights Quantity (QTY+128)
NonRegisteredVehicleTypeCode List 5009. Code (ATT+5009)
NonResidentsCount The number of people carrying out assigned housework tasks such as cleaning and cooking and not living under the same roof as the policyholder. Quantity (QTY+054)
NonresidentsSocialSecuritySubmittedCount Quantity (QTY+101)
NonSteelPlatingBodyworkIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the bodywork of the vehicle is made of non-steel plate. Indicator (BIN+5605)
NormalActivityIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the accident happened while the victim was executing its normal professional activity. Indicator (BIN+CQ76)
NoSportsPractisingIndicator Indication of the fact that the party does not practice sports. Indicator (BIN+21V4)
NotToBePaidAmount Amount (MOA+130)
NotWorkedHoursCount The number of hours not worked. Quantity (DTM+116)
ObjectThingTypeCode Code (ATT+9900)
OccasionalDrivingIndicator Indicator (BIN+5V5Y)
OccupancyDegreeCode Coded representation of the degree of occupancy, eg regular, irregular, more than 3 months per year unoccupied, etc. List 3V61. Code (ATT+3V61)
OdometerActualReadingQuantity The quantity of units (kilometres, miles, ...) driven, shown on the meter. Quantity (QTY+040), (QTY+057)
OffencePendingText Free text description of a pending offence. Text (FTX+015)
OldTimerIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is an old timer (= belonging to or typical of former times). Indicator (BIN+561A)
OpenRoadFuelConsumptionQuantity The quantity, in litre, of fuel that the vehicle uses to cover 100 kilometres on open road. Quantity (QTY+070)
OpponentInsurerKfkConventionSubscriptionIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the opponent insurer subscribed to the Knock-for-Knock convention. Indicator (BIN+C062)
OpponentPartyCapacityCode Coded representation of the capacity, quality of the opponent party, eg driver, passenger, pedestrian, etc. List C114. Code (ATT+C114)
OpponentPartyProsecutedIndicator Indication of the fact that the opponent party is prosecuted. Indicator (BIN+CNB3)
OpponentThirdPartyBreathTestIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a breath test was taken on the opponent third party. Indicator (BIN+C234)
OtherContractCoveringSimilarGuaranteeIndicator Indication of the fact that another policy is covering the same risk. Indicator (BIN+34V0)
OtherCoverIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the victim is covered under another contract. Indicator (BIN+CQ33)
OtherPolicyEndDate The date on which something comes to an end, is no longer effective or in force. Date (DTM+022)
OtherPolicyIdentifier Unique reference identifying another contract as given by the issuer of that contract. Identifier (RFF+001)
OtherPolicyIdentifier The reference of another policy this party has with the same insurer. Identifier (RFF+006)
OtherThanTPLMotorGuaranteeChargeAndCostAmount Amount (MOA+098)
OtherThanTPLMotorGuaranteePremiumAmount Amount (MOA+097)
OutputTaxabilityTypeCode Code (ATT+1404)
OverallContractObjectiveCode Coded indication of the overall contract objective, eg capital, premium also covers extra guarantees, etc. List 1401. Code (ATT+1401)
OwnerNotPolicyHolderIndicator Indicator (BIN+509Z)
OwnPoliciesCommissionTotalAmount Total amount of the commission earned on policies that the intermediary placed himself. Amount (MOA+127)
OwnPolicyIndicator Indication of the fact that this policy covers a risk property of the intermediary. Indicator (BIN+A412)
OwnRiskTermAfter60ConservationIndicator Indicator (BIN+2250)
PackagingDate Date (DTM+147)
PaidAssessorIndicator Indication of the fact that the assessor is paid for his intervention. Indicator (BIN+C40N)
PaidGrossAmount Amount (MOA+062)
PaidTotalAmount Amount (MOA+070)
PaintTotalValueAmount Amount (MOA+125)
ParentDeclarationIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the parent declaration of a declaration in case a hierarchy exists between two declarations. Identifier (RFF+990)
ParentsTouringClubBelgiumMembersIndicator Indicator (BIN+A12D)
PartyCapacityCode Synonym of RoleCode. List Z602. Code (ATT+Z602)
PartyFormsFamilyIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the person lives together, cohabits with another person or other persons, and having the same address as the other person or persons. Extension to MaritalStatusCode. Indicator (BIN+A227)
PartyInvolvedAccessoryInsuredIndicator Indicator (BIN+2140)
PartyInvolvedLanguageCode Code (ATT+A10T)
PartyInvolvedSelfEmployedIndicator Indicator (BIN+2131)
PartyToOpponentPartyRelationshipTypeCode List CL94. Code (ATT+CL94)
PartyToPolicyHolderRelationshipTypeCode List CL91. Code (ATT+CL91)
PartyTypeCode Coded indication of the type (= a subdivision of a particular kind of thing) of a party independent, of its role, eg physical person, legal person or group. List A131. Code (ATT+A131)
PayeeTypeCode Coded representation of the capacity of the person to whom payment has been made, eg victim, employer, lawyer, etc. List C60D. Code (ATT+C60D)
PaymentDate Date (DTM+053)
PaymentFrequencyCode Coded indication of the frequency or method of premium payment (mode) elected by the policy owner. Modes generally available are monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. List A325. Code (ATT+A325)
PaymentMeansCode List C608. Code (ATT+C608)
PaymentReference Identifier (RFF+068)
PaymentSortTypeCode Code (ATT+C60C)
PaymentSubjectTypeCode List C60C. Code (ATT+C60C)
PaymentToThirdPartyAgreedIndicator Indication of the fact that payment to the third party is agreed. Indicator (BIN+CNB1)
PaymentTypeCode Code (ATT+C60K)
PensionFundRegistrationNumber Number under which the party has been registered in the National Pension Fund. Identifier (RFF+024)
PerformanceSubordinatedIndicator Indicator (BIN+1405)
PeriodEndDate The date on which a period ends. Date (DTM+022)
PeriodStartDate Date on which something starts, becomes effective. Date (DTM+041)
PermanentDisabilityBaseSalaryAmount The base salary for the calculation of the allocation for permanent disability. Amount (MOA+136)
PermanentDisabilityPercentage The percentage of permanent disability as a consequence of a physical injury. Percent (PCD+038)
PermanentResidenceStartDate Date from which the party officially and on a permanent basis resides in Belgium, i.e. is registered as a Belgian inhabitant. Date (DTM+037)
PersonalAccidentCategoryCode Coded representation of the category a personal accident belongs to. List CLA0. Code (ATT+CLA0)
PersonalHelpPercentage The percentage of personal help allocated. Percent (PCD+039)
PharmacistIndicator Indication of the fact that this party is a pharmacist. Indicator (BIN+A145)
PhotographicMaterialCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for photographic material (= photo's, film) used in an assessment. Amount (MOA+110)
PhysicalPersonInvolvedIndicator Indicator (BIN+Z601)
PlacesCount Quantity (QTY+046)
PlacesStandingCounter Quantity (QTY+122)
PlacingMandateStatusCode List A410. Code (ATT+A410)
PlayingRoomsCount The number of rooms mainly used by children to play in. Quantity (QTY+091)
PledgedIndicator Indicator (BIN+A062)
PointOfImpactIdentifier A reference identifying a point of impact, the place on one object where it was hit by another object. Identifier (RFF+045)
PointsCount Number of points in a rating table for the calculation of the cover segment. Quantity (QTY+044)
PoliceReportDraftedIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a police report was drafted about the incident. Indicator (BIN+C231)
PoliciesAdoptedTotalCommissionAmount Total amount of the commission earned on policies that the intermediary has taken over from another intermediary. Amount (MOA+126)
PoliciesCount Number of policies that this party has with this insurer. Quantity (QTY+010)
PolicyHolderAddressChangeInstruction Indication of the fact that the address of the policyholder is to be changed. List A094. Code (GIS+A094)
PolicyHolderCategoryCode Coded indication of the category of the policyholder, eg owner, tenant, usufructuary, etc. List 3110. Code (ATT+3110)
PolicyHolderDataChangeInstruction Indication of the fact that the data of the policyholder are to be changed. List A092. Code (GIS+A092)
PolicyHolderNACEBELCode Coded indication of the type of commercial activity of the policyholder. List 3104. Code (ATT+3104)
PolicyHolderResponsibilityOpinionText Free format description of the policyholder's opinion on the responsibility for an accident. Text (FTX+036)
PolicyHolderRoleInAccidentCode Coded representation of the role the policyholder plays in the incident, eg victim, witness, responsible, etc. List C384. Code (ATT+C384)
PolicyHolderRunsBusinessIndicator Indication of the fact that the policyholder runs business in the building. Indicator (BIN+3D02)
PolicyHolderTransferInstruction Indication of the fact that the policy is to be transferred from one policyholder to another. List A093. Code (GIS+A093)
PolicyIdentifier Unique reference of the policy as given by the insurer. Identifier (RFF+001)
PolicyPackageIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying a policy package. Identifier (RFF+072)
PolicyPackageTypeCode Coded indication of the type of policy package this policy belongs to, eg youth package, total package, etc. List A505. Code (ATT+A505)
PolicyToPolicyRelationshipReasonCode A code identifying the reason why this contract is related to another contract. List A04A. Code (ATT+A04A)
PolicyTransferReasonCode Coded indication of the reason why the policy is transferred, eg decease, divorce, etc. List A095. Code (ATT+A095)
PolicyTypeCode Coded indication of the policy type. The policy type is used to indicate to what group a policy belongs. It helps to enable what the policy is about and what covers can be expected. The policy type also helps to determine to what department within the insurers organisation will be dealing with the policy. List A502. Code (IPD+A502)
PORTIMARegistrationNumber A reference given by Portima and uniquely identifying the party within the Portima community. Identifier (RFF+057)
PostalCode A group of letters and/or numbers added to an address to assist the sorting of the mail. Code
PostClaimMeasureText Free format description of measures taken on this party after a previous claim. Text (FTX+016)
PostClaimMeasureTypeCode Coded indication of a measure on this party taken by an insurer after a previous claim. List 5V03. Code (ATT+5V03)
PowerSteeringAvailabilityCode Coded representation of the availability of power steering for the vehicle, eg standard, option, not available, etc. List 5632. Code (ATT+5632)
PrefabricatedDwellingIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the building is prefabricated (= manufactured in standard sizes to be transported and assembled elsewhere). Indicator (BIN+3V15)
PrefabTypeCode Coded representation of the type of prefab, eg light, heavy. List 3V1C. Code (ATT+3V1C)
PreferentialRateIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a preferential (= favouring a particular group), advantageous rate is, was used for this contract. Indicator (BIN+A538)
PremisesUseCode Coded representation of the use of the premises (= land and buildings together considered as a place of business), eg private, business, commerce, etc. List 3100. Code (ATT+3100)
PremiumAdaptableToRiskEvolutionIndicator Indicator (BIN+641B)
PremiumAmount The amount of the premium. Amount (MOA+013)
PremiumAndCommissionReverseInstruction Coded instruction to reverse the premium and commission amount. These amounts are to be reversed in case the PremiumReturnLine concerns an annulment or return of a reimbursement premium. List B325. Code (GIS+B325)
PremiumCalculationMannerCode Coded indication of the manner by which the premium is to be calculated, eg manual, by program, etc. List A077. Code (ATT+A077)
PremiumCalculationTableResultAmount The value of the object to be insured calculated according to the specified valuation system. Amount (MOA+002)
PremiumCalculationTableTypeCode Coded indication of the valuation system that is to be used to calculate the value of the object to be insured, eg surface, annual rent, assessment, insurer's specific system, etc. List 3151. Code (ATT+3151)
PremiumCalculusBaseTypeCode Code (ATT+3164)
PremiumCapitalizationRate Capitalization rate of the premium in case of decease. Enables the calculation of the capital needed for the payment of an annuity during a number of years. Rate (PCD+021)
PremiumCollectionClientViewTypeCode Code (ATT+A60B)
PremiumCollectionCommissionTotalAmount Amount (MOA+151)
PremiumCollectionCostAmount The cost generated by, related to the collection of the premium. Amount (MOA+049)
PremiumDiscountAmount The amount of granted or acquired discount applied to the base premium. Amount (MOA+066)
PremiumDiscountOrLoadingTypeCode Coded indication of the type of premium loading or discount, eg premium reduction for relation, premium reduction on related policy, etc. List A32B. Code (ATT+A32B)
PremiumDiscountPercentage The percentage to calculate the premium decrease amount (Basis = net premium). The discount applied to the base premium amount expressed as a percent. Percent (PCD+019)
PremiumElementText Free text description of the premium element. Text (FTX+029)
PremiumFiscalStatusCode Coded representation of the fiscal status applicable to the premium. List 1400. Code (ATT+1400)
PremiumInvoiceAdjustmentCode Coded indication of the adjustment needed on this premium invoice. This code is only used if the BRB operation code = B. List BRBC. Code (ATT+BRBC)
PremiumInvoiceAnnulmentReasonCode Code (ATT+B053)
PremiumInvoiceCollectionStatusCode Coded indication of the collection status of this premium invoice, eg first payment request, first reminder, second reminder, etc. List B051. Code (ATT+B051)
PremiumInvoiceCollectionTypeCode Code (ATT+B003)
PremiumInvoiceCostAmount The cost generated by, related to the edition of the premium invoice. Amount (MOA+100)
PremiumInvoiceHistoryPresenceIndicator Indication of the fact that no history about the premium invoice is present. Indicator (BIN+B044)
PremiumInvoiceIdentifier A reference given by the insurer and uniquely identifying the premium invoice. Identifier (RFF+027)
PremiumInvoiceIssuerCode Coded indication of the party issuing the premium invoice, eg insurer, intermediary. List A604. Code (ATT+A604)
PremiumInvoicePaymentStatusCode Coded indication of the payment status of this premium invoice, eg paid, not paid, cancelled, etc. List B052. Code (ATT+B052)
PremiumInvoiceRequestForReturnReasonCode Coded indication of the reason for the request for return of the premium invoice, eg premium notification paid to intermediary, etc. List B405. Code (ATT+B405)
PremiumInvoiceTransactionTypeCode Coded indication of a type of action to which the premium invoice has been subject, i.e. booking reimbursement, dispute opened, returned to insurer, etc. List B041. Code (ATT+B041)
PremiumInvoiceTypeCode Coded indication of the type of premium invoice, eg renewal, reimbursement, etc. List B001. Code (ATT+B001)
PremiumLineBrokerPolicyIdentifier A unique reference identifying the policy, subject to this premium line in the intermediary's back office system. Identifier (RFF+003)
PremiumLineContractStartDate Date on which the contract subject to this premium line starts, becomes effective. Date (DTM+041)
PremiumLinePolicyTypeCode Coded indication of the policy type of the policy subject to this premium line. Code (IPD+A502)
PremiumLinePremiumInvoiceIdentifier A reference given by the insurer and uniquely identifying the premium invoice subject to this premium line. Identifier (RFF+027)
PremiumLoadingAmount The amount with which the premium is increased. The loading applied to the base premium amount expressed as an amount. Amount (MOA+092)
PremiumLoadingPercentage The percentage to calculate the premium increase amount (Basis = base premium). The loading applied to the base premium amount expressed as a percent. Percent (PCD+018)
PremiumNotificationAccountingDate Date on which this premium invoice is booked on the intermediary's account. Date (DTM+005)
PremiumNotificationStructuredPaymentReferenceText The structured reference to be mentioned with a payment, enabling to book it correctly. Text (FTX+034)
PremiumRate The percentage to calculate the premium (Basis = insured value or capital). Rate (PCD+016)
PremiumTypeCode Coded indication of the type of premium, eg recursive, unique, etc. List 1403. Code (ATT+1403)
PresignedPolicyIndicator Indication of the fact that a pre-signed policy was delivered. Indicator (BIN+A060)
PreviousAccidentConsequencesText Free text description of the consequences the insured has from (a) previous accident(s). Text (FTX+005)
PreviousClaimAmount Monetary value of the previous claim(s). Amount (MOA+006)
PreviousInsurerCancellationReasonCode Coded indication of the reason why the policy has been cancelled by the previous insurer. List A705. Code (ATT+A705)
PreviousInsurerPolicyIdentifier The reference of the policy of this party with its previous insurer. Identifier (RFF+007)
PreviousPolicyAnnulmentDate The date on which the annulment got in force. Date (DTM+002)
PreviousPolicyCancellationIndicator Coded indication of the fact that the previous policy has been cancelled. Indicator (BIN+5V0S)
PreviousPremiumNotPaidIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the previous premium for this policy is unpaid. Indicator (BIN+B055)
PrintBlocDeliveryInstruction Indication of the fact that a print bloc is to be delivered. List EW10. Code (GIS+EW10)
ProfessionCategoryCode Coded representation of the category the profession belongs to, eg professional sportsman, teacher, sailor, etc. List CQ15. Code (ATT+CQ15)
ProfessionExecutionLocationText Free format description of the place where a profession usually is executed. Text (FTX+037)
ProfessionExecutionStartDate Date on which the party started to execute its profession. Date (DTM+126)
ProfessionRankingCode A code identifying the relative importance of this employment with respect to the party's other employments, eg main employment, secondary employment, etc. Code
ProfessionTypeCode Coded representation of the type of profession. Code
ProfessionTypeText Free format description of a type of profession. Text (FTX+002)
ProfitSharingAcquiredAmount Amount (MOA+027), (MOA+024)
ProfitSharingAnnualAmount Amount (MOA+028), (MOA+025)
ProfitSharingBonusRate Rate (PCD+030), (PCD041)
ProfitSharingIndicator Indicator (BIN+1010)
PropertyTypeCode Coded indication of the type of possession or ownership the policyholder has over the vehicle, eg full property, leasing, renting, etc. List 5609. Code (ATT+5609)
ProportionalRuleAbolishmentIndicator Indication of the fact that the proportional rule is abolished. Indicator (BIN+3180)
ProportionalRuleAmount Amount (MOA+073)
ProsthesisGrantedIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a prosthesis (= artificial part of the body, eg a limb, an eye or a tooth) is granted (agreed to give). Indicator (BIN+CQI6)
ProvisionalDeliveryDate Date (DTM+039)
ProvisionalNetPremiumAmount Amount (MOA+014)
ProvisionalRepairCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for the provisional (= temporary, not final) repair of the damage. Amount (MOA+113)
ProvisionalRepairIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the damaged object has been provisionally repaired. Indicator (BIN+CP61)
PurchaseDate The date on which something was purchased (= acquired for payment). Date (DTM+061)
QualifyingPeriodDuration Date (DTM+139)
QualifyingPeriodRedemptionIndicator Indicator (BIN+2040)
QualityCode FAO FAT EVA LEA Code
QuotationTypeCode Coded indication of the type of quotation, tarification, premium calculation. List A071. Code (ATT+A071)
RearBrakesTypeCode Code identifying the type of braking system fitted on the back wheels. List 5629. Code (ATT+5629)
RearViewMirrorsIncludedWidthMeasure The distance in mm between the extremity of the left rear view mirror to the extremity of the right rear view mirror. Measure (QTY+067)
ReceivedBidsTotalCount Quantity (QTY+063)
RecoupExtensionTypeCode Code (ATT+5W21)
RecourseRenunciationEffectTypeCode Code (ATT+M03K)
RecourseRenunciationIndicator Indication of the fact that the policyholder renounces recourse. Indicator (BIN+3414)
RecourseRenunciationTypeCode Coded indication of the type of renunciation (= giving up the possibility) of recourse (= turning to somebody for help, to get payment from), eg lessor (landlord) against lessee (tenant), subtenant against tenant, etc. List M03J. Code (ATT+M03J)
ReducedCapacityText Free format description of the characteristics of the reduced capacity. Text (FTX+003)
ReducedCapacityTypeCode Coded indication of the type of reduced capacity. List 5198. Code (ATT+5198)
RefusalReasonText Free format description of the reason for refusal. Text (FTX+032)
RegionalRiskDegreeCode Code (ATT+3V60)
RegionCode Code (ATT+A10L)
RegionRiskLevelCode A code identifying the level of risk of a region eg normal risk region, aggravated risk region, etc. List 3V60. Code (ATT+3V60)
RegistrationRequestSendIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the request for registration of the vehicle is sent to the Vehicle Registration Office (DIV). Indicator (BIN+502D)
ReinstatementDate Date on which the policy is re-instated, i.e. becomes into force again. Date (DTM+003)
ReinsuranceTypeCode Coded indication of the type of re-insurance for this policy, eg facultative, mandatory, etc. List A080. Code (ATT+A080)
RelatedClaimIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying a to this claim related claim in the insurer's back office system. Identifier (RFF+030)
RelatedPartyName The language unit by which the related party is known. Name (NME+001)
RelatedTechnicalActIndicator Indicator (BIN+A1ZX)
RemovalDate The date on which this party moves or moved from one address into another. Date (DTM+018)
RenewalDate Date on which the policy has to be renewed. Date (DTM+065)
RenewalDrawupTypeCode Code (ATT+A546)
RenewalMainDate Date on which the policy renews automatically. Date (DTM+004)
RenewalPremiumCollectionCode Coded indication of the party responsible for the collection of a renewal premium. List A600. Code (ATT+A600)
RenewalPremiumCollectionCode Coded indication of the party responsible for the collection of a renewal premium. List A600. Code (ATT+A600)
RenewalPremiumCollectionProcessCode Coded indication of the business process used for the collection of a renewal premium. Code (ATT+A60B)
RenovationDegreeCode Coded representation of the degree of renovation (= restoration to good condition), eg total, partial. List 3V18. Code (ATT+3V18)
RenovationIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the building was renovated. Indicator (BIN+3V1A)
RentAnnualAmount The annual rent for a dwelling, office space or any other space in a building, including the common maintenance costs and excluding the costs for specific use. Amount (MOA+001)
RentierIndicator Coded indication of the fact that the victim's income is from property rents or bond interest and other investments. Indicator (BIN+CQID)
RepairerAcknowledgedIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the repairer is acknowledged, recognised, accepted (by the insurer). Indicator (BIN+C320), (BIN+C4E7)
RepairerCalculationInAssessmentReportInstruction Indication of the fact that the repairer's calculation is copied into the assessment report. ListCP3A. Code (GIS+CP3A)
RepairEstimateAmount The amount brought forward in agreement by the repairer and the assessor as needed to repair the damage. Amount (MOA+059)
RepairPermissionIndicator Coded indication of whether or not permission for repair of the damaged object is given. Indicator (BIN+5250)
ReplacedVehicleIdentifier Identifier (RFF+053)
ReplacementContractIdentifier Unique reference of the contract that is replaced (=A new contract written to take the place of one currently in force.) by this contract. Identifier (RFF+015)
ReplacementPartsTotalValueAmount Amount (MOA+123)
ReplacementVehicleProvisionIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the costs for making a replacement vehicle available, is covered. Indicator (BIN+C4E1)
ReplacingVehicleIdentifier Identifier (RFF+054)
ReplyRecordRequestedInstruction Indication of the fact that a reply record (bloc retour) is to be delivered. List A091. Code (GIS+A091)
RequesterTypeCode Coded representation of the type of person requesting information in the VERIDASS system. List Z251. Code (ATT+Z251)
ReserveCapitalAmount Amount (MOA+003)
ReserveCapitalPercentage Percent (PCD+027)
ResidenceTypeCode Coded representation of the type of residence the policyholder has in this building, eg main, secondary, etc. List 3020. Code (ATT+3020)
ResidenceTypeCode Code (ATT+3020)
ResidencyIndicator Indication of the fact that this party has residence in the building. Indicator (BIN+3D01)
ResidentInBelgiumIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the party has home, lives in Belgium. Indicator (BIN+CL0G)
ResidentsCount The number of people carrying out assigned housework tasks such as cleaning and cooking and living under the same roof, inhabitant in the same house as the policyholder. Quantity (QTY+053)
ResponseToCommercialActionIndicator Indication of the fact that this policy is written as a response to a commercial action. Indicator (BIN+A537)
ResponsibilityPercentage The percentage of responsibility borne by this party. Percent (PCD+040)
ResponsibilityTypeCode Coded indication of the type of responsibility for the accident, eg insured is responsible, opponent party is responsible, insurer is presumed responsible, shared responsibility, etc. List C250. Code (ATT+C250)
RestrictedDrivingIndicator Coded indication of whether or not driving the vehicle is restricted to the main driver and its partner. Indicator (BIN+5V5V)
RevolutionsPerMinuteInkWCount Quantity (QTY+032)
RevolutionsPerMinuteMaximumCount Quantity (QTY+068)
RevolutionsPerMinuteMinimumCount Quantity (QTY+033)
RiskActivityClassCode Code indication of the activity risk class to which this party belongs, eg artists, musicians, bookmakers, etc. List 5197. Code (ATT+5197)
RiskActivityIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the party executes an activity considered being at risk. Indicator (BIN+A142)
RiskAddressEqualsPolicyHolderAddressInstruction Coded indication of whether or not the policyholder's address and the risk address are the same. List 3011. Code (GIS+3011)
RiskIncludesVehicleIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the risk object includes one or more vehicles. Indicator (BIN+3V14)
RiskObjectsCount Number of risk objects covered under this policy. Quantity (QTY+077)
RiskUseText Free text description of the usage of an object. Text (FTX+008)
RoadTaxAmount The amount of annual tax for having a vehicle. The tax is calculated based upon the fiscal capacity and the age of the vehicle. Amount (MOA+009)
RoleCode Coded indication of the role (= the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group) of the party, eg policyholder, beneficiary, third party, etc. List C834. Synonym = PartyCapacityCode. Code (ATT+C834)
RoleInCoinsuranceCode A code identifying the role in coinsurance, eg leader, follower, etc. List A020. Code (ATT+A020)
RoofIndetailTypeCode Code (ATT+3V1H)
RoofTypeCode Coded representation of the type of material used to construct the roof, eg traditional, thatch, wood, etc. List 3V16. Code (ATT+3V16)
RoomsCount The number of rooms (= part of a building enclosed by walls or partitions, and with a floor and a ceiling), without any restriction Quantity (QTY+038)
RoomsOccupiedIndicator Coded indication of whether or not someone was present in the room(s) at the time of the event. Indicator (BIN+CM64)
RSRRecordDisagreementIndicator Coded indication of whether or not there is disagreement about the RSR registration. Indicator (BIN+Z607)
RSRRecordIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying a record in the RSR System. Identifier (RFF+062)
RSRRegistrationDate Date of registration in the RSR system. Date (DTM+123)
RSRRegistrationReasonCode Coded representation of the reason why a registration in the RSR system is made, eg non-payment of premium, multiple claims, deliberate act, etc. List Z604. Code (ATT+Z604)
RSRReleaseCode Code (GIS+Z620)
RSRReleaseCode A code identifying the release of the RSR application. List Z620. Code (GIS+Z620)
RSRTransactionTypeCode Coded representation of the type of RSR transaction, eg add, delete, change. List Z606. Code (GIS+Z606)
SalaryBonusAmount Amount (MOA+134)
SASClaimAlreadyCountedIndicator Indicator (BIN+Z284)
SASClaimsfileStatusTypeCode Code (ATT+Z281)
SASDriverDataAvailabilityTypeCode Code (ATT+Z283)
SASDriverDataAvailableCode Code (GIS+Z283)
SASDriverLiabilityTypeCode Code (ATT+Z282)
SASVehicleInsuredUsageTypeCode Code (ATT+Z280)
SeatsCount The number of seats in a vehicle. Quantity (QTY+002)
SecondCommissionDate Date (DTM+035)
SecurityMeasureClassCode Coded representation of the class of security measure taken in order to prevent against theft. List 3467. Code (ATT+3467)
SecuritySystemAcknowledgementBodyIdentificationCode A code identifying the body or service that has acknowledged the anti-theft system, ABI, Govrnment, etc. List 5637. Code (ATT+5637)
SecuritySystemBrandText Free text description of the brand (= name given to a product or service, marque) of an anti-theft system. Text (FTX+017)
SecuritySystemComplementTypeCode Code (ATT+5638)
SecuritySystemIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the object is equipped with an anti-theft system. Indicator (BIN+5608)
SecuritySystemRegistrationIdentifier A unique reference identifying the registration of an anti-theft system i.e. the anti-theft system registration number. Identifier (RFF+021)
SecuritySystemSortTypeCode Code (ATT+5639)
SecuritySystemTypeCode A code identifying the type of an anti-theft system eg VV1, VV2, ignition protection, etc. List 5634. Code (ATT+5634)
SegmentationCriterionCode Coded indication of the segmentation criterion valid for this policy. List A535. Code (ATT+A535)
SeniorityDuration The duration of seniority (= extend to which somebody is senior, has been in a job). ? (DTM+100)
SeniorityTypeCode Coded representation of the type of seniority (= extend to which somebody is senior, has been in a job), eg branch seniority, profession seniority, etc. Code
ServobrakeAvailibilityCode Coded indication of the availability of servobrakes for the vehicle, eg standard, as an option, etc.. List 5630. Code (ATT+5630)
SettlementTotalAmount The total amount paid in order to terminate a business operation, i.e. a claim. Amount (MOA+143)
SharedTotalAmount Amount (MOA+144)
Shift1EndTime The time in the day the first period of time assigned for work ends. In a system of shifts, a group of workers starts as another group finishes. Time (DTM+106)
Shift1StartTime The time in the day the first period of time assigned for work starts. In a system of shifts, a group of workers starts as another group finishes. Time (DTM+105)
Shift2EndTime The time in the day the second period of time assigned for work ends. In a system of shifts, a group of workers starts as another group finishes. Time (DTM+108)
Shift2StartTime The time in the day the second period of time assigned for work starts. In a system of shifts, a group of workers starts as another group finishes. Time (DTM+107)
SignboardPresenceIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a signboard (= a board on which advertisements can be posted) is present. Indicator (BIN+3477)
SignboardSurfaceQuantity Measure (QTY+017)
SignboardValueAmount Amount (MOA+043)
SignedOutDate Date (DTM+130)
SignOfAmountsCode Code (ATT+C60X)
SingleInsuredHorseDamageCoverIndicator Indicator (BIN+4135)
SinglePersonIndicator Indication of the fact that this person lives alone. Extension to MaritalStatusCode. Indicator (BIN+A225)
SnowPressureExtensionIndicator Coded indication of whether or not snow pressure is covered as an extension to another guarantee. Indicator (BIN+3422)
SocialSecurityAmount The amount chargeable to the Social Security (= Any government program which provides economic security for portions of the public, eg Social Insurance, Public Assistance, Family Allowances, etc.). Amount (MOA+063)
SocialSecurityIdentifier Number under which the party has been registered in the National Social Security System. Identifier (RFF+025)
SocialSecurityIdentifierChangeDate FAO FAT EVA LEA Date
SocialSecurityNonsubmissionReasonCode Coded representation of the reason why the party is not submitted to the Social Security regulations, eg student, house staff, self-employed, etc. List CQ3A. Code (ATT+CQ3A)
SocialSecurityOldIdentifier FAO FAT EVA LEA Identifier
SocialSecurityOrganizationTypeCode Code indication of the type of social security organization. List 6402. Code (ATT+6402)
SocialSecurityStatusCode Coded representation of the status in the Social Security System. List CQ38. Code (ATT+CQ38)
SocialStatusCode Coded indication of the social status (= rank and position within society) of the party, eg employee, worker, student, unemployed, self-employed, .... List A132. Enkel particulieren kunnen een sociaal statuut hebben (deze zone is dus niet van toepassing voor gezinnen, groepen of rechtspersonen). Er is geen conflict tussen een sociaal statuut en het beroep van een klant. Bepaalde klanten kunnen in de onmogelijkheid verkeren hun beroep uit te oefenen of een leeftijdsgrens hebben bereikt. Die situatie verandert niets aan het beroep maar bepaalt wel het sociaal statuut van de klant. Weet U van een klant enkel dat hij arbeider, bediende, ambtenaar of werkzoekende is, dan vult U als beroep "onbekend" in. De vier genoemde condities zijn geen beroepen maar sociale statuten. Deze klant heeft dus als sociaal statuut "arbeider", "bediende", "ambtenaar" of "werkzoekende". Code (ATT+A132)
SolarEnergyBasedHeatingSystemIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a heating system based on solar energy is present. Indicator (BIN+3V81)
SpareTyreProfileMeasure The depth of the cuttings in the spare tyre, expressed in mm. Measure (QTY+062)
SpecificationText Free text containing company specific components. This attribute has intentionally been added in order to enable the transport of AS/1 proprietary components. Not to be used in new developments ! Text (FTX+030)
SplitCommissionIndicator Indication of the fact that the commission is split between several intermediaries. Indicator (BIN+A411)
SplitcostsCommunicationTypeCode Code (ATT+A692)
SplitcostsOnTaxesAndExpensesIndicator Indicator (BIN+A690)
SportsAsHobbyPractisingIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the party practices sports as a hobby (= an activity that occupies one's spare time pleasantly). Indicator (BIN+21V5)
SportsCarIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle shows characteristics of a sports car according to the specifications of the Association of Belgian Insurers. Indicator (BIN+5602)
StaffSubjectToSocialSecurityIndicator Indication of whether or not the party is submitted to the Social Security regulations. Indicator (BIN+69A2)
StandardBeneficiaryTypeCode Coded representation of the type of standard beneficiary in a life insurance contract, eg spouse, children, parents, etc. List 1910. Code (ATT+1910)
StartCapitalAmount Amount (MOA+021)
StateUponPurchaseCode Coded representation of the state of the vehicle at the moment it was bought, eg new, second hand, etc. List 5410. Code (ATT+5410)
StockValuationDate Date (DTM+141)
StowingRoomsCount The number of rooms in which things are put away, stored. Quantity (QTY+099)
StreetName The name of a public road or path affording passage from one place to another in a town or city. Name
SubjectToCompanyValidationCriterionIndicator Indication of the fact that this request for policy contains a criterion that must be validated by the insurer before acceptance. Indicator (BIN+D099)
SubjectToVATPercentage Percentage of VAT this party is supposed to pay. Percent (PCD+026)
SubjectToWorkersCompensationIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the insured is subject to workers compensation insurance. Indicator (BIN+2112)
SupplementaryProfitParticipationDuration Number of years of supplementary profit participation. ? (DTM+129)
SurfaceMeasure The extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object. Measure (QTY+048)
SuspensionDate Date on which suspension (= a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something) becomes effective. Date (DTM+060)
SuspensionEffectiveDate Date on which suspension becomes effective. Date (DTM+060)
SuspensionRangeTypeCode Coded indication of the suspension range type, eg not suspended, partially suspended, etc. List A310. Code (ATT+A310)
SuspensionReasonCode Coded indication of the reason for suspension of the contract, eg non-payment of premium, requested by client, etc. List A311. Code (ATT+A311)
SuspensionReserveAmount Amount that is not reimbursed to the policyholder but kept in reserve during a suspension period. Amount (MOA+054)
SwimmingPoolIndicator Coded indication of whether or not a swimming pool is present. Indicator (BIN+3V80)
TakeOverPolicyICBIdentifier A reference given by the national Insurance Control Board and uniquely identifying the party that issued the taken over policy, within the national insurance sector. Identifier (RFF+039)
TankCapacityMeasure The maximum number of litre that goes in the tank. Measure (QTY+020)
TareQuantity The weight of the vehicle in empty state. Quantity (QTY+007)
TariffDeviationCertificateIdentifier Unique reference to a document certifying a tariff deviation. Identifier (RFF+032)
TariffDeviationPercentage The percentage with which the applied tariff may differ from the standard tariff. Percent (PCD+029)
TariffPremiumReferenceDate The start date of validity of the tariff premium. Date (DTM+062)
TariffReferenceDate Date on which a proposal for insurance is signed and as a consequence, fixes the tariff. Date (DTM+062)
TaxAmount The amount of tax. Amount (MOA+064)
TaxExemptionLevelCode Coded indication of the level of tax exemption (= immunity from an obligation or duty), eg no exemption, partial exemption, etc. List A670. Code (ATT+A670)
TeachersCount Quantity (QTY+100)
TechnicalControlTypeCode Coded representation of the type of technical control that the damaged object has to undergo after having been repaired. List CP49. Code (ATT+CP49)
TechnicarRecordAvailabilityCode List 500V. Code (ATT+500V)
TechnicarRecordStatusCode List 500U. Code (ATT+500U)
TechnicarVehicleIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the vehicle in the Technicar list. Identifier (RFF+037)
TelephoneNumber Self explaining. Identifier (COM+001), (COM+006)
TemporaryDisabilityBaseSalaryAmount The base salary for the calculation of the allocation for temporary disability. Amount (MOA+137)
TemporaryStaffIndicator Indication of the fact that the staff works on a temporary basis. Indicator (BIN+6911)
TenantOrUserRecourseCapitalExtensionAmount The amount of increase of the capital due to cover of recourse on tenant or user of the risk object. Amount (MOA+154)
TheftCoveredVehicleIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is covered against theft. Indicator (BIN+500I)
TheftMannerCode Coded representation of the way in which a vehicle was stolen, eg ordinary theft, car jacking, home jacking, etc. List CP19. Code (ATT+CP19)
ThirdAgeIndicator Indication of the fact that this person belongs to the third age. Indicator (BIN+A226)
ThirdCommissionDate Date (DTM+036)
ThirdPartyAllowancesTotalAmount Total amount of all allowances paid to the third party. Amount (MOA+080)
ThirdPartyExtensionTypeCode Code (ATT+5W31)
ThirdPartyRecourseCapitalExtensionAmount The amount of increase of the capital due to cover of recourse on a third party. Amount (MOA+153)
ThirdPartyRequestForPaymentReceivedIndicator Indication of the fact that a request for payment is received from the third party. Indicator (BIN+CNB2)
ThreatOrViolenceIndicator Coded indication of whether or not there has been threat (= declaration of an intention to inflict harm) or violence (= violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked) at the time of the event. Indicator (BIN+CM65)
ThresholdExemptionIndicator Indicator (BIN+P11W)
ToBePaidTotalAmount The total amount to be paid. Amount (MOA+012)
ToBeReinsuredAmount Amount (MOA+104)
TotalLossAmount A loss of sufficient size so that it can be said there is nothing left of value. The complete destruction of the property. The term is also used to mean a loss requiring the maximum amount a policy will pay. Amount (MOA+079)
TotalLossIndicator A loss of sufficient size so that it can be said there is nothing left of value. The complete destruction of the property. The term is also used to mean a loss requiring the maximum amount a policy will pay. Indicator (BIN+C452)
TotalLossTypeCode Coded indication of the type of total loss, eg economical, technical, etc. List CP4A. Code (ATT+CP4A)
TotalLossVATCoverageIndicator Indication of the fact that in case of total loss (= the complete destruction of the property, ie loss of sufficient size so that it can be said there is nothing left of value) the VAT amount is part of the cover. Indicator (BIN+503B)
TouringClubBelgiumTypeCode Code (ATT+A136)
TowingCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for towing (= pulling along with a rope or chain) the damaged object. Amount (MOA+075)
TowingDestinationCode Coded representation of destination to which the damaged object was towed, eg to nearest garage, to garage chosen by the owner or driver, etc. List CP17. Code (ATT+CP17)
TowinghookStrengthCode Coded representation of the strength of the towing hook with which the vehicle is equipped, eg up to 500 kg, up to 3500kg, etc. List 5640. Code (ATT+5640)
TPLCoverIndicator Coded indication of whether or not our insured is covered for third party liability. Indicator (BIN+C061)
TPLCoverTypeCode Coded representation of the type of third party liability cover, eg minimal, with legal expenses extension, etc. List 4100. Code (ATT+4100)
TPLMotorGuaranteeCostAndChargeAmount The amount of costs and charges specific for the third party liability guarantee. Amount (MOA+099)
TractionTypeCode Coded representation of the type of traction (= power used in pulling) with which the vehicle is equipped, eg front, back, etc. List 501G. Code (ATT+501G)
TradeRegisterNumber Number under which the party has been registered in the National Trade Register. Identifier (RFF+026)
TrailerOrSemitrailerCode Coded indication of whether or not the trailer is a real trailer or a semitrailer. List 5501. Replaced by TrailerTypeCode. Code (ATT+5501)
TrailerPullingIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is equipped to pull trailers. Indicator (BIN+5599)
TrailersCount The number of trailers that can be hooked to the vehicle. Quantity (QTY+075)
TrailerTypeCode Coded indication of the type of a trailer, eg trailer, semitrailer, camping trailer, etc. List 5003. Code (ATT+5503)
TrailerTypeExtensionCode Coded indication of the extended type of a trailer. List 5509. Replaced by TrailerTypeCode. Code (ATT+5509)
TransferReasonText Free text description of the reason for transfer. Text (FTX+001)
TransmissionTypeCode Coded representation of the type of transmission (= the gears that transmit power from an automobile engine to the live axle) with which the vehicle is equipped, eg manual, automatic, etc. List 5617. Code (ATT+5617)
TransportedGoodsDescriptionText Textual description of the goods mainly transported by this vehicle. Text (FTX+010)
TransportedGoodsInsuredIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the transported goods are covered. Indicator (BIN+5240)
TransportedGoodsValueAmount The monetary value of the goods transported by this vehicle. Amount (MOA+129)
TravelCostAmount The price paid or to be paid for travel related to and assessment. Amount (MOA+108)
TravelDestinationCode Coded indication of the destination of a journey. List 9302. Code (ATT+9302)
TravellersCount The number of travellers. Quantity (QTY+043)
TrunkCapacityMeasure The 3-dimensional space in the trunk, boot (= the space to carry luggage) of a vehicle, expressed in litre. Measure (QTY+072)
TrunkMaximumCapacityMeasure The maximum 3-dimensional space in the trunk, boot (= the space to carry luggage) of a vehicle, expressed in litre. Measure (QTY+073)
TurboMotorIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is equipped with a turbo engine. Indicator (BIN+5614)
UnitPriceAmount The price per unit. Amount (MOA+095)
UpperLimitAmountReferenceDate The reference date of the upper limit amount for an employers liability cover. the date on which this amount was fixed, set. Date (DTM+070)
UrbanConsumptionECE15Quantity Quantity (QTY+021)
UsageBelowGivenMileageIndicator Indicator (BIN+5207)
UsedToolsCode Coded representation of the tools the victim uses for its activities, eg grinding-machine, lift truck, circular saw, etc. List CQ79. Code (ATT+CQ79)
ValuationAmount Amount (MOA+121)
ValueExtensionText Free text description of the extension of the value. Text (FTX+009)
ValueInsuredTypeCode Code (ATT+3157)
ValvesPerCylinderCount The number of valves (= a mechanical device for controlling the flow of a fluid, to insure one-way flow) per cylinder. Quantity (QTY+027)
VATAmount The amount of value added tax. Amount (MOA+060)
VATCoverDegreeCode A coded representation of the degree of coverage of the value added tax, eg totally covered, 50% covered, etc. List 5037. Code (ATT+5037)
VATExclusiveValueAmount The value amount without the calculated value added tax. Amount (MOA+010)
VATExemptionPercentage Percentage of VAT this party is free of, not liable for. Percent (PCD+001)
VATInclusiveValueAmount The value amount with the calculated value added tax included. Amount (MOA+044)
VATPercentage The percentage of value added tax applicable. Percent (PCD+009)
VATRegistrationNumber Number under which the party has been registered by the VAT administration. Identifier (RFF+008)
VATStatusCode Coded indication of the VAT status of the party, eg not subject, partly subject, totally subject. List A173. Code (ATT+A173)
VehicleAbsorptionCoefficient Quantity (QTY+115)
VehicleCategoryCode Coded representation of the category of the vehicle, eg car, bus, trailer, etc. List 500G. Code (ATT+500G)
VehicleColourCode Coded representation of the colour of a vehicle, eg black, white, green, etc. List 5019. Code (ATT+5019)
VehicleCommercializationDate Date (DTM+084)
VehicleDataDeletionDate The date on which the vehicle data were removed from the system. Date (DTM+095)
VehicleDataDeletionDate The date on which the vehicle data were deleted in the Technicar list. Date (DTM+056)
VehicleDeliveryToRepairDate The date on which the damaged object was brought to the repairer for repair. Date (DTM+072)
VehicleDepollutionStandardTypeCode Code (ATT+563H)
VehicleDrivingIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the party drives a vehicle. Indicator (BIN+2110)
VehicleGroupTypeCode Code (ATT+563D)
VehicleKeeperEqualsVehicleOwnerInstruction Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle owner and the vehicle keeper are the same person. List 509Y. Code (GIS+509Y)
VehicleLastBroughtInTrafficDate The date on which the vehicle has been brought in traffic for the last time. Date (DTM+071)
VehicleMarketSegmentTypeCode Code (ATT+563E)
VehicleMovingSoundLevel Quantity (QTY+117)
VehicleOutOfServiceIndicator Coded indication of the fact that the vehicle is out of service or immobilised. Indicator (BIN+CP12)
VehicleParkingPlacesCount Quantity (QTY+095)
VehiclePreviousDamagesIndicator Coded indication of whether or not previous damages are visible or have not been repaired. Indicator (BIN+CP15)
VehicleRegisteredInTransitIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle is registered in transit, i.e. intended to be exported. Indicator (BIN+502X)
VehicleRegistrationDate Date (DTM+134)
VehicleRegistrationEndDate Date (DTM+094)
VehicleRegistrationPlateCancelledDate The date on which a vehicle registration has been cancelled. Date (DTM+055)
VehicleRegistrationPlateNumber A combination of characters, letters and figures, under which the vehicle is registered by the vehicle registration office. Identifier (RFF+010)
VehicleRegistrationPlateStatus Coded representation of the status of the vehicle registration plate, eg cancelled, transferred, etc. List Z224. Code (ATT+Z224)
VehicleRegistrationSpecialTypeCode Code (ATT+500J)
VehicleRegistrationTaxAmount The tax due for registration of a vehicle. Amount (MOA+038)
VehicleRegistrationTaxCoveredIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle registration tax is covered. Indicator (BIN+5401)
VehicleRegistrationTypeCode Code (ATT+5008)
VehicleReplacementDate Date (DTM+085)
VehiclesCount The number of vehicles. Quantity (QTY+047)
VehicleSportsfeatureTypeCode Code (ATT+563G)
VehicleStandingSoundLevel Quantity (QTY+116)
VehicleStationnedInCountryCode Code (ATT+Z245)
VehicleSubjectToCompulsoryInsuranceIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicles that were involved in the traffic accident were subject to compulsory (= required by the rules, obligatory) insurance. Indicator (BIN+C064)
VehicleText Free text description of the vehicle. Text (FTX+031)
VehicleTowedIndicator Coded indication of whether or not the vehicle had been towed (=pulled along, as against a resistance). Indicator (BIN+CP60)
VehicleTypeCode Coded representation of the type of vehicle, eg car, trailer, lorry, ambulance, etc. The code list is property of the vehicle registration office. List 5003. Code (ATT+5003)
VehicleUseCode Coded representation of the use of the vehicle, eg unrestricted, taxi, mixed use, transport of goods, etc. List 5200. Code (ATT+5200)
VehicleUseExtensionCode Coded representation of the extension to the use of the vehicle, eg international transport, spare vehicle, replacement vehicle, etc. List 5201. Code (ATT+5201)
VehicleUseTerritorialLimitCode Coded representation of the contractual provision that specifically names geographical areas outside of which the insurance is not effective. Same as Territorial Limitation. List 5270. Code (ATT+5270)
VehicleUseTerritorialLimitExtensionCode Coded representation of the contractual provision that specifically names geographical areas outside of which the insurance is not effective. Same as Territorial Limitation. List 5271. Code (ATT+5271)
VehicleVROIdentifier A reference, given by the Vehicle Registration Office and uniquely identifying the make and model of the vehicle. Identifier (RFF+018)
VerandasCount The number of verandas (= a closed structure attached to the exterior of a building mainly consisting of glass). Quantity (QTY+092)
VERIDASSDocumentTypeCode Coded indication of the type of document in the VERIDASS system. List Z250. Code (ATT+Z250)
VERIDASSRegistrationRefusalReasonText Free format description of the reason for refusal. Text (FTX+032)
VERIDASSTransactionTypeCode Coded indication of the transaction type in the VERIDASS system. List Z230. Code (GIS+Z230)
VERIDASSTreatmentResultCode Coded indication of the result of the treatment of a request in the VERIDASS system. List Z254. Code (GIS+Z254)
VictimCountryCode Code (ATT+Z246)
VictimEmployedElsewhereIndicator Indicator (BIN+CQ2F)
VictimNACEBELCode Coded indication of the type of commercial activity of the victim. List 3104. Code (ATT+3104)
VictimSubcontractedElsewhereIndicator Indicator (BIN+CQ2G)
VRODataRenewalRequestInstruction Coded instruction for renewal of data regarding a registered vehicle. List Z226. Code (GIS+Z226)
VROPlateOwnerIdentifier A reference uniquely identifying the vehicle registration plate holder as given by the Vehicle Registration Office (=DIV). Identifier (RFF+040)
VRORequestAcceptabilityType Coded indication of the type of acceptability by the Vehicle Registration Office of the request for information. List Z223. Code (GIS+Z223)
WagesPaymentFrequencyCode A coded representation of the frequency with which the wages (= salary, remuneration, a payment made at regular times) are paid. List CQ41. Code (ATT+CQ41)
WaitingDelay Period of time during which the risk is not covered after a loss. ? (DTM+030)
WaitingRoomsCount The number of rooms mainly used to let people wait in order to be received by the doctor, lawyer, dentist, etc. Quantity (QTY+093)
WaterDamageOriginCode A code identifying the origin of the water damaged. List CM41. Code (ATT+CM41)
WearAndTearAmount The amount expressing the value of impairment or diminishment to which something is subjected by or in the course of use. Amount (MOA+074)
WebPageAddress Self explaining. Text (COM+005)
WeddingDate Date on which this party got married. Date (DTM+016)
WeightAllowedTypeCode Code (ATT+5542)
WheelBaseMeasure The distance between the front and rear axles of a motor vehicle. Measure (QTY+074)
WhiteCollarEmployeesCount The number of white-collar employees employed by this party. Quantity (QTY+080)
WhiteCollarEmployeesDaysWorkedCount The number of days the white collar employees worked during the current year. Quantity (DTM+098)
WhiteCollarEmployeesSalaryTotalAmount The total salary paid by this party to white-collar employees. Amount (MOA+132)
WidthMeasure The extent of something from side to side. Measure (QTY+026)
WindowglassValueAmount Amount (MOA+096)
WindowpaneTypeCode Code representation of the type of window-pane, eg mirror, dome, inside window, outside window, etc. List CM51. Code (ATT+CM51)
WithBrakeMaximumTowableWeightMeasure The maximum weight of a trailer with brakes that the vehicle is allowed to tow. Quantity (QTY+008)
WithdrawalPeriodicity Date (DTM+146)
WithoutBrakeMaximumTowableWeightMeasure The maximum weight of a trailer without brakes that the vehicle is allowed to tow. Quantity (QTY+009)
WithoutRiskPremiumProfitabilityPercentage Percent (PCD+046)
WithRiskPremiumProfitabilityPercentage Percent (PCD+045)
WitnessIndicator Code indicating whether or not (a) witness(es) was (were) involved in the incident. Indicator (BIN+C232)
WitnessTypeCode Code identifying the type of witness, i.e. witness for the defence or witness for the prosecution. List CT1X. Code (ATT+CT1X)
WorkersCompensationEventTypeCode Coded indication of an event in Employer's Liability Insurance, eg resume activities, recovery, final judgement, etc. List CQIE. Code (ATT+CQIE)
WorkersCompensationInsuranceCardIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying the record of the accident covered under the worker's compensation insurance in the national system. Identifier (RFF+058)
WorkersCompensationInsuranceCardYear Year of the uniquely identifying reference of the record of the accident covered under the worker's compensation insurance in the national system. Date (DTM+096)
WorkersCompensationInsuranceSystemIdentifier Reference uniquely identifying the accident covered under the worker's compensation insurance in the application package used. Identifier (RFF+059)
WorkersCompensationInsuranceTypeCode Coded indication of the type of worker's compensation insurance. List 6416. Code (IPD+6416)
WorkersCount The number workers employed by this party. Quantity (QTY+079)
WorkersDaysWorkedCurrentYearCount The number of days the workers worked during the current year. Date/time element (DTM+097)
WorkersSalaryTotalAmount The total salary paid by this party to workers. Amount (MOA+131)
WorkingDaysPerWeekCount The number of days per week the party usually works. Quantity (QTY+081)
WorkingMinutesPerWeekCount The number of minutes per week the party usually works. Quantity (DTM+118)
WorkInterruptionProbableDuration ? (DTM+112)
WorkInterruptionTime Time (DTM+111)
WorkResumptionDate The date on which the party returned to work, started its professional activities again. Date (DTM+113)
WorldwideCoverageIndicator Indicator (BIN+346B)
WreckDestinyCode Code identifying the decision made regarding what has to happen with the wreck of a vehicle that was declared total loss. List CP34. Code (ATT+CP34)
WreckValueAmount Amount (MOA+118)
X400Address Self explaining. Text (COM+004)
YearlyCommissionTotalAmount Total amount of the commission earned during the current year. Amount (MOA+086)
YearsWithoutClaimsCount Date (DTM+135)
YearsWithPreviousInsurerCount Date (DTM+136)
YoungDriverExemptionIndicator Indicator (BIN+P11X)